
The Given || Alpha

Gabe felt out of place, being ignored by his only family. But that got even worse, and that took a hit on him. He lost everything even his reputation and his dignity that he never would've imagined he would loose. But after every door closing is a new chapter beginning, he left his family, only to be part of the ones he needed.

yander · Fantasía
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17 Chs

Of Course He's The Alpha (Given [pt. 2])

"This is Lance, Savana, Pluto, and Keifer." He introduced me to the last and latest members of the pack. Ever since the funny first impression Heros made, he left and Harry decided to take me outside and establish a relationship with the other constituents of this family of wolves.

I already had a hard time memorizing their names and making sure to correctly associate it with the right faces, I also had to remember their powers and roles because it's important for the pack to be open to everyone else.

Harry told me that his brother also had the role of a protector. Living together without an Alpha had deemed them defenseless at most times and they needed the protection they could have. They knew that Heros' power were one of the strongest out there as it can be used in many situations, but right now, they took advantage of it for their protection.

There were a lot of wolves that had abilities that was used for protection. Savana had the control over fire and heat. Pluto had the opposite and had complete authority over water and the cold.

Those powers were the easiest to learn, the one that I saw on television before in some superhero movie. There were only 15 people in this pack, I've met every elder and there were only four of them. Two male omegas, one female omega and one female alpha. The rest of the members were around the age of 18-30. I'm surprised how they managed to survive without a leader and only one elder alpha to guide them. I guess they were all just independent on their own.

We were currently outside the house, gathered around a small fire that the rest had put up and the same fire that we will be doing the ceremony soon. Everyone, except the four elders were here.

"How long...How long have you been holding up without an Alpha?" I opened up again. I knew it opened some wounds and affected them, but if I was to be a part of this pack I should know everything there is to know.

"9...almost 10 years." Harry sighed weakly, looking at the ground. I decided I shouldn't press more.

"So who among you here were transformed?" Since I was going to that painful process right now, I thought I should prepare myself by asking questions. Only Lucy, Keifer, and Onda raised their hand.

"Lucy? You were transformed? Then who was the healer before you? Who shielded you?" I asked in concern.

"No one. I entered this form without a healer." She smiled, but I could see her smile was crooked. Of course she would be traumatized by the amount of pain she felt. But I'm surprised she acted like that wasn't the case.

I whispered an, "Oh no" to myself. She was a brave girl and here I was freaking out over it.

"Yeah. That's why I was granted the role of the healer because the pack lacked one." She smiled through the gleam in her eyes.

"How did it feel?" I asked the stupid question I shouldn't have mindlessly. I could have triggered something but Lucy was only grinning.

"You'll know soon." She giggled, that in turn made the hairs on my skin stand. If I was to feel that pain again then I'd rather die.


"Lucy can't shield you during your final transformation. All healers can't. That's beyond their control and your wolf also needs to be exposed." Kiefer informed. He had a calming voice and, although what he said was frightening, he made it sound like nothing. "It only lasts for less than 30 minutes so you'll be fine." He smiled at me with his eyes that told me he had been through this before and he was still here.

"Thank you." I replied uncertainly. Although he was indeed reassuring me, it is unavoidable to feel agitated. I kept trembling and doubting if I could survive this.

"You'll be fine. Everyone's here for you." Heros went beside me and wrapped his arm around my shoulder. I looked up to see all the faces looking at my direction. Seeing Lucy's smile made me feel better, if she could endure the full stages of transformation, then I could at least stand through one.

"That's the spirit." Heros grinned and I whipped my head to look at him.

"Will you stop reading my mind?" I glared at him but he seemed unmoved.

"Nope. I'm using it to protect my family."

"Well, I think you've already went to every crack and crevice of my brain so stop it." I demanded. It felt weird to know that even in my own mind I didn't have privacy.

"Fine. If you want your "privacy"." He made mocking quotation marks in the air. "I'll stop." He stood up. On his way back to his original seat, I could hear him say something to Harry who was one foot away from me.

"Stop thinking that." He whispered to him and Harry's eyes locked with mine. I don't know if I had anything to do with it since I'm not Heros and I don't have his ability, but I could only hope it wasn't for something bad. And I hope that stubborn child is not reading my mind right now.

We continued chatting and they were telling me personal things so I could get close to them. We were so engrossed with our interaction that we only stopped when the sun had set and the moon started to rise.

I felt jittery. This was seriously about to happen. But again, why me? There are a lot of people but why was I the one chosen? I'm not strong, I'm rather weak. I know they promised to tell me later but I wanted to know now especially when I'm going into this transformation almost blindly.

"Let's have dinner. Can't let you go through the process with an empty stomach." Harry offered. He seemed too much like the Alpha, always leading them. I wonder why he's not. He's extremely capable and really knowing him means I saw the sides of him that only a few people saw — his family.

I stood up and let him guide me inside. I haven't fully explored the interior of the house since I busied myself with the others. He led me to their dining area. There was a long table that held 16 people, it was like the other seat on the far end from where Harry sat was intended for me.

The meal was really quiet, it seemed that the wolves took their food seriously because nobody tried to initiate a conversation. It was boring for me but at least I got to eat decent food made by the elders.

After dinner, they told me to wash up. The house was extremely huge, later discovering that there was also a basement that I wasn't allowed to see yet. The second and third storeys housed the rooms where probably everyone slept. The rooms vary in sizes so there were those that can fit four, three, two, and one person. The elders all share a room and the brothers Harry and Heros are in the same one. I was given the room that was only for a single person. Although that was the case, it was still bigger than the other rooms. I felt flattered but also shameful that I think I'm overwhelming my position in the pack.

A few hours after getting ready and me settling myself, we were finally called to step outside, everyone including the elders gathered around the same campfire we were in earlier. I feel my hands sweat even though it was very chilly outside.

"I forgot to ask you, how does a wolf gain it's powers if it was ejected by one." I deviated my thoughts from my impending suffering.

"First of all, it's stupid how you refer to birthing as ejection." He snickered. "But wolves get their power when they reach a certain age of maturity, it depends from each person. But wolves will get an instinct or a sign that they have gained an ability. It's as easy as that."

"Lucky you." I grumbled. I couldn't help but feel it was unfair, they should be going through the same pain too. "What time do I start? Let me guess, midnight?

"No " He scoffed. "You end at midnight, then you would fully start the day as a wolf. When it starts depends on your wolf."

I shivered. I asked the time from Lucas and he told me it was 10 past eleven so my transformation should begin soon.

"Young man." I turned my head to the direction of the voice. I saw Elder Faeris, the elder female alpha looking at me and gesturing for me to come to her. The rest of the elders stood close beside her. This was the first time I would have a conversation with the elders.

"Are you ready?" Elder Jone, one of the elder male omega asked. I was informed that out of all the elders, he was the most laid back so I felt comfortable with him.

"I don't know." I answered honestly.

"You'll be fine. This is your fate so you have to face it." Elder Faeris spoke with formality. I nodded my head. I froze when I felt my shirt being fixed by someone I couldn't see. Did I not meet someone whose ability was invisibility?

"Show off." Elder Jone scoffed. The other male omega, Elder Patt, laughed. I looked at them bewildered.

"That's his power, telekinesis." Elder Vix, the last elder, told me. I wowed in astonishment as Elder Patt winked.

Suddenly, our peaceful conversation was interrupted when Lucy hollered. She was on her knees on the ground.

"I can't hold him anymore." She propped herself with her hands, barely holding up. As soon as she said that, all eyes snapped to me.

Oh no.

In a split second, I felt it all. I felt the world spinning quickly around me. I could feel needles prickling the outside of my whole body and also inside. I screamed in terror. I wanted the pain to stop.

I could feel pain like continuous punches directed to every inch of my body. I twisted in fear. The sound of my bones cracking inside me was making it all worse and it was resounding in my ears. I was probably crying a river right now by how extreme and painful the feeling was. If only it would stop.

Suddenly, I felt something inside. I felt an entity, someone trying to crawl from the bottom of my gut to my mouth and break free. It didn't feel good and I wanted to vomit. I feel the bile rise in my throat. I opened my mouth and a surprising sound could be heard.

I howled. And it seemed to echo as I heard more.

I didn't know when exactly it stopped but when it did, I tried to stand up, only to be staring on paws. Paws that were covered in fur that was black, streaked with white at the ends. I moved away from it but it kept following me. Then it struck me, I was moving it. I looked up to be greeted by wolves. I braced myself to attack but when I made eye contact with one of them, I withdrew.

"Harry." I called out weakly in my mind, hoping he would hear me.

"I'm here, you're fine." I heard his voice in my mind and I panicked for a second.

I looked around me and I could see them compressing their formation in front of me. Even if I couldn't see them I felt that they were smiling at me.

"Wait. Can everybody hear me?" I asked, I could hear mixed voices immediately. One that stood out was Lucy's and I associated her voice with a wolf that shined so brightly with her white coat. "So what's my power?"

Then to my surprise, everyone bowed their heads. I guessed it was a normal thing or a sort of welcoming but, boy, was I wrong.

"You're home now, Alpha."
