
Her pain shall never die

Well we all know that most of the time our first loves never work out, but sometimes they do work out. The main female character's family has married their first love for five generations. She was normally bullied by her classmates in school. But the only person who had helped her stop being bullied was the one who she had fallen for. But in truth he was only using her. He want to seen as the good guy. She once saw the truth. But she didn't want it to be true. Sadly it was what made her kill herself.

Her name was Scarlett Ellen. She had always been bullied by her classmates. A boy name was Kyle Leo was her first love. But he was not a good man. The man whom she would soon be with was Kwan Elio. But she won't meet him yet. But she shall be him soon.

Scarlett it is time for you to go to school. Okay mom!! I can't wait for next week! Isn't that Valentine's day? I think it is. So do you have anyone who you would like to give chocolate hearts to? Mom?! She was blushing. I do have someone in mind. She had rushed out the door. I can't believe my own mother!!! She just said that....!!!! O my dear God!!! WHY DID I HAVE TO SAY THAT?! That was very embarrassing!

Anyway I need to be careful. Since I am going to school. Why does everyone hate me? Every day I get bullied. If it wasn't for Kyle I don't know what I would do. Hey Scarlett!! It's Kyle? How do I look? She looked at her clothes. Everything seems to be in place.

Umm hey Kyle? She was very cute. So umm? Are you here to help get safety to my first class? Yes, I am. Thank you Kyle!!!

For what? For keeping me safe. When do I keep you safe? He want to hear her say it. But in truth he had already knew what she had meant by him saving her. When I am always getting bullied you always help me! She was blushing from her ears. Umm? You are Blushing. She became even more red.

Why am I blushing? I know that I like him. But why can't I act normal around him? Scarlett is to easy. She is already in love with me. This is why I am the prince of the school. To bad for her once I don't need her I will cut her loose. Ha ha aha! This so much fun.

Scarlett was an innocent girl. She has pure feelings for Kyle. But he doesn't even care about her. The only thing that he cares about is his own self. Poor Scarlett had a crush on him. So she didn't want to believe that he was only using her. A week later; it was Valentine's day. I can't wait give these chocolate hearts To Kyle.

She was ready to the chocolate hearts to him. She heard that Kyle and his friends were on the roof of their school. So she carried them to the roof. I am a bit nervous about this. Take a deep breath Scarlett. You can do this! She got the courage to give Kyle the chocolate hearts she had made.

But before she could open the door to the school roof she heard laughing and her name. What are they saying about me? She was very smart and she was great at medical stuff. She was not good at fighting. But she managed her family at times. Her father was very sick and he had to work at home. But she had helped him by studying medical books for him. She was able to help him get better.

This is why she is going to be a nurse or a doctor. She wasn't very sure what yet. But once she overheard Kyle and his friends talking about her, she was confused. She didn't want to believe that he was just using her. She is my way of getting popular with them ladies. She is just so easily to tame. Yeah I know right! So when are you going to cut her loose? I don't know yet.

He is just joking with his friends. So he isn't like that. Scarlett didn't want to believe what she was hearing. She was being stubborned. After school she gave him the chocolate hearts. I spent the last night to make them. Thanks Scarlett. No problem Kyle.

Three months later. Scarlett was dying inside. She was starting to feel that she was wrong. Kyle was using. Her parents was gone for the week. So she was alone. On her way to school she met up with Kyle. Hey Scarlett!!! Hey Kyle?!

Umm? Is there something on your mind Scarlett? Well what kind of girls do you like? Well I like girls who are mute. I think it is time to get rid of her. Really? Yeah they really quiet. I see. She bought some pills that would make her mute. Here I go. She had taken the pills.

Now he will like me. The next day she was on her way back from school with Kyle. I can't believe that you did this. She wrote that she had a crush on him. It was obvious that you did. But I hate you Scarlett. What?! She was already had died on the inside. But there was a little bit of hope that had remained. Now it was gone. She had walked home alone.

He wasn't lying to his friends. He really did cut me loose. She had lost her hope. She couldn't live without him. So she killed herself. She had cut her wrist. Then she died. Her last thoughts were if I am somehow reborn I will never fall in love with anyone else again.

She then died. But she was sent to another world with all of her memories including from her previous life. Before she was sent to another world she was in heaven. When she had opened here eyes there was God in front of her. Is this hell? She had asked him? No it's not hell. This is heavan.

O? When am I going to hell? Why do you think that I was going to sent you to hell?! Because I have killed myself? Her eyes had lost their emotions. God had felt that she had unfair death.

So God wanted to give her a second chance at a new life. I am not going to do that. Why not? I am going to sent you to another world. But why me? I have my own reasons.

Have fun in this world. Do want to say something to your family? No. She didn't even think about it. Are you sure? Yes, I am sure. Very well then. She didn't have anything to say to her family about why she had killed herself. But God left them a letter for her. The letter explained why she had ended her own life.

Goodbye Scarlett. I will let you have your name from your previous life. Umm thanks? So she went to another world. When she had opened her eyes once again she was in the forest. She had found a flute. A man was nearby. He was badly hurt. The man was also unconscious.

She had decided to save him. A old house was nearby. Scarlett carried him to the old house. It was abandoned. She used her own clothes to wrap his wounds. She had set traps to keep him safe. He is a very good looking man. But I don't feel anything for him.

Scarlett started to play the flute. It could make you cry from hearing it. The music sounded like her heart. It had a sad tone. The man had woken up. Where am I? What is that sound? I am crying? But why? He was in a lot of pain. I have to see who is playing that tone.

The man got up and opened the door of the old house. He then saw Scarlett. Who is she? That tone is coming from her. Hey woman! Scarlett turned to look at him. But she kept playing the flute. Say something.

As he was about to exit the old house's door she got up. He then stops. So you can hear. Why don't you say something? He now sees her eyes. He then stops talking. Her eyes don't show any feelings? But why? Did something happen to her? What happened to you? She remained silent. Can you tell me?

Scarlett didn't know what to do. But she didn't know if she could talk. She was about to speak before she did, she had stopped. Are you scared or something? She shook her head no. Then played the flute once again.