
the game of Multimillionaria

siaaa_mir · Adolescente
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16 Chs


Sera's pov :

after a few minutes of drive we're finally here, the costliest club in the whole town and bingo you're right I own it , I feel av pulling me to the stage ugh there's no chance I'm gonna dance like holy crap I hate being so social "av wait if you think I'm gonna go dance then think twice, because there's no way in hell I'm gonna do that" she rolls her eyes "ow come on Sera, you should let loose a little bit" ugh I'm just minutes away from lashing on everyone but I think she's right I should let loose a little bit "fine" I sigh and she makes a happy face, ugh I'm already tired and she wants me to freaking dance but I don't have a choice so I have to go along the flow, in no time I'm already catching the beat maybe av is right I need to loosen up a little about tonight I am gonna forget everything and move on, enough of crying, enough of sleepless nights tonight I'll start new, I don't know why it took a lame ass club to make me think like this but after seeing all these ppl who are all around my age so happy I'm kinda jealous kinda happy I'm jealous because I didn't got the happiness I deserved but I'm happy because I am letting go of everything, I'm moving on from Sabrina, I'm moving on from Aiden I'm moving on from the old me I smile thinking of that, seeing me smile like this av frowns and says "damn girl, you are creeping me out first your expression was all blank, then it was kinda hurt and now you are smiling , are you alright? " she asks concerned I just reply with "literally you were checking out my expressions, it's rude to stare Yknow " "geez , fine Boogeywoman , guilty " she says rolling her eyes I just smirk at her and we start dancing again I then noticed her waving at someone when I look across the crowd to check I saw a man, that's weird but maybe it's her boyfriend or just a friend who knows, he walks towards us, he's quite bulky if you ask, av looks at me and says "he's Michael, a friend of mine and yeah before you ask I invited him " I just mumble "nice to meet you I'm Sera Black " he looks at me with a shocked and perplexed expression, he then replies with a grin "omg I can't believe I am shaking hands with the one and only Sera Black, uh where are my etiquettes I'm so sorry I'm Michael Stuart " he then kisses the back of my palm ugh such a gentleman, after hours of dancing and talking I literally got tired and I started walking towards the bar countertop I see a lady serving drinks , she looks at me and asks "what would you like Madame" "get me a Diva vodka please" I mumble while I am waiting for my drink I see av and Michael coming towards me they sit beside me "ugh dang girl, we both are also tired and I think we should have some shots " Michael grins , just mumble "I got myself a Diva vodka, get yourselves anything, tonight's drinks are on me" she just smiles then I see the bartender approach "guys order for yourselves I need to use the restroom , excuse me " , " wait I'm coming with you" av replies and we both leave "girl I think you should find someone she says " ugh literally I didn't wanted to bring this topic I just ignore her and she sighs after fixing my hair and makeup and av doing the same we get back to the bar countertop, I sit down and start gulping my drink, well it tastes a little weird I shook off that feeling not knowing that I was gonna regret that after a few minutes I feel my head spinning, "I'm not well " I slur while saying that to av , she looks confused and worried "what happened babe " she asks "I don't know" I hiccup "I think we should get home " she says worriedly "I feel hot" I slurr again "stay here I'll bring our things, don't fucking move a single muscle ok " she says "what stuff" I asked "our wallets and coats now stay here I'll be right back" saying that she leaves after waiting for a couple of minutes I get myself outside the club because I didn't felt so good in that loud asf place I feel hot I feel sleepy and I am tumbling all over everything then I see Michael he starts touching me in a bad way "leave me alone you pig " I slurr "not so soon baby girl " he smirks and then my knees get weak and I fall on him the last thing I heard before passing out was "hey, you're gonna be alright" that wasn't Michael's voice or maybe I am Hallucinating I couldn't help but these were the only words that left my mouth

"Adrien " and then I passed out....