

I felt sun rays on my face, darn it with this bad headache I can't even open my eyes, I try to remember what happened yesterday then everything started to come back to senses I shoot up from the bed open my eyes and see that I am not in my room, I start to panic then I look at my clothes and when I do so the world come crashing on me I'm in a shirt probably looks like a man's shirt OMG don't tell me that I did that, I look around me with tears in my eyes then my eyes fall on someone on the couch, looks like a man before I could keep a track of what happened I saw him moving and then I see him turning towards me and the moment he turned around my breath got stuck in my neck, I can never forget that face, fat tears start to roll down my eyes the only thing that came out of my mouth was "Adrien" it was a mere wisper but I am pretty sure he heard it but suddenly he smirked he freaking smirked "it's been long darling" I was so shocked I couldn't breathe for a moment I was so happy I couldn't breathe even after everything I have never stopped loving him I threw my arms around him and he hugged me back , I regretted it right away though I was supposed to be yelling at him, not hugging him like my life depended on it, but over the years I have taken off all my grudges against him, but I can't ignore the fact that he almost ruined me to the point I wanted to kill myself I suddenly push him and ask "who the hell dressed me " I was so embarrassed but he just smiled and said "my maid" thank god I chanted , but I want answers to everything he did , he looked at me as he said "I know you want answers Rose and I'll answer everything but first let have breakfast" I couldn't help but yell at him "I'm no longer your rose, you crumbled that long ago, so please call me Sera " he just sighed and mumbled a quite ok, there are so many answers I need so many unsolved questions and that's where my life took a 360 degree turn and I am back where it all happened....

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