
The Game Must Go On By CrossEdge

A guy gains the Gamer System and gets thrown into a multiverse of his own. Now he must balance becoming stronger, getting the girls and surviving this mess all the while entertaining his seniors. Harem, lemons in the future, Gamer MC. I am Just a Computer Engineering Student Sharing Stories to my Homies on Webnovel Who don't have anything to read and trying to generate a side income albeit little ;) Patreon : BeyondCheat ( IF YOU WANT TO SUPPORT ME FOR BRINGING THIS FIC TO THIS WEBSITE ) NOTE : THIS IS NOT MY FANFIC, I AM TAKING THIS FIC FROM FANFIC.NET AND POSTING IT HERE REALAUTHOR : CROSSEDGE ( FULL CREDIT GOES TO HIM ) **IF THE AUTHOR WANT TO REMOVE THIS FIC CONTACT ME**

BeyondCheat · Cómic
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31 Chs

Roasted Turkey? Cockroach? Holy Crap, its a Gundam : Part 2

- Shin –

The fucker finally said it. I knew that he would blow his gasket sooner or later. All he needed was to be, what does Dumb-and-Dork call it again…. ah yes guided properly. A Mind Haze spell to reduce his intelligence and wisdom does more than just reduce his magical capabilities. At his full demonic power, he would have resisted more but with barely any reserves left and the amount of magic he was spewing for dramatics, it was easy to slip one in unnoticed. Shadow Magic is the best magic for covert actions. My proficiency in magic all me to hide in plain sight but even if someone noticed me using a spell, I could always claim that it was a binding spell, I was secretly trying on him all this while. No one can question me about it anyways.

Deaths in Rating Games are considered as accidents and they cannot stop such a high profile Rating Game until one of the competitors surrender or is unable to continue any longer.

The chicken is right where I wanted him to be.

Time for the next part of the plan.

The Sin of Greed skill is a real pain in the ass. I thought falling to provocations was a thing of pride. And fuck it, it's too troublesome for me to bother. I didn't know that greed has such issues with possessiveness too. They fucker wants MY peerage, he wants MY fiancé. I might not have gotten into this of my own will but I am engaged to Rias. She is only MINE.

And this piece of filth dared to lay his eyes on what is mine. Damn, I really need occlumency. Getting control of my Sins is becoming a priority now. Anyways he needs to pay either way, sin or not, I am pissed off.

"You will do…what" I answer in a voice barely above a whisper. The devil magic works on imaginations. It is the basis of why the wizard magic is so reliant on imaginations and emotions. Emotions fuel all kinds of magic. The shadows around me shake. I know some part of this is conscious but I am pretty sure that I don't want the shadows and darkness to swirl out of control.

"You heard it low-born garbage. Riser will burn you to ashes. I will break anyone who stands in my way. You, Rias, your peerage…..absolutely anyone." he shouts before launching a barrage of fireballs in my direction.

How can he still use magic? An observe it shows that he is regenerating mana. Not too much to be of danger anyways. I can finish him off if I want to. But where is the fun in that.

I Shadow Walk behind him using his own shadow and cast Aging on him. Followed by Weaken BonesEnhance Pain and Enhance Pain Duration. I even threw in the Enhance Sense spell to make his suffering all the more mind numbingly painful. Phenex can regenerate wounds, but they still feel pain.

I let him keep his healing for now. That will be the last blow to his pride, before I finally break him down.

Finally casting Shadow Stitching on him, I stop his movements and punch his face with a Touki enhanced punch. The cries of the chicken shit is worth listening. The pain is increased by 10 times is enough to break his mind if continued for a prolonged period of time.

"What's the matter chicken guy? What happened to that healing of yours? Oh, I see that you are still healing. Good, I have a habit of breaking my punching bags frequently. You are useful for at the very least that much. Congratulations for not being completely useless." I deliver a well placed kick between his legs. Yup, the standard kick in the balls hurts a lot more than one can expect.



Another punch to the jaw, breaking it into two vertically. It is truly amazing seeing it all healing back. Even if it is reduced due to the low amount of demonic power he has currently, it is fascinating nonetheless.

Wonder if I can take it for mine. Too bad, I can't kill him right now. That would ruin a lot of my future plans.

"You say that you have the blood of the mighty Phoenix….but look at you, groveling on the ground, covered in your own blood and grim. Phoenixes are supposed to be strong, noble, prideful and can keep up rising up from their ashes every time. They are tenacious and represent the will to live…..yet you. You are…pathetic." I kick him again breaking his knees making him hit the ground face first. Looking down on him as he tries to stand up with his now slowly healing knees, I kick him again in his face.

"You on the other hand, keep getting up while spewing trash out of your mouth and have no power to back it up. You cannot be a phoenix. I know exactly what you are. You get up after being stomped and only for one more, you Riser are a ….cockroach. A filthy stinking cockroach which roams around eating trash, that would explain your foul mouth. And today I am going to keep beating you up until you accept that. I will make you give up you façade of being an immortal phoenix and make you face your real self. As a disgusting and insignificant vermin."

"Did you know a funny thing about shadows cockroach. We have shadows even inside our bodies. Right from our nose to right inside our ears. I always wanted to test out a few things about them however the test subjects could never give me a proper feedback. Seeing as you are a durable punchi….i mean a persistent cockroach, I look forward to your reviews. Don't worry thoy, no pressure. If you somehow die, it will only be an unfortunate accident. Rating Game rules states so." I says as I start weaving shadows towards his face.

"Riser give…"



- Observation Room –

"What insanity is this? Why are you even allowing this? Stop this farce at once and arrest that criminal. He is actively trying to kill a noble pureblood devil. Such actions cannot be tolerated." echoes the shouts of Lord Phenex.

"That is a Rating Game which was proposed by Riser Phenex, your son and accepted by Shin Kageyami. A game that you yourself promoted throughout the underworld. As for that being allowed to happen, we cannot stop it. It is all by the rules. No fouls have been made." Zekram Bael quips in.

"Lord Lucifer, Lord Beelzebub and Lady Leviathan surely you can see that the criminal is trying to kill my son. He even claimed the same moments ago."

"Children don't mean anything by such words. I think you were the one who said that a while ago. I am pretty sure Shin is going with the excitement of the fight too. He doesn't mean anything by it." Serafall answers the distressed Lord without giving him a single chance to counter.

"The fight will not be interfered with. It is all according to the rules and under the surveillance of the Satans. No one will interfere with it. . .The Game Must Go On" answered the emotionless voice of Sirzechs Lucifer not giving any quarter to Lord Phenex to stop the Game. (An: Wink Wink).

This Rating Game has been a rollercoaster of emotions all this while. Rias was extremely tensed when she had heard the news about this game. Then when it started, Shin made everyone's mood lighter with the anime. It really helped alleviate her tensed thoughts to see Shin act so confident.

Then he showed why and how confident he exactly was. That planning and his tactics had left everyone floored. The boy who seemed to be playing around was weaving an intricate web of traps and plans all the while everyone thought he was fooling around. Shin had been spying and had already predicted the opponent team's movements down to the very places they will react.

It was terrifying, but she was actually relieved. Happy that Shin would win and that she would never have to face that vile piece of crap called Riser Phenex in her life. The game progressed as he had planned. Surprises after surprises. The Red Dragon Empress, Time Magic and Alphecca Tyrant. It was overwhelming, the way they took down the opponent.

And finally the filth Riser himself came out. Her mind was filled with disgust at the comments he made about Shin and his peerage. She was not the only one though. Siaraorg looked like he was going to dive in the arena and pummel Riser to the ground himself. But Shin was calm. Too calm. Deceptively calm. Almost terrifyingly calm like the moments before the storm.

His green eyes, much like her own were devoid of any emotions when he was talking. It was similar to her big brother's eyes when he heard Riser degrading her, but unlike Sirzechs, Shin did not lash out. He only kept staring at Riser with a look she couldn't quite put into words. She knew that look but couldn't for her life remember where she had seen it.


The voice she had grown to like in the past two weeks, was just as even as one's voice when talking about the weather but it still chilled the blood of anyone who heard that.

Her brother had been right. If Riser didn't stop talking, he might really die. Somewhere in the core of her heart, she felt that sadistic pleasure at seeing the filthy Phenex being beaten down to a pulp, happiness at what Shin was doing and that she was a reason that he was so angry. In a strange way she found herself really …..loved.

She could see Sona and her queen Tsubaki looking white faced, sweat running down her forehead. Serafall-sama was unnaturally quite. Lord Beelzebub was just as indifferent as always. Her brother was also staring at the screen with full concentration.

She could feel her queen Akeno shivering while looking at the screen. The scene was really that terryf…. " Akeno-san ecchi", the voice of her rook interrupted her train of thoughts. Nevermind Akeno. She was getting aroused.

Her queen was really an irredeemable pervert.

She will just have to watch that Akeno doesn't jump into Shin's bed secretly sometime without her knowledge.

The only worry she had now was that Shin doesn't do something which can get him in trouble later.

Not that he is breaking any rules. She was pretty sure that Zekram Bael won't let anyone touch him because of this. The House of Phenex can piss off.

For now she will enjoy the show of Shin beating up Riser Phen…..no Riser Cockroach. It was really cathartic to see the object of her troubles pummeled to the ground. She could somehow relate to Akeno …. wow Rias dangerous thoughts right there.

- Shin –

- 50 Reputation with Oggan Phenex (-50/100)

- 40 Affection with Roxanne Phenex (-40/100)

- 50 Reputation with Riser Phenex (100/100)

+ 40 Obedience with Riser Phenex (40/100)

Well who cares about what they think about me anyways. They messed up bringing up their son, it's their fault in the first place.

"What is your name vermin?" I repeat again in an even tone with no hints of emotions whatsoever. I can't let my instincts guide me here or I might really kill him for sure.

"Rise…Riser will"


"Just answer what you are asked. Let's try this again, what is your name vermin?" his eyes have almost lost their light. Right now he is only running on the hope that someone will stop this rating game and his regeneration will carry him through to the end.

Time to break that last hope.

"Say, are you really that confident in your regeneration? Do you think you are so great because you can regenerate any damage? How about I show you something interesting then."

I cast an Inhibit Healing on him.

"You said that you will make MY peerage your toys. You said that you will break Rias. Pretty confident in yourself aren't you? If I am not wrong you are planning to use the microscopic appendage between your legs for that. Then how about I end the source of all the problems itself?" I stand up and stomp his crotch with a Touki infused stomp, completely crushing it.


The sound is pretty similar to a pig being butchered.

"Go one, heal. You still have demonic power left. I can feel it. So do your best and heal. Show me if you really are a Phoenix or just a pathetic cockroach."

Unlike the previous times, Riser has blood soaking his trousers this time around. Completely drenching and mixing with the dirt making it muddy.

Getting hit in a crotch hurts. Getting stuck in a zipper hurts a lot. I can only imagine…screw that can't even imagine the feeling of having the crotch crushed enhanced by 10 times due to magic.

However I don't feel any remote sympathy for this filth.

I was pretty vindictive in my previous life too. He wanted to break MY girls. Getting his crotch stomped into a batter was the least of his worries.

"What's up Riser? Why are you not healing? Was all that talks of being descended from the mighty phoenix all just hot air. I guess you really are just as I thought…..a cockroach. Or is it that you can heal other parts of your body? If you keep insisting that you are a Phoenix, I will keep checking your body for parts that can heal and those which cannot. So what will it be?" I continue nonchalantly, enjoying the look of pure horror on his face when his regeneration stops working completely.

"What should I crush next, your hands, your feet, your ribs or maybe…..your disgusting mouth that you are so reluctant to speak from?

"W-wa-wa-wai-wait co-cockr-coc-cockroach R-Riser Cockroach. Fo-Forgive p-p-p-please. D-don't hit anymore" I gasps through all that pain.

+20 Obedience with Riser Phenex (60/100) are you even asking why.

+5 Reputation with the Game (5/100) for impressing him and showing the potential to be a badass.

Thanks Game, love you too.

"Good Boy, now go and give up. I don't want to soil my shoes anymore." I finish up wiping my shoes on his disgusting purple coat. Seriously with all that embroidery in gold, he looks like a fucking escort more than anything else.

"R-Riser Phenex retires. Checkmate. The winner is Shin Kageyami."

Ah, Grayfia's voice is as beautiful as ever.

A bright light surrounds us as we were transported from the Rating Game arena to the waiting rooms.

The first thing that I recognize is a red cannonball diving right into me.

Rias was too excited and couldn't care less if the others saw us and thought something more was going on between us. Our marriage contract was basically a secret known only to a select few. They couldn't risk the others find out about it before the end of the Rating Game.

Who cares about that now? I return her hug, taking her into my arms as I caress her beautiful and soft long crimson hair. Really her hair looks the best.

Her breasts on my chest is definitely better and the amount of control it takes me to stop myself from groping her ass is enormous.

"Did I make you worry? Sorry if I went too overboard but I kinda snapped when he said all those things. I intended to keep it much less…..violent." I say softly while caressing her back, all the while holding her close to me.

"I am just glad that you are not hurt." say what you will about Rias, but she is without a doubt the most dedicated wife material in the series. Everything after the Phenex arc supports this claim.

"Now, now Ria-tan will you keep hogging him all to yourself or will you allow us to meet him too." sounds the voice of an amused Sirzechs. Glad that the fucker doesn't want to kill me first thing for hugging Rias.

She takes a step back with her face glowing the same colour as her beautiful crimson hair, allowing me to take a look at the others behind her.

I know most of the people present here except probably Seekvaira's peerage and the other older devils. Observe pulls me out through this. I see a certain someone and couldn't help but want to pull off a prank on her.

Looking straight into her eyes I speak up "Ehh, Sakuya did you grow taller?"

The twitch in her eyes and the giggles around the room almost making me laugh when I hear a voice behind me "No Master, I didn't."

Taking a look behind, I couldn't marvel at the sight. They look almost identical. Sakuya is slightly shorter and has a size less in her breasts and ass but other than that they could easily pass off for a pair of twins or a mother daughter pair. Yup, maid oyakodon for the win.

"Sisters?" I ask.

"No Master." It is funny that Sakuya is even bothering to answer me. I know that she is from Gensokyo. How could she have a sister here?

Looking at Grayfia I complete "cousins, relatives…same maid fan clubs?"

Yup, that did it. Serafall bursts into laughter and even Sirzechs lets out a chuckle but is quieted down by a single glare from Grayfia. Henpecked beta male. Strongest Satan my ass.

"Then let me introduce myself. I am Sirzechs Lucifer. Rias' elder brother. It is nice to finally meet you Shin Kageyami. I had only heard about you all this while and it really is great to put a face to the name. We will definitely talk over at a later time but first let's get the formal proceedings out of the way." He speaks up making me wonder what this shit is all about.

"Formalities, I ask raising an eyebrow at him." This better not be some political shit that he is planning to pull on me.

"Your reward for the Rating Game. It was decided between Lord Zekram and Lord Phenex that you get to ask the House of Phenex one thing that they will have to give you in case you win the Rating game, so what is it that you want from them Shin-kun?" he finishes up with a light smile.

Like Wow, Zekram totally screwed them over and here I thought that I was the only one fighting in this whole charade. I could literally take away their whole Phenex tears trade and bring them down to the streets. But then again they could always illegally produce more tears and sell them off. And I have a feeling that I know exactly what he wants me to ask for.

"If that is so, then I would like the hand of Rias Gremory who was engaged to Riser Phenex be passed on to me. Of course if Rias herself disagrees then it might as well be dissolved. I don't want her to suffer under Riser in the future." Zekram probably planned this out so that he doesn't have to go through the rough methods in his reach to achieve this result. I can appreciate that. If he had been more forceful about it, it may have brought unnecessary attention towards me. Not that I don't have enough of that already but you know, even more than that and that is never good.





PATREON: BeyondCheat

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