
The Forbidden King

How can I be alive now and yet remember a life so long ago? Is that me I see in my dreams or someone else? Who is this women? Why do I feel so drawn to her? Can anyone answer my questions?

Betty_Tatum · Fantasía
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22 Chs

Our Deaths

The year is 1576, my name is Elizabetta I am The High Queen of the Vampire nation. I am one of the last pure bloods in the world. I took over as Queen for my mom last year. My mother always believed strongly in taking care of our people above all else but she decided after 3700 years that she said she is ready to retire. So after training and testing me for the last hundred years She decided I was ready to rule. But she has decided that I must have a husband before I can truly be queen so she has called all of the prince's in the realm to come meet me while She decided who is the best male to help me rule. She has had me meet all of them but I did not get along with any of them. So after a month of this going on she decided we will set that aside. During this time some rogue wolves have been attacking our borders. So she called all of the major packs in for a meeting. Today we are meeting with the king of the Blue Moon pack. His is the largest pack near us so she decided we should talk to him first. Once mother sent out her request the king said he would come to our home the next day so now we are just waiting.

The next day...

I get up and dress for my day when there is a knock at my door. My mother walks in and says," Good morning my dear how are you this fair day?"

"I'm fine mother. What are we doing today?"

"As you know the Wolf king will be coming today. We need to figure out how to stop these attacks as well as finding out why these wolves are attacking us. It will be your job today to learn everything about werewolf fighting from him. I want you to be trained to protect yourself. Then once the queen learns to defend herself your subjects will learn to. This is just one of many gifts you have as the queen."

"But mother I won't actually be queen until the coronation. How am I expected to teach our people if I can't find a suitable king to rule with me?"

"It is not the male that makes you Queen it is my death that gives you my power. Then you will be queen. You have these powers now but as the princess they are muted. Sadly this is the family curse, for you to ascend I must die. That is the way it has always been, one day I hope you find a way to beat this curse so you can see you own daughter as Queen and not have to die so she can have her power."

"Mother all this talk of death is depressing can we talk of something else please? When will the king be here?"

"Sorry my dear, he is coming now. The runners said he was at our border about an hour ago. Now finish up so we can meet him."

I nod my head and turn to finish getting ready as she goes back to the thrown room.

Ten minutes later I join my mother and we wait for the King to come in. shortly before the king gets here mother has me go get a few parchment from her chamber.

A few minutes after I walk out the king and several other's come into the room. The first thing mother sees is that they have three prisoners with them. Mother stands up and say's," What is going on here? Why do you bring rogues to my castle?"

"I'm sorry your highness we caught them trying to sneak over your border. The message you sent said you wanted to know why they are attacking you, the only way to do that is ask. If he doesn't answer your questions willingly as his king I can force him to comply."

"Very well Wolf king ask them why they are attacking my kingdom? Have I offended them in some way?"

As the king motions for the three men to be moved forward I walk in the room with the parchments mother asked for. As I look up at the king he looks at me and says one word.


I bow my head to him and walk over to the chair by mother. I hand her the papers and sit down. The king turns back to the three rogues and says in a strong voice," Tell the queen why you are here and attacking her people. Now."

After a minute the big man in the middle steps forward and says," We were sent to kill the Royal family."

"Who sent you and why?"

Before he could answer the king a women and ten men come into the room.

"I sent them to kill the Royal family. Sister dear would you like to explain why I want you dead?"

I look over at mother and she just stares at the other women. I see the king slowly come closer to me and then I look over at the women and ask," Who are you and why do you want us dead?"

"I should be the rightful queen. That women exiled me and stole you. Now I want both my crown and my daughter back."

"No I'm not your daughter. Leave now."

"Very well I will take my crown you can die with her. Attack."

And then I sit up in bed. The dream is always the same, I never know if the queen and her daughter die or what. And who is the Wolf king? I have always known it was a dream. As I was there and as I watched it all I was always drawn to the Wolf king. I wish I knew who all of these people were.

Okay so let me introduce myself, My name is Isabelle. Most people call me Izzy. I am four foot eleven inches tall, I have brown hair and blue eyes. I will be eighteen in a week. I know this will all sound so cliche but I am an orphan and can't wait to age out of this place. I never knew my parent's. The sister's found me on the steps of this very building one rainy night so long ago. But enough about my past I need to get up and start my day.