
The Forbidden King

How can I be alive now and yet remember a life so long ago? Is that me I see in my dreams or someone else? Who is this women? Why do I feel so drawn to her? Can anyone answer my questions?

Betty_Tatum · Fantasy
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22 Chs

My life

As always when I take my shower and get dressed for the day I always thing about my life, and how truly shitty it has been. As I said I was found on the steps when I was a few days old. I have never found or heard about my parents although I have not looked for them yet either. On one hand I would like to know about them but on the other hand they were the ones that didn't want me so why should I chase after them? Sister Mary the head nun said she will help me when I turn eighteen but there will be a price. Her price is for me to give up one of my kidneys to her daughter Julia. I know I know nuns aren't supposed to have children, but I guess she was drugged and raped by the man who ran this place sixteen years ago so when the company that owns it found out they swore to keep the secret and let them stay. Well two years ago Julia and some friends were in a car accident because they were drinking. Julia was in bad shape and her kidneys are failing. Sister Mary had all of us tested, it turns out I am a match. This excited sister Mary until she asked me to donate to her daughter. I'm sorry and I know I will go to hell for it but I said no. You see this girl might be younger than me but she has made my life a living hell. Since she is sister Mary's daughter she gets away with everything. She likes to hit the other kids here. She calls us name's. She steals our things. She broke a seven year old boys arm and blamed it on me. Even though I was at work and he told the police the truth sister Mary still punished me for it because her precious daughter now has an assault charge on her record. Although once she found out I was a match she has been nicer to me but I still don't plan to help her.

Then the day before yesterday I got a call from the doctor who ran the tests on me, he told me there was an issue with my blood results and I need to come see him. So before I go to work today I have to go see him. As a matter of fact I need to hurry up or I will be late for the appointment. Once I finish and head to his office I start getting nervous. But I just try to relax and go with it.

Fifteen minutes later I am sitting in an exam room waiting for him. As with every doctors office the doctor likes to take forever. Just as I get up to find out how much longer he walks in the door.

"Good morning Izzy sorry to keep you waiting. So the reason why I called you in here is because I found some strange things in your blood work. First of all even though you are a match for Julia I will give you a note saying you can't do it. It looks like you MIGHT have a form of cancer. Your white count is low and your platelets count is through the roof. You are not healthy I'm sorry. I would like to get another blood sample so I can find out exactly what we are up against. What questions can I answer right now?"

"Okay so you don't know exactly what it is but you know I'm sick. It there a possibly that it's NOT cancer? Maybe I'm just anemic or something? How long will it take to find out what's wrong with me?"

"Well that is a possibility, that's why we need to draw the blood. And if we take blood today we should have the results by the end of next week. Once we have those results then we can decide what to do after that."

"Okay take the blood and get it over with. You know how much I hate needles. And one last thing if you get the results before Friday can you just wait till Friday anyway please. Thursday is my birthday and I don't want to completely ruin it."

"Of course Izzy and I will put a note in your file to wait till Friday to share the results with you. I hope you have a good birthday. Now that's all the blood I need here is a note for work since you will be late getting there and here is the note for sister Mary so she will stop hounding us over the kidney. Have a good day Izzy."

"Thanks for everything, I will see you next week."

After that I walk out of the office and head to work. Twenty minutes later I walk into the bakery. I go to the office and find Gena at her desk. I hand her the note from my doctor then she asks me if I'm okay.

"To be honest I'm scared to death. I can't wait for my birthday next week so I can finally be free of that damn home but now I might not get to enjoy my freedom. I'm hoping that maybe I'm just anemic rather than have cancer of some kind, but at least I can no longer give up a kidney for Julia. That's the best news out of all this. But I need to get to work now Tiffany is most likely upset with me since I'm late."

"Okay but if you need to talk I am always here for you."

I nod my head then I give her a big hug and rush out to start my shift. I take over at the register and get through the line of people. Once the line is gone Tiffany come back over to me and asks," Are you okay you look a little white. I mean whiter than normal."

"Yea I got both good news and kinda bad news at the doctors office. Good news I can't give Julia a kidney, bad news I might be sick. He took my blood to test and will tell me next Friday."

"Well I'm both happy and worried for you, Let me know what you find out okay. I have to go but good luck."

"Thanks I will, have a good day and thanks for covering for me today."

Tiffany smiles, nods, and waves as she heads out the door. Then I get back to work.