
The Flesh Mage

A Doctor From the Philippines Was reincarnated in a world of Swords and Magic where he choses to be bestowed the power of the Flesh God. With these powers, he helps those in need weather it be by fighting for them or healing them.

Joby_manuel · Fantasía
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92 Chs

Chapter 36: The Ivory Archer.

Selk's P.O.V.

I should have listened to my gut instincts. I knew there was something off about today, and that all the demons students in Prof. Levizla's team has something to do with it. 

The first flare magic to be launched was in their team's direction. Meaning that they were probably the first ones to be attacked. It's unfortunate, however, since they are probably about ten miles away from us. I can't get to them with using my teleportation powers the I can't use anymore because I've already destroyed the super computer that processes the destination to teleport to. 

There's only one way to provide aid to all five team all at once, and that's if I use the mark five armor. I would normally be reserved in using these OP armors in public since they would alert everyone of my true powers, but this is a desperate time where there's no room to be stingy.