
The First Mage On Earth

After the disappointing first day of high school, Oscar fell into some weird cave. What he found at the cave changed his life forever. He discovered the mana! With the discovery of mana, everything around him changed. While he was learning magic, he noticed that the world around him isn't as simple as it seems. From an immature and inexperienced high school boy, he will rise to become the legendary figure in history books. He will face the darkness of humanity and the enemies who are beyond humans. This is the new version of my previous story which has the same name. The story will be slow-paced. There isn't much action in the first chapters. Everything in this story is fictional. The names of the people and institutions made up by me.

Shadow_Smoke · Fantasía
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111 Chs

Mason's Project

"Your project?"

"Yeah. I think with the help of mana, I can complete it."

After school, I returned to our base as usual but the moment I stepped inside, Mason came to me and start talking about his project. It was weird to see him this energetic but I think this is a good sign. It's already several days since he woke up and he was kind of depressed all the time. Maybe he is starting to accept what happened to him and trying to move on. That would be the best for him right now.

He always had a bit of a nerdy side to him but to think he was working on a project, I never thought it. People are really surprising.

"What kind of project are you talking about?"

"It was mostly theoretical but at its core, it was about distributing, collecting, and even connecting energy from long distances. I had trouble finding a decent source of energy to make it work. On paper, every other energy type I tried had failed. They were either too weak or too strong for it."

"Distributing... Connecting... Say, Mason... can you... for example, send a bunch of energy to someone far away? Like, hundreds of kilometers. Or something like that. "

"Hm? That would be hard but not impossible. Mana is different from any other energy I tried so there is a huge chance I can accomplish it. I might need to build some really points-like things but in theory, I can do it. If mana works of course."

Hmm... I have a nice idea for this. If Mason can really manage to build something that allows us to send mana even kilometers away, it's going to be amazing. Why? Let's say you are far away and depleted all of your mana. Then Mason can send mana from base to you. This is of course a rough idea at best but the idea of it alone excites me. It might even help me with going to and returning from the pocket dimension my grandpa left.

I told my ideas to Mason and he was even more excited than I was. He said he could adjust a few things to make it happen. This, of course, add a few more things to what he needed. First of all, we need a huge mana battery both to make the system work and as the mana that will be sent. We test the theory he has and so far mana looks to be working as intended.

The project basically consists of three main parts. A server, a tower, and a receiver-like thing. The server is basically the heart of the project. Mason was planning to use some simple and extremely complex codes to make the server both record every action taken and done by the project and keep automatic actions running. Further details are too complex for me to understand.

The tower part is much more simple. It only adds the range of operation. That's it. Even though it's simple it is one of the most important parts of this whole project. And the final part, the receiver-like thing. I almost understand nothing about it. It's the part that distributes, connects, or collects energy, or such actions are recorded and coded into the server. That's what I understand from Mason's half-hour speech.

There are also some additions he will make because of the situation. After all, he didn't plan to use a... fantastical energy type or send mana to long distances. He will add a huge mana battery and some other stuff to support the rest of the thing. I also wonder if this project of his can also support aether or hex? But using them is more dangerous than using mana. With Kairi here, we have an expert in mana but aether and hex are mostly unknown to us.

Even Izumi doesn't know much about the aether. Yes, she knows her clan's teachings but they are mostly about how to use it not what is it or anything in-depth about it. And hex is even worse. I only know how to use my special ability because it just downloaded that knowledge into my mind.

"Now that I think about it, we had some magi-techs here. I get them after defeating a bounty hunter gang."

"Magi-tech? What's that?"

"It's a kind of technology. It works with mana and inscribed formations."

I already knew better formations so I didn't need those but I still kept them in case we need them. Maybe Mason can do something with them. I put them in a chest in my room. They were basically accessories with formations inscribed on them. I gave them to Mason and explained what they do. He seemed thoughtful and immediately start thinking about his project.

"That helps, I guess."

With Mason's project, I was motivated to return what I once left halfway through. Training on teleportation spells. With the mana support from the project, I can go and come from the pocket dimension relatively easily. I always used the exchange rune to teleport around it was working fine. However, it can't really work on long distances. Especially if the said long-distance is a few hundred kilometers.

I modified to rune to somehow allow more flexibility but it was still hard to manage it. I can teleport long distances but the cost would be like ten times my current mana pool. Not only this but there is also the huge risk of other energy types inside my body disturbing the teleportation. Long story short, I need a safer and more solid way to teleport.

As everyone can imagine, teleportation is fundamentally a part of the space element. There are some parts of it that even carry the time element but they are not the problem right now. The space element is why I left halfway through training and trying to learn these spells.

The Space Element is an advanced element. There are three categories of elements and these are; Basic elements, Rare elements, and Advanced elements. Learning or possessing basic elements are common and easy. Rare elements usually require affinity to learn but with hard work they can be learned too. But on the other hand, if you didn't born with the affinity towards the advanced elements you can never learn them.

All of these are the case for spirits so I was somewhat hopeful. But it turns out it also applies to humans too. Advanced elements are such a pain in the ass. They are extremely powerful but impossibly rare to come by. But I'm hopeful once again. I learned and practiced my Third Eye. Its main ability is to give me insight so it should work, right?