
The First Mage On Earth

After the disappointing first day of high school, Oscar fell into some weird cave. What he found at the cave changed his life forever. He discovered the mana! With the discovery of mana, everything around him changed. While he was learning magic, he noticed that the world around him isn't as simple as it seems. From an immature and inexperienced high school boy, he will rise to become the legendary figure in history books. He will face the darkness of humanity and the enemies who are beyond humans. This is the new version of my previous story which has the same name. The story will be slow-paced. There isn't much action in the first chapters. Everything in this story is fictional. The names of the people and institutions made up by me.

Shadow_Smoke · Fantasy
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111 Chs

Fun for the weekend?


Jason seemed to be nervous. I don't know what he is exactly thinking but it has to be something to do with Hope. Whenever he seems nervous he often thinks about Hope. Watching him feels both amusing and a bit weird. I guess love really makes people change.

We are sitting inside the clubroom right now. It's already after school. Today school was boring as usual. I can't enjoy school as I used to after learning more about the supernatural world but I can't just abandon this life. In the worst case, I can use it as a cover. But still, it's damn boring. Well, the school festival is coming in two weeks' time so I might get the chance to enjoy it. Our club decided to publish a comic book and we have almost finished it.

"Will you talk already? Watching you this nervous makes me uncomfortable."

I said with a bit of irritation in my voice. He keeps fidgeting in his seat for ten minutes already. Anyone would be uncomfortable just sitting near him. I was unfortunately sitting right across him and he was covering most of my vision. Even Ted, who was sitting two seats to my right become uncomfortable. I mean this is an achievement in itself. I can count the things which made him uncomfortable by my fingers and it won't go past five.

"Eh? Ah, i-is it that obvious?"

"...painfully obvious, yes. So what's going on? Is it about Hope?"

"H-how did you know?"

"Again, painfully obvious."

"...really? Well, you might be right. The thing is, I want to ask her out."

So... he wants to go on a date. I get that he might be nervous about asking her out but they had already gone on a date before. It shouldn't be so hard after you have already asked someone out before, I think. At least I won't be so nervous to ask Carla out again since we already had a date back and it went well.

"Didn't you ask her out before? So what's the problem?"

"Ted is right. You guys already had a date before. All you have to do is ask her."

"This is the problem! I think she doesn't want to go on a date with me again. Whenever I try to ask her out she changes the topic."

"Can't that be, you know coincidence?"

"I already lost the count of how many times I tried. Does this sound coincidence?"

"Perhaps not. Well, you can't force someone to love you. Maybe you should ask her if she has any feelings for you. But that's something you can't just go and ask. You need to set the right mood."

"Then how about we all gather this weekend and spend time with everyone. When he finds the right moment he can ask her."

Ted suggested. He had a thoughtful expression on his face. He usually has a silly or indifferent expression on his face. Seeing that thoughtful expression I was surprised. He also suggested a good idea. If Hope doesn't want to date Jason or have a relationship with him, she should give a proper answer and reject his advances clearly.

Talking about relationships, what should I do with mine? I don't think I'm in love with anyone. I do have an interest in some people but more than that, I don't know. I won't usually think about this, but seeing Jason worry about his love life made me aware of it. I don't think someone is in love with me either. Well, let's put this matter into a corner. I can think about it when I gain enough strength to protect myself and those who are close to me.

Anyway, back to Jason, he seems to be pondering what Ted said. He is rather fixated on spending time with Hope no matter what. At least he doesn't try anything creepy or wrong. Well, if Hope doesn't really want to hang out with him or have any meaningful relationship beyond friendship with him, he has to stop. Until she clearly says what she wants there is still a chance for Jason. It is cutting corners but what can you do? Love makes people blind or so they say.

Ted's suggestion is really good. It's not creepy and rather logical. A safe route I would say. It took some time for Jason to accept Ted's suggestion. A fun time on the weekend with everyone. Should I call Mason? I don't know what he thinks about returning to school but these guys are our friends maybe he would want to spend time with them as well.

"Oh, hey guys! What are you doing here?"

While we were chatting the door of the clubroom opened and Luna came inside. She had pale silver hair that gave her a mysterious vibe. Her golden eyes on the other hand often gave me... unsettling vibe. I thought she looked like a doll with her petite body but the more I get to know her, something starts to bother me. I can't tell what but there is definitely something. She doesn't have mana or aether so she shouldn't be connected to the supernatural world.

"We were just chatting. There aren't many places to sit and relax in the school."

"True. Anyways, I was just here to grab some books. I have personal research on curses, do you guys know any books about curses?"

"Oh, I saw some books, they are on the shelf by at the back. Let me show you."

Ted guide Luna to the shelf at the back of the clubroom. He spends so much time here that he knows almost every book here. There are a few hundred books here so it's really a good accomplishment. But curses huh... With all those supernatural stuff, curses might be real too.

As far as I saw, everything works in some kind of system in this world. Even the supernatural side. Magic needs mana, clan techniques, and special mutations need aether, even my own clan's techniques need Hex. So, what would curses need? Mana? Aether? Hex? Or is there some other type of energy out there? It's actually logical to think that there might be another type of energy too. I have already three different energy types so it's not far-fetched to think of some other energy type that might exist.

Can my Third Eye detect other types of energies in my surroundings? It is my only sensory type of ability right now. I severely lack sensory abilities but I also don't know how to fix it. There are some sensory abilities in the grandpa's journals but they are special hex abilities so learning them is out of the question. You can't learn or take special hex abilities of other people. You can recreate them to some degree but they can't be the same, at most cheap versions of the said abilities. So, I don't really want cheap abilities I want something that would help me in the long run and if possible something really good and versatile. yeah, my standards are high and I can't find something that fits those standards.

Maybe I should create my own sensory ability. Kairi also said that there were some in her clan but I have no luck with them either. All of them require a talent that I don't have. Well, I haven't asked Izumi about this. Maybe she might know some techniques or something like that, it could really help if she knows some.

My Third Eye can be used as a sensory ability but since it's just like a side effect of the main ability it's not so powerful or helpful. I tried using my Third Eye to sense my surroundings and at most I can sense ten meters around me. For a normal human that's awesome but I'm not against normal humans. Spirits, people with magic, or clansmen with strong and extraordinary abilities. These are the enemies I might face in the near future. Perhaps I also should look into curses? You never know what might help you.