
Remi's Dedication

The first of them to see success in their endeavours that week was Remi. On the third day after they had hidden inside the village to wait out the volcanic fallout, she managed to reach a level of success with her Totems that none of the others had expected.

"Well, did you find something good in the book?" Karl asked as the overjoyed Spirit Snake came outside to show off for everyone at the same time.

Remi shook her head, and gave a smile that made her fangs drop, startling the members of the other group, except for Doug, who had been expecting it.

She focused hard, glowing with red energy for a moment, and then a small Lamia statue appeared on the ground.

It was four-armed, with brown scales and a cream underside, where Karl had been expecting it to be blue and gold like Remi herself, but the head definitely looked like Remi.

The statue just sat there, looking almost lifelike, until Remi asked Karl for some help.