
Elves Reunited

The Mayor remained on the balcony as many people could be heard jogging toward his office, not particularly concerned, as they didn't sense any emergency.

But the moment that the first woman came in the door and saw the children, the screaming and happy tears started.

"Lieverd, kom nu hier binnen! De kinderen zijn gevonden en gered." She screamed out the door.

Karl could only assume that was the Elvish language because the man who came in seconds later was already smiling and crying when he arrived, and he picked up a boy to spin him in circles.

That brought a flood of motion outside, as everyone rushed out of the homes and buildings to see what was going on, or to run to the Mayor's office to get a firsthand view of the day's newest highlight.

When you lived in a small town, new and exciting was rare, so Karl wasn't surprised that they would all want to be involved and not find out secondhand.