
The Fifth House: Galegold

Did you really think that Hogwarts only had four founders? No, my friend, you should not believe what the history books say, because reality always has its hidden cards and sometimes it decides to use them at the most unexpected moment. How shall we say… now? When the unknown heir to the fifth house receives the letter from the famous College of Witchcraft and Wizardry. After an absence of almost a millennium, it is time for everyone to know the truth, whether they like it or not. I do not own Harry Potter or any other universe that will appear except the MC.

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164 Chs


Soisen was discussing with Silvia and Hermione their project of gloves, hats and other protective accessories. Yes, the same ones the Weasley twins were supposed to invent later and sell to the Ministry. But it was no longer necessary, not with him investing in his prank business.

After meeting, they shared the results of their respective approaches and managed to prepare several prototypes. Naturally, Soisen guaranteed a fair share for her two friends and after managing to work out a few minor bugs, they were put up for sale in the store Soisen had in Diagon Alley. Later, Nagini would be in charge of setting up a small factory to produce them and contacting the Ministry to suggest they equip them on their Aurors.

The only tricky part was the unique way to weave the magic into the protections so that it could not be copied, would maintain its strength when needed but be consumable to ensure continued sales.

-By the way, in an hour you will be picking up the permits to go to Hogsmeade. Have you thought about where to go, Soisen? -Hermione and I are going to Madame Pudipié's Tea Room.

Soisen was silent for a moment, looking at them before answering.

-In fact, I have plans to explore the surroundings a bit," he said vaguely, implying that he would accompany them on this occasion, "Maybe I'll visit Honeydukes.

No way was she going to enter that place.

-Oh, okay," Silvia nodded, "Would you mind getting some chocolate frogs for me?

-And some jelly slugs for me," Hermione added.

-Frogs and slugs, eh," Soisen rubbed his chin with his hand, "Maybe I should see if they have any snake-shaped candy, to make the whole group," he muttered to himself.

-What group are you talking about? -Silvia asked.

-It doesn't matter.

-Oh! And later I want to go to The Feather House," said Hermione, "I hear they have quite a selection. Maybe they have some of the Ravenheart feathers that have been advertised recently?

-They won't have them," Soisen unconsciously denied. Aware of his slip, he added hastily, "I mean, I didn't hear anyone from higher years say they have them. Besides, the feathers there are quite expensive. A single black and gold feather can cost you fifteen sickles and two knuts.

-Never mind, I'll entertain myself by looking at feathers," Hermione shrugged. She still wanted to try to see if she could find something from Ravenheart by chance.

-I want to go to Dervish and Banges," said Silvia as they got up and left, "I understand it's a store where they repair and sell magical instruments like the snitching scope. Maybe I can find something interesting or they'll agree to teach me a trick or two of the trade.

Soisen, for his part, intended to examine the Shrieking House before Black arrived and used it as a hideout. One of the measures he took into consideration for the future was to name the common rat with the severed finger "Peter Pettigrew" before giving Ron the switch. In this way, his name could be seen on the map just as it could be seen on any other name, such as Hermione's pet Crookshanks.

The scene where Potter couldn't go to Hogsmeade because he didn't have the clearance went without incident and Soisen knew it wouldn't be long before he tried to sneak off with the invisibility cloak (the substitute he left him, rather). There he would be stopped by the Weasley twins when they saw his footsteps in the snow, who would probably tell him the Hunchback Witch's secret passage, since Soisen was holding the Marauder's Map and it couldn't be trespassed.

I was considering whether to use Potter's performance in the original story, where he reminds Lupin after being caught by Snape, that the map doesn't work and you see someone's name dead. I would just need to tweak things a bit.

For example, if he couldn't retrieve the Marauder's Map from Lupin's hands by following that plan, he had to make sure it was destroyed so it wouldn't be used against him. Perhaps set up some sort of magical time trial that if not deactivated within a specific period of time, the map would burst into flames, being reduced to ashes, impossible to repair or recover.

But that would only serve to "prove" that Black was indeed mad. Snape already started preparing the potion for Lupin and Soisen knew he was following his idea. So as soon as he leaves school and is not supplied with Snape's potion... POOF!

Goodbye, Lupin.

Hogsmeade village actually isn't very big from her perspective once she entered it, it has three bridges connecting the entrances in different direction, the streets are arranged according to chaos in the purest wizarding style and the main streets passed by the Three Broomsticks, Zonko's joke store, Honeydukes and other well-known ones.

She parted from her friends, but didn't go straight to the Shrieking House, but actually scouted the place to get a rough idea of what things she might get during outings over the next few years.

If he found an empty storefront, perhaps he could even set up a branch of his store. Though on second thought, if he did that he would need to find someone else to run the place. Nagini was busy enough at the moment and couldn't be split in two.

As she turned one of the corners, she bumped into a Hufflepuff student and knocked him to the ground.

-I'm sorry, are you all right? -He asked as he held out his hand to help him up.

-Yes, my fault, I shouldn't be going so fast on these streets," said the student as he rubbed his chest, which hurt from the impact, "What's your head made of? -He asked as he held his hand and stood up, looking behind him for a moment, "It looks like I ran into an iron lamppost!

-I work out," Soisen shrugged with a smile. He wasn't going to tell her it was the unconscious result of a potion he made and still didn't control, he was unlucky- Again, sorry about that. I'm Soisen Galegold Evans Valriss Aulus," he said as he extended his hand, this time as a greeting.

-Cedric Diggory," the student introduced himself as he shook his hand, "I remember you, you were the one who founded the fifth house at Hogwarts upon your arrival. We talked about it for weeks, you can always learn something new from history.

-You already seemed familiar to me, I heard a lot about you from the students in your House. According to Silvia, you are one of the best Hufflepuffs of the last decades.

-It won't be that much," Cedric dismissed humbly, "Actually, she talks about you all the time too.

-I don't doubt it," Soisen replied, leaving Cedric speechless with his cheeky response, "What? I'm someone great, it's normal for her to talk about me. Besides, we're business partners and best friends.

-It's good, you're confident, I can't deny that.

-You on the other hand, you look like you just ran out of one of your worst nightmares," said Soisen as he looked at Cedric's somewhat unkempt hair from running -Let me guess, you're being chased by some girls?

-How did you know?! -Cedric turned around startled, thinking they had spotted him and were coming up behind him without him noticing.

-I had my suspicions, but that reaction confirms it. I was going to explore the surroundings a bit and I could use a guide, what do you say? -Soisen proposed, wanting to take the opportunity to befriend the future participant of the Triwizard Tournament.