
The Fated Omega One

This is a story about a boy named Philip possessing the powers of Fate Control and Future Vision while desperately trying to fulfill his ultimate goal of absolute death and total erasure to end his suffering and despair ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Novel Updates: 3-5 chapters per week Chapters per Arc: 50-200 chapters Chapters per Fillers: 5-10 chapters Arcs already finished: >25 Arcs Storyboarding/World Building Status (Prologue): On-going Fated Day: Incoming... Omega System: Chapter 167 Twitter: @AbsoluteAuthor Cover Photo Artist: http://instagram.com/weiyumarryme

Absolute_Author · Fantasía
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341 Chs

No Discrimination - Cardinal Sectors - Schools - Guilds - Market and Commerce

"Welcome to the Mystical Academy! Now, I know what all of you are asking now... What is the Mystical Academy? Why is it a pillar of the world? What do we do here? Well... I'll answer all of your questions and I will also make everyone excited"

Philip huffed after seeing that Yozu is still the same as ever. He felt as if it's been too long after he saw him or been to the Mystical Academy

He wondered if Yuze and Lyre are doing well

"Well, it's simple! The Mystical Academy was built for the sole purpose of this coming of age, the Mysticism Age! The academy's mission is to teach and nurture all people who can manipulate mana, which we will simply call abilities, people who are gifted abilities, people who innately had abilities, and people who wanted to learn to control their abilities"

Normal people became excited, people who had abilities before the Mysticism Age even came were interested, and peole who recently got abilities wanted to come immediately, especially the ones who think their abilities are dangerous. Of course there are people who has bad intentions in coming to the Mystical Academy

"By the way... We won't be accepting ordinary people. If you're a person who's normal, your application will be denied. If you have significant abilities that can affect big things or abilities that shouldn't be called as an ability like Dust Manipulation, Ice Melting in under 10 seconds, Leaf Blowing, or Clean Sweeping, we are more than happy to accept you in the academy. Don't worry, all abilities has a potential and their limits can be broken"

Ordinary people were devastated to hear that they won't be accepted in the academy unless they have an ability. They then scrambled to try and harness mana and obtain some sort of ability

Meanwhile, those who have weak and laughable abilities found hope in Yozu's words. They started to consider joining the academy to make their abilities powerful and useful in certain situations

"Also, regarding the types and kinds of people that we will be accepting..."

Yozu caught everyone's attention. They were curious as to the limit of people that they will be accepting

"We will be accepting no limits, since we can accomodate enrolees for up to 100 million ability users! Also, we don't discriminate on who you are. If you're a child or an elderly, you're more tha welcome to come, as long as you have an ability. A politician? Sure! A president of a country? Why not? An inmate or a criminal? Not a problem. Murderer or serial killer? Not a problem! Anyone's welcome, as long as you have an ability"

People suddenly became confused and hesitant. They became scared when he mentioned criminals and killers because they will become lose inside the academy and they may be their next victims. But in the end, Yozu doesn't seem to be finished speaking and they waited patiently before making rash decisions

On the other hand, Philip scoffed and smirked at Yozu

'Heh, I guess he really stuck to his own perception and belief where he doesn't discriminate, huh? I still respect him for that...'

He remembered when he was with Yozu in front of the Door of Recognition, the main entrance of the Core Academy

"Of course, if these kinds and types of people were to enter the Mystical Academy because they have promising abilities... They can do whatever they want! Everyone can do whatever they want... We won't be controlling anybody. We don't care if you're a child of a prestigious family, a powerful figure, or a trash in the world. We want to nurture and let everyone learn their own abilities that they receive, in a smart and educational way"

Everyone's faces became bitter because of the Headmaster's leniency. More than half of the people that are interested and wanted to go to the Mystical Academy suddenly backed out

"But... Note that we won't be tolerating acts that tend to tip the balance of the society. We aim for equality, equity, and satisfaction of everyone involved. If you are doing something that would earned the majority's irk or disapproval, we would have to either reprimand, punish, or eliminate you!"

The people suddenly had their hopes up

"We don't care about your own perception in life or society, we understand where you're coming from. In fact, we want to help you! But! Consideration is the key word here. You're not the center of the universe, you're not someone's god, you're not someone who can rule the world"

The right minded people sympathized towards the criminals and evil doers, but they couldn't care any less

"If you don't meet these requirements... I, personally, will go ahead and take care of you the right way! There's a reason why I'm the Headmaster of the academy that has an area of 90,792 km². That's like the radius of the Mystical Academy is around 170 km"

The people now understood the Headmaster's power and believed his power

"With that also, the Mystical Academy has ten Mystical Guardians that are guarding it. If they found what you're doing is wrong or against our vision, you will be eliminated on the spot. Also, trust our guardians, even if they are just ten, they have the power to fight against an entire army, even if it's just one of them"

The people finally had the sense of security from Yozu's reassuring words

"Now that's out of the way... What else can you expect in the Mystical Academy? Well... First, there are two parts of the Mystical Academy. There's the Mystical Academy itself and then the Core Academy"

An illustration of the entire Mystical Academy was drawn in the air above Yozu's hand using magic. A central castle with a giant floating blue orb then appeared in the very middle of the the illustration

"We'll talk about the Mystical Academy first, or what I would like to call it... The Cardinal Sectors"

The Core Academy descended down and a ring was left on the illustration. Everyone was mesmerized by the holographic-esque display above Yozu's hand

The display then rotated above Yozu's palm and the camera zoomed in, until the display was replaced by a camera feed above the Mystical Academy, showing everything in its full glory. It's like the camera's in a drone shot

"The first Cardinal Sector is called the Basic Class. This is where all of you will go when you first enter the Mystical Academy. No one will be able to enter the other Cardinal Sectors at first. I will be explaining that later after I tell all the sectors"


"All Cardinal Sectors has an Educational Sector where schools of varrying grades and years are built. In the Basic Sector, there is the Freshmen and Sophomore Schools where Basics of Magic and Magic Control and Stability will be taught"

Everyone nodded to Yozu's explanation of the Basic Sector and its Educational Sector. Education is important, this is an academy for mysticism after all. Also, they became very excited that they get to learn the basic of magic and how they will be able to control and stabilize it in the next year

Even if they have to wait one year to move on to the next main lesson, it's worth the wait. Plus, they want to learn as much magic as they can during the first year. They were then curious as to how many years they have to learn in total

"The next Cardinal Sector will be called Middle Class. You will be required to go in this sector in your third and fourth year since the Junior and Senior Institutes are located. We will be teaching Advanced Magic and Essence and Functions of Mana in this Educational Sector"


"The third Cardinal Sector will be called High Class. The Superior and Master Academies will be located here. The lessons that will be taught are the Importance of Alchemy, Forge, and Array and also the branches within the Mystical Academy respectively!"


The people were shocked to hear that alchemy, forge, and array can be learned in their 5th year in the academy. They became even more excited that their stomachs started to churn and feel dizzy. This is also the case specially for the fans of Chinese novels and those who read and learned the way of Chinese cultivation

Philip was also a little surprised

'I thought this was just an academy where they will nurture ability users... I didn't know that they plan to turn this academy into a kingdom and grow powerful cultivators. That's not a bad thing though...'

"As you may have known, you people who read novels and manga... With Alchemy, you can create pills such as medicine, cure, poison, enhancer, and many more to strengthen yourself or weaken others. Forge let's you create weapons, tools, and armor with mana present in the air. We will talk about that later in the next segment of the broadcast. On the other hand, the Array will allow you to create domains that can provide various effects and applications in an area, based on the contents of your array"


"As for the branches of the Mystical Academy... We'll talk about that later, after the fourth and final Cardinal Sector"

The masses nodded and patiently waited for Yozu to finish his quota

"The fourth Cardinal Sector... The Top Class. This is where the Supreme and Noble Universities are built. In the Supreme University, we will teach the Power of the Moon and its importance to the Mystical Academy. This is an academy secret and only select few will be able to learn it because we expect only a handful of people will reach this year"

The people, especially the ones who are capable and confident, doubted Yozu and they wanted to prove him wrong

"As for the Noble University, it's not what you think where royalties will attend to. This is the university where you will be able to choose your own path. You either leave the Mystical Academy, enter the Core Academy, or continue learning in the Mystical Academy after the 8th year. If you chose to stay in the academy, Mystical Masters will choose their disciples for them to take to their sects. This is our reward for those who managed to reach that stage. If you ever chose to leave the Mystical Academy, we won't stop you, you now have freedom. But remember, if you were to do something that doesn't meet the required standards of the society and the majority... We won't be able to stop you, but worse personalities will hunt you down that you can't even fathom to imagine"

Yozu was talking about the likes of the Old Man, the Dragon Queen, and the Observers, especially the Embodiments that number over hundreds of thousands. Unlike Yozu himself, the Guardians, and the Mystical Masters, they are on a completely another level than them

The masses also became serious because there will be an important choice after their eight years of learning. In the end, they decided to put if off to the side first because it will be a long way before that

"Alright! Next in the Cardinal Sectors... I know what you're asking... What are the difference between these four if the only difference are the schools? Well, it's the quality of life. Starting from the Basic Class, everything's ordinary! But once you go up in class, everything will change drastically and you can live a luxurious life!"


Everyone exclaimed in excitement

"Also! Important note! Wherever sector you are in, it doesn't dictate your level or standing in the society!"

Yozu said with an increasing volume of voice

"As I said earlier, our vision is equality and equity! Everyone's equal and the people who are in need must be helped at all times, more than those who are capable! We will be strictly watching these traits and behavior among all of you and grade or strike you. Once you reaced a level of threshold, we don't have a choice to forcefully kick you out or worse, eliminate you!"

The people became scared. They suddenly began to change their perception within the society so they could stay in the academy

'Geez... That's harsh and strict'

Philip exclaimed in his mind

'I won't blame them though. He needs to act likes he's in charge and strict to strike the hearts of the people, so that they have no choice to follow his rules to enter the Mystical Academy'

Philip thought to his mind

"Finally, within the Cardinal Sectors, there will be guilds placed in each sectors!"


"Yes, these guilds are the same as those in anime where you will be able to take on quests and earn fame, rank, and currency in the form of these Spirit Stones!"

Yozu showed a piece of Spirit Stone in his hand. Everyone's eyes went wide by the sight a stone that is blue in color and glowing, almost seems like it really is a magic stone

Yoze then closed his hand and kept the Spirit Stone

"But of course! We'll also talk about that later!"

Everyone became irritated because Yozu kept saying that he will talk about the things that were very interesting. He is also making an annoying face that made them quite irritated

"Now... There are three types of guild. First is the main Guild Hall. This is were everything happens from testing your ability, ranking your ability, receiving quests, posting approved quests, earning money, and meeting new people"


The camera showed the Guild Hall located in the Basic Class Sector. The Guild Hall was large that can occupy almost a hundred people. There is a bar to the side where food can be served, numerous booths where attendants were supposed to wait, several seats and tables, and a back hallway that the camera didn't go through. There is also a second floor with a few doors that lead to some rooms


The masses exclaimed in excitement after seeing a fantastical setting in the real world. It is because they saw floating blue particles of light and the light bulbs seemed to not be attached to any electricity

"That's that... The next guild is the Expedition Guild. This guild sets out an expedition to explore the large magical forest located east of the Mystical Academy"


"But of course... You already know what will happen"

'Don't say it!!'

Evergone collectively said it in their heads



The people grumpily exclaimed on unison

"Of course, the Expedition Guild could be anywhere in the world that is magical and mystical like the Mana Hotspots and other magical forests that formed around them"



Everyonr already knew what woll happen next

"Of course, we'll talk about the Mana Hotspots later!!! Hahaha!"

Yozu laughed and cackled at the top of his lungs. He seemed to enjoy toying with everyone in the world and building up yhe suspense and expectation

"The last type of guild is the Mercenary Guild. As the name implies, they take tasks that are too dangerous for you to do, at a price. Of course, they can recruit you if you showed them you have promising potential"


"Next up within the Cardinal Sectors is the Market and Commerce"

Everyone were interested at what the market and stores are like

"The market is not some kind of medieval or rural markets where there are stalls and the products are laid out in the open... Well, there will be markets like that... But, there will also be modern stores, departments, groceries, and malls. We don't want to remove those away from you. Also, those local and famous restaurants that we all know and love!"


"Also, there is also Galleon Markets and Trading that pass through a small stream that goes across the Middle Class, High Class, and Top Class Sectors. The Galleon Trade is located in between the Basic Class and Top Class Sectors"

Everyone was interested in the market and commerce of the Mystical Academy. If the usual amenities and restaurants are there, then the more they wanted to come. It's like living a normal life while learning magic

"That's pretty much it, everyone! Now, we'll move on to the main attraction, the Core Academy! This part is very exciting because everything is in this place!!"

The central part of the Mystical Academy rose up from Yozu's palm in a hologram

I feel like I'm overgeneralizing everyone's thoughts on the world from the broadcast... But I figured I might as well because it's the majority... Right?

Who wouldn't be excited from these news?

Also... I'm itching for a fight or conflict! I can't wait for the next one! It's been too long!

Oh, and also... I might take a few days off because I want to focus on illustrating the entire Mystical Academy. It might take a week to a month, but I'll update two to three chapter a week as much as I can

Absolute_Authorcreators' thoughts