
The Fate Forgers

"In the depths of his own disinterest, Dylan languishes in his room, lost in a sea of procrastination and endless YouTube scrolling. The world around him has lost its luster, and he drifts without purpose day by day. But one unassuming encounter changes the course of his entire life - an inconspicuous video from a YouTube channel of a small production company which uses it only to release trailers for their upcoming movies and series. The video which was only title 'Trailer,' it becomes the catalyst that sparks a flicker of interest within Dylan, a soul who rarely finds fascination. Join the journey of Dylan, the embodiment of apathy, navigates a life devoid of passion or connection. Yet, against all odds, a gradual transformation begins. Through encounters, experiences, and perhaps by aa special someone, he rediscovers the beauty of the world he had so long dismissed. However, can he maintain a grip on that individual, or will he forfeit the sole person linking him to the world? The steps he takes further will determine his future journey, yet it's as uncomplicated as he perceives the world, or perhaps something is unfolding behind him that he couldn't comprehend."

Chocolatepickle · Ciudad
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24 Chs

Third episode

Dylan, upon opening YouTube, discovered the third episode prominently featured on the front page. Upon realizing it was live, Dylan decided to start watching.

Consequently, the third episode had finally started.


Aska can be seen darting around the shed, skillfully carrying a hefty tree log. Meanwhile, Aska father, perched on the treehouse, initially watched his son's antics. However, his attention suddenly shifted toward the direction of the river in the forest, where he had incinerated a wild animal just five days earlier. His gaze narrowed, and a faint gleam emanated from his eyes, and his vision sifted from looking at the forest to looking upon the river's scenery from his point of view, he noticed numerous wild animals heading in this direction. However, upon their arrival near the river, these creatures found nothing and expressed their disappointment through howls before departing. This peculiar phenomenon had been occurring for several days.

Upon witnessing this, Aska's father relaxed his eyes and continued to observe his son. However, when Aska, engrossed in his practice, suddenly heard the howling of wild animals coming from the direction of the nearest river which his father had cautioned against entering that location. He was taken aback. His thoughts were consumed by the rising question of why these animal howls had been echoing from that area for several days.

When Aska father saw his son's unease, he called out to him.

"Child, come up on the treehouse. Today, I'll teach some new knowledge to you."

While Aska who was in the midst of his exercise with the tree log, and when he heard his father's, he promptly set the log down next to the shed and eagerly started to climb up the treehouse.

Seeing his son's excited look, he stepped inside the treehouse, and within a matter of moments, Aska followed suit.

As soon as he entered, Aska asked with an enthusiastic tone, "Father, what will you be teaching me today? Are you going to teach me, more uses of chakra?"

In response, he chuckled softly and replied, "Today, I won't be delving into, more uses of chakra."

"Before that, you have to master strengthening spine and leg veins."

Upon hearing this, Aska nodded in understanding and inquired, "then Father, what exactly are you going teaching me?"

In response, Aska's father replied, "Today, I will be imparting some fundamental knowledge of this world."

"Fundamentals knowledge?" Aska mumbled, and sought for clarification.

"Aska, do you know how wild animals acquire the knowledge of the chakra, and how to use it?" his father asked.

With confidence, Aska promptly answered, "They learn it from other wild animals and their parents."

Seeing his son's confident response, he chuckled and asked, "Child and how are wild animals going to teach other wild animals by communicating?"

As Aska was going to confidently answer his father's question, he abruptly halted, realising that wild animals lacked the ability to communicate like human.

Observing his son's momentary silence, he continued, "Let me show you how wild animals utilize chakra and how they gain this knowledge."

After saying that, he walked toward Aska, he placed his hand on Aska back, and in an instant, they both vanished from the treehouse, and just in a blink they both appear above green rabbit habitat floating in air.

"Do you recognize this place, Aska?" he inquired.

Aska responded, "Father, I think we are above green rabbit's habitat."

"Indeed child, you're correct. But do you know why I've brought you here?" he asked, with a hint of mystery in his voice.

Aska, with a slightly perplexed expression replied, "No, Father."

"It's to answer the question I posed earlier," he explained, and Aska nodded after listening to his father.

He gestured with his right hand, then blue light emitted from his hand, conjuring a translucent blue panel resembling a futuristic screen in front of Aska.

Upon witnessing this, Aska became intrigued and questioned his father. "Father, what is this?" As he reached out to touch the panel.

Observing his son's curiosity, he again gestured with his right hand at the panel, and like a telescope, it zoomed in, focusing on a scene of a group of green rabbits on the ground.

Aska gasped in astonishment, and exclaimed, "Wow!"

"Pay attention my child to what I'm about to show you." He gently reminded, knocking his son's head

"Okay, Father," Aska replied, controlling his excitement while he covered his head with his hands.

On the blue panel, Aska observed a green rabbit, shrouded in a faint green haze, nestled in a grassy area with 3 to 4 feet of vegetation.

"Child do you know what the green haze is?"

"Yes, father, I believe it is chakra."

"Good, you grasp that it is chakra, now how do you speculate the green rabbit acquire the knowledge to use chakra?"

Upon hearing this, Aska pondered, but at the end he absently mindly scratching his head.

Observing his son's perplexed expression, he again put his hand on Aska's back, and they once more disappeared into thin air, reappeared within their treehouse.

"Child you know humans learn and practice how to use chakra, then how do you think, wild animals are able to use chakra."

As he posed the question, he maintained a watchful eye on his son, awaiting a response. However, when Aska continued to scratch his head without replying, he proceeded with his explanation.

"Child, wild animals use their chakra based on their subconscious instinct."

"Instinct?" Aska was now even more perplexed and inquired, "Father, what do you mean by instinct?"

"Instinct, my child, is the natural behavior of living beings which is not taught by others. It's like you know how to breathe, you drink water when you're thirsty, and you eat food when you're hungry."

Aska became increasingly bewildered, and asked, "Father, are you suggesting that wild animals can use chakra instinctively without learning?"

"Yes, my child, that's precisely what I mean."

Upon receiving his father's confirmation, Aska posed another question, "Then, Father, why do humans need to learn and practice chakra usage?"

With a gentle smile, he responded to his son's query, "To understand that, you have to first learn about our world's history and how chakra was first used by living beings in this world."