
The Fate Forgers

"In the depths of his own disinterest, Dylan languishes in his room, lost in a sea of procrastination and endless YouTube scrolling. The world around him has lost its luster, and he drifts without purpose day by day. But one unassuming encounter changes the course of his entire life - an inconspicuous video from a YouTube channel of a small production company which uses it only to release trailers for their upcoming movies and series. The video which was only title 'Trailer,' it becomes the catalyst that sparks a flicker of interest within Dylan, a soul who rarely finds fascination. Join the journey of Dylan, the embodiment of apathy, navigates a life devoid of passion or connection. Yet, against all odds, a gradual transformation begins. Through encounters, experiences, and perhaps by aa special someone, he rediscovers the beauty of the world he had so long dismissed. However, can he maintain a grip on that individual, or will he forfeit the sole person linking him to the world? The steps he takes further will determine his future journey, yet it's as uncomplicated as he perceives the world, or perhaps something is unfolding behind him that he couldn't comprehend."

Chocolatepickle · Ciudad
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24 Chs

Third episode

Siara began by selecting the first episode to watch to relax herself, yet her curiosity was piqued when she stumbled upon the inconspicuous trailer made by EE production house for the series in her recommendation of the first episode. To fully enjoy and relax herself, she decided to play the trailer of the series. As the trailer unfolded before her eyes and reached its conclusion, she found herself thoroughly impressed by the seamless integration of its diverse parts put together.

Being an avid enthusiast of video game plots, her attention was inexorably drawn to the myriad of details introduced in the trailer. With a keen eye, she meticulously assembled these fragments, allowing her subconscious mind to weave together numbers of potential plotlines for the upcoming web series.

Siara's musings led her to envision a grand narrative centered around a sprawling kingdom embroiled in a colossal war.

She began by watching the first episode's. Prior to playing it, she pondered how the web series would depict the war, which she believed would be the central point of the plot. Due to her tendency to analyze video game plots, she found herself speculating about the war's portrayal. However, she eventually eased her mind and shifted her focus away from that, as her current intention was to simply relax and refresh her mind.

With that in her mind she played the first episode and immersed her self in the first episode, as time passed by her all attention became focused on the first episode because of her thrust for plot.

Upon reaching the conclusion of the initial episode, Siara found herself completely engrossed, so much so that she failed to realize nearly an hour had already passed, from the time when she had started to watch the first episode. As the first episode came to its ending point, her thoughts raced fervently, exploring various potential storylines stemming from that very ending. In the midst of her contemplation, the episode concluded, snapping her out of her entranced state.

"Ha! I should sometimes restrain my tendency to constantly ponder about plots and instead wholeheartedly relish certain experiences."

After letting out a sigh, she eased her racing thoughts and began watching the second episode which she found in the recommendation of the first episode end.

Once again, Siara found herself captivated by the second episode. Its intrigue held her so tightly that an hour slipped away, which felt like a mere moment to her. As the credits rolled on the screen, Siara couldn't contain her reaction.

"Ah, it's finished already."

The passage of time seemed almost surreal to her. She checked the progress bar of the second episode when she found out it was already full, she could only nod her head and checked the EE production house channel for the other episode but she didn't find the third episode and latest release was the second episode which was released today.

Siara reached the realization that there were no more episodes left, and upon noticing it was already midnight, she decided it was time to go to bed.

"Its already midnight. I need some rest and I should go and sleep."

With a sense of anticipation for the next episode, Siara went to sleep.

On the next day at 7 am

EE production house made an announcement via a community post on their channel.

[ Hello to all the viewers of our new series! The upcoming episode will have a duration of 4 hours and is scheduled to premiere at 10 am. Additionally, we've got an exciting surprise announcement for you at the end of the third episode. We hope you're eagerly looking forward to it! :) ]

Upon seeing the announcement, netizens collectively erupted with excitement, particularly those who were following the series. Viewers of the show not only expressed their enthusiasm but also engaged in discussions about the announcement, as the EE production house revealed that it would be disclosed after the third episode end.

Certain individuals online began to engage in speculation regarding the upcoming announcement. Following numerous discussions, many arrived at the conclusion that the announcement would be related to the next season. This assumption was based on several factors, including how the length of the third episode was increased from 1 hour to 4 hours. Despite these considerations, there were those who believed the announcement might merely be a publicity stunt aimed at boosting their reputation.

As this speculation gained traction, it quickly spread among netizens within a short span of about thirty minutes. Observing this discourse, others also started to see the possibility in this line of thinking.

Consequently, the excitement among the audience grew significantly as the premiere of the third episode drew nearer.

At 8:30 am, just like yesterday, Taran was already ready for the day. He had already been up since 7 am, similar to the day before, but unlike the previous day, he had taken the time to freshen up and stretch his body before taking a bath. Following these activities, he proceeded to prepare a light breakfast, and had already finished making his breakfast at 8:30 am. While seated at his table and having breakfast, Taran also opened YouTube on his computer.

While on YouTube, Taran noticed an announcement from the EE production house. The revelation was that today's episode would be an extended 4-hour installment premiering at 10 am, which greatly excited him. However, his excitement turned to unease when he read that the production house would also be disclosing something significant at the conclusion of the third episode. This made him recall insider information shared by a friend the previous day. Despite this knowledge, he couldn't quite grasp the nature of the ultimate product that this web series might be showcasing.

'What might be their primary intention in using an entire series as a teaser?'

'It's possible that they plan to introduce their cinematic universe through this approach.'

'Aside from that, I couldn't come up with any other ideas.'

After some contemplation, Taran had a sudden idea to contact Dylan. He remembered sharing details about the reveal with Dylan earlier, and Taran believed that reaching out Dylan might draw his attention towards the series. As a result, Taran decided to give Dylan a call.

Hi readers. Sorry for the delayed release. I've been experimenting with something fresh in the upcoming chapter, which is why it took me a while to figure out how to execute it effectively.

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