
The Fate Forgers

"In the depths of his own disinterest, Dylan languishes in his room, lost in a sea of procrastination and endless YouTube scrolling. The world around him has lost its luster, and he drifts without purpose day by day. But one unassuming encounter changes the course of his entire life - an inconspicuous video from a YouTube channel of a small production company which uses it only to release trailers for their upcoming movies and series. The video which was only title 'Trailer,' it becomes the catalyst that sparks a flicker of interest within Dylan, a soul who rarely finds fascination. Join the journey of Dylan, the embodiment of apathy, navigates a life devoid of passion or connection. Yet, against all odds, a gradual transformation begins. Through encounters, experiences, and perhaps by aa special someone, he rediscovers the beauty of the world he had so long dismissed. However, can he maintain a grip on that individual, or will he forfeit the sole person linking him to the world? The steps he takes further will determine his future journey, yet it's as uncomplicated as he perceives the world, or perhaps something is unfolding behind him that he couldn't comprehend."

Chocolatepickle · Ciudad
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24 Chs

Sudden change

Hearing his friend's inquiry, Danish was on the verge of responding, yet he was once again struck by an excruciating pain in his head. His vision became hazy, transitioning from his car to a city engulfed in flames. Simultaneously, his heart began to race wildly, and he lost consciousness due to the intensity of the pain from his head.

This abrupt transformation alarmed Danish friend, causing him to react hastily. He shook Danish vigorously, seeking confirmation of his well being. Observing Danish's unresponsive state and Danish was still collapsed on his seat, concern gripped him. He checked his breathing and heart rate, finding them to be normal. Danish friend became slightly relieved by this discovery, but his anxiety persisted, given Danish's sudden loss of consciousness.

With a sense of urgency, Danish's friend carefully moved him from the driver's seat to the passenger seat, taking charge of the situation. He ensured Danish's seatbelt was secure before taking the wheel and setting off towards the nearest hospital. The urgency of the situation propelled him into action, he navigating through the streets as quickly and safely as possible.

Contrastingly, once Taran wrapped up the second episode, an insatiable longing for more gripped him. Regrettably, he confronted the stark reality that the series had no further episodes to offer currently, prompting an involuntary sigh to escape his lips.

Caught in a moment of contemplation about how to fill the void, the idea of reaching out to Dylan crossed his mind. However, he held back, keenly aware of Dylan's disposition. Despite thoroughly enjoying the second episode, Taran closed the video. Then an idea to immerse himself in a game emerged, but his rumbling stomach stopped him from doing that.

Succumbing to his hunger, he opted to order food online. As he awaited his meal's arrival, a doorbell chimed. Reacting swiftly, he dashed to the door and swung it open, revealing a man on the other side who promptly inquired,

"Are you Taran, the intended recipient of this food delivery?"

To this, Taran gave a confirming nod. The man requested Taran to confirm food was delivered, prompting Taran to retrieve his phone and complete the confirmation. Following the transaction, the delivery person departed, occupied with his own device.

With the meal now in his possession, Taran wasted no time and commenced his hasty consumption. Amid bites, the thought of calling Dylan resurfaced once more. Yet, he resisted, apprehending that Dylan's waning interest in the series might sour his own mood.

After finishing his meal, he headed over to his PC to play a game. However, as he initiated the game, drowsiness overcame him, leading him to fall asleep. Unable to control his fatigue, he drifted into deeper slumber on his bed. But just when his sleepness was going to take over him, due to unknown reasons, he awoke abruptly, finding himself not in his room, but perched atop a tree. His gaze fixed upon a distant scene where a group of armored men, stained with blood, encircled a beaten and bound group of 10 to 15 individuals on the ground. These armored figures, however, didn't put any attention on the tied people but ahead. Suddenly, a man donning elegant attire emerged from a nearby building. Witnessing his appearance, the armored men bowed in deference. Following a few uttered words, the man received a glass bottle from someone behind him. After addressing the armored men once more, he poured its contents onto the ground. When liquid in the glass bottle fell on the ground it was like a signal and the armored figures mercilessly killed all the bound individuals.

Taran's heart raced, and he suddenly woke up in his bed.

"What a nightmarish dream," he muttered.

The haunting imagery continued to grip Taran's senses making his heart race widely, also making Taran unable to sleep any more. Moved by the intensity of the experience, he moved to his desk, and started playing game on his pc.

As Taran engaged in a game on his computer, Dylan remained in his garden by the thick woods, observing the squirrel and birds perched on the tree. He sat there, seemingly lost in contemplation.

In that moment, Dylan suddenly snapped out of his absentmindedness because he felt hungry and stomach started to rumble, he stood up from his seat and maked his way back to his house. Once inside, he called Sameer and promptly Sameer arrived in a few seconds, inquiring, "Is there anything you require, sir?"

"Have mother and father come back yet?"

"No, they haven't sir."

"I'm heading to my room. Bring me something to eat?"

"Of course, sir."

Dylan headed towards his room. Upon entering, he proceeded to the window where he saw the bright sunlight streaming in, prompting him to close it.

A knock resound in his room, then Sameer who was standing outside informed Dylan, "I've brought the food sir."

"Bring it inside."

Following this, Sameer entered Dylan's room with a trolley, carefully placing the food on his desk.

"Is there anything else you need, sir?"


Having received his response, Sameer left the room quietly.

Dylan settled at his desk and began his meal. Midway through, he recalled the second episode that should have been available by now. Initially, he had no intention to watch, but considering his lack of activities and Taran's persistent urging to watch 2 or 3 more episodes of this series, he decided to watch it.

Once he finished eating, he turned on his PC and launched YouTube to watch the second episode. However, as he was about to start the video, a knock echoed from his bedroom door.


"Come inside."

Sameer gently opened his door and returned with an empty trolley this time. He collected the empty plates from the desk and, just as he was about to leave, Dylan stopped him.

"Sameer make me cold coffee."

"Ok sir." With saying that Sameer left his room and Dylan played the second episode.

Dylan began to watch the second episode, and just a few minutes in, Sameer walked in and set down his cold coffee next to him. After setting down the coffee, Sameer stood behind Dylan briefly. When he realized Dylan had nothing more to add, he left the room once again.