
The Fate Forgers

"In the depths of his own disinterest, Dylan languishes in his room, lost in a sea of procrastination and endless YouTube scrolling. The world around him has lost its luster, and he drifts without purpose day by day. But one unassuming encounter changes the course of his entire life - an inconspicuous video from a YouTube channel of a small production company which uses it only to release trailers for their upcoming movies and series. The video which was only title 'Trailer,' it becomes the catalyst that sparks a flicker of interest within Dylan, a soul who rarely finds fascination. Join the journey of Dylan, the embodiment of apathy, navigates a life devoid of passion or connection. Yet, against all odds, a gradual transformation begins. Through encounters, experiences, and perhaps by aa special someone, he rediscovers the beauty of the world he had so long dismissed. However, can he maintain a grip on that individual, or will he forfeit the sole person linking him to the world? The steps he takes further will determine his future journey, yet it's as uncomplicated as he perceives the world, or perhaps something is unfolding behind him that he couldn't comprehend."

Chocolatepickle · Ciudad
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24 Chs

Second episode

As Aska contemplated the need to utilize chakra in a distinct manner to enhance his speed, he also believed in his ability to maintain his swiftness through physical strength alone. Amid his thoughts, his father placed a reassuring hand on his back and expressed.

"Sense the essence of the chakra that I will infuse within your spine." His father inquired.

"Do you comprehend, my child?"

To which Aska replied, "Yes, father."

Aska father continued, "Prepare to receive my chakra into your spine, and sense its current flowing through your spine."

"Okay, father," Aska responded, and he began to sense the flow of chakra along his spine.

"Child, do you feel how the chakra is circulating through your body?"

"Yes, father," Aska nodded in agreement.

"Now, gently guide the chakra within you and imitate the way my chakra is moving through your body."

"Understood, father."

Slowly, Aska began to manipulate the chakra within his body, mimicking the patterns of his father's chakra flow.

Over time, Aska's chakra gradually began to intertwine with his father's, replacing it as it flowed through his own body. Eventually, Aska's own chakra fully enveloped his spine after continuous effort.

"Father, I have successfully covered my spine with my own chakra."

"Excellent. Now, are you able to sense your entire spine infused with your chakra?"

"Father, I can sense only certain parts of my spine with my chakra."

"That's perfectly normal for a beginner."

"Next, I'll infuse more chakra. Feel the flow and follow along."

Aska's father proceeded to infuse more of his chakra into Aska, gradually coating all the muscles connected to Aska spine.

"Now, try to sense all the chakra surrounding your spine muscles, then replace it with your own."

"Of course, father." Aska obeyed his father's instructions, embarking on the task of covering every area with his chakra, where his father's energy was previously present.

With time and dedication, Aska managed to completely replace his father's chakra with his own.

"Father, I've succeeded in covering all areas with my chakra."

Upon hearing Aska, Aska father nodded in confirmation, placing his hand on Aska's back before eventually withdrawing it.

"Stand up now, my child."

Aska complied and rose from his position.

"Once again, I will infuse chakra into your body, but this time focusing on your leg."

With those words, his father's hand returned to Aska's back, channeling his chakra through him. The energy traveled through Aska's nerves, coating them thoroughly in his legs.

"Aska, just as before, perform the same process, replacing my chakra in your leg with your own."

"Understood, father."

Aska began the intricate task of replacing his father's chakra with his own, which proved challenging due to the thin spread of his father's energy throughout his leg's nerves. Gradually, Aska managed to cover and replace all of his father chakra, it took considerable amount of time.

"Father, I've once again replaced all of your chakra in my leg."

"Excellent. Now, strengthen the part of your body that is now infused with chakra."

"Ok, father."

"Now, extend this to strengthen your entire body with chakra."

"Yes, father."

"Come closer, my child."

Aska approached his father, who led him towards the shed built the previous day. Close to the shed, Aska's father hoisted a tree log, twice his height.

"Take this log, Aska."

Following the instruction, Aska took the log from his father.

"Now, Aska, attempt to run while carrying and maintaining the log."

"Understood, father."

Aska initiated a jog, carrying the weighty log as he circled around.

Time passed, and Aska continued running with the log. Eventually, his father interjected, "That's sufficient for today. Now, practice incorporating both your spine strengthening and also strengthen your body with chakra."

Hearing this, Aska rushed over to his father and inquired, "Father, I didn't notice any change in my running speed."

"Child, you'll perceive the difference when you attempt to sprint at your maximum speed."

"Father, may I give it a try now?"

Observing his son's eager expression, he let out a sigh and responded with an affirmative nod.

"Go ahead, but stay near the green rabbits' habitat and don't venture too far."

"Understood, father." Without glancing back, Aska promptly set off towards the habitat of the green rabbits.

Watching his son dash away, he couldn't help but sigh as he turned and headed towards their tree house.

On the other side of the forest, Aska sprinted determinedly in a specific direction.

Despite running for some time, he couldn't sense the enhanced speed his father had mentioned.

When he reached his intended destination, he halted his sprint, scanning his surroundings for any signs of wild animals.

After a quick assessment, he looked back at the path he had run and scratched his head in confusion.

"Argh! I didn't notice any change in my speed."

Realizing that the track he had chosen was not straight and laden with obstacles, he hypothesized that the straight path might have masked any improvements.

An idea struck himto test his speed on a straighter path. He remembered a trail that was mostly straight, yet his father had cautioned him against heading there due to potential danger.

However, his curiosity about his newfound speed overwhelmed his caution. He assured himself he'd return after a brief sprint and set off toward that direction.

As he raced along the path, he began sensing the difference in his pace from before.

Running along a straight course, the surge in speed became undeniable. Excitement coursed through him as he accelerated further, inadvertently covering quite a distance from the green rabbits' habitat.

Eventually, he caught the sound of flowing water. Driven by curiosity, he followed the sound and stumbled upon a massive river. On the opposite bank lay open land.

Enthralled by the sight of the grand river, he momentarily forgot his father's warning to stay away from the area.

Sitting by the riverside, Aska dipped his fingers into the cool water. "I wish I had brought a fishing net. If only I had known there was a river here."

Lost in thoughts of catching and enjoying fish, the sound of water drowned out any approaching movements. Oblivious, he remained unaware of a large creature rapidly approaching from behind. Only when he turned around did he see the colossal, wild animal charging towards him.

But in a split second, just as the creature was about to make contact, it was flunged back in the same direction from where he was running towards Aska to attack and crashes in a boulder.