
The Fate Forgers

"In the depths of his own disinterest, Dylan languishes in his room, lost in a sea of procrastination and endless YouTube scrolling. The world around him has lost its luster, and he drifts without purpose day by day. But one unassuming encounter changes the course of his entire life - an inconspicuous video from a YouTube channel of a small production company which uses it only to release trailers for their upcoming movies and series. The video which was only title 'Trailer,' it becomes the catalyst that sparks a flicker of interest within Dylan, a soul who rarely finds fascination. Join the journey of Dylan, the embodiment of apathy, navigates a life devoid of passion or connection. Yet, against all odds, a gradual transformation begins. Through encounters, experiences, and perhaps by aa special someone, he rediscovers the beauty of the world he had so long dismissed. However, can he maintain a grip on that individual, or will he forfeit the sole person linking him to the world? The steps he takes further will determine his future journey, yet it's as uncomplicated as he perceives the world, or perhaps something is unfolding behind him that he couldn't comprehend."

Chocolatepickle · Ciudad
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24 Chs

Premiere Day


"Taran you are awake?", Dylan's surprise can be seen when he asked Taran.

Dylan's friend Taran was a long sleeper his day covered almost 11 to 13 hours of sleep, so when he received a call from his friend he was surprised slightly.

"Yes, I woke up half an hour before, when my friend called me."


"He is my neighbor."


"By the way, I called you because I found something spicy."


Dylan was not able to get the meaning behind his words.

"My friend got some insider information from EE and from what he knows this trailer is just showcasing their main product."

Dylan, now confused, asked back, "Are you suggesting that this isn't going to be a web series? If that's the case, then why did they announce a release date for it?"

"I am not saying that it will not be a web series but EE production just using this web series to advertise it main product."

"You mean to say that the upcoming web series is a showcase of their main product."


Dylan was shocked by this revelation, he asked Taran.

"How confident are you, that it is true."

"I am almost sure that it is true since my friend got this information from a person working in the EE production house," Taran replied calmly

Dylan was taken aback upon discovering the source of the information, and his curiosity surged as he yearned to uncover the main product of the EE production house.

Dylan inquired of Taran whether the forthcoming product would continue to be associated with the entertainment industry.

"Indeed, it will be, as the EE production house exclusively operates within the entertainment industry," replied Taran.

"Do you happen to have any insights into what might it be? Will it be a movie, a theme park, or perhaps the launch of a new franchise?" Dylan inquired.

"No I don't know anything about that, my friend was only able to get this much information."

"We have only two days left until its release, and then we'll finally discover what it's going to be."

"Yes we can only wait," Tara muttered.

"Dylan now I am going to sleep gain."

"Hey! How much you will sleep, you woke up just now and you are going to sleep again.."

"I didn't take my full nap so I am going to sleep again."

"Hhhh..." Dylan could only shy seeing that Taran is going for sleep again.

When the call was cut Dylan blankly stared at his PC screen he was also feeling slightly tired and sleepy.

"This baster because of him talking about sleeping now I am also slightly feeling sleepy."

But Dylan didn't go to sleep he continued scrolling the YouTube page just like before.

Another day had slipped away, bringing us to the final day prior to the show's release. Meanwhile, the trailer's popularity continued to surge unabated. It was astonishing how a mere trailer managed to captivate audiences, despite revealing little about the show itself. People were drawn to its visually stunning cinematography, CGI, and intriguing scenes. Its distinctiveness, like the absence of a web series title and the bold labeling of "Trailer" for the video, only served to entice viewers further.

The final day came to an end, and at last, the day of the show's release arrived.

Today unlike before, Dylan was filled with energized today as he eagerly awaited the premiere of the web series. Within his anticipation, there was also a hint of curiosity for the main product of the EE production house. He refrained from calling Taran to remind him, knowing that Taran would likely be asleep and he didn't want to continuously call him and serve as a reminder and waste time.

45 min before the premiere of the web series, the number of viewers joining live grew slowly as time passed.

Fifteen minutes prior to the web series premiere, Danish was in his studio, casually browsing YouTube when he unexpectedly came across the live premiere. He also decided to join the other viewers and watch along.

A small smile crept onto his face as he observed the timer counting down.

"Hope it's CGI and cinematography is just like the trailer, if it is just like what is shown in the trailer then it would cover some video on my channel."

10 min before the premiere.

Some where else. "Which game should I choose to play during today's live stream?"

"Let me check on YouTube if there is any new game launched this month which I can play in the stream."

Whenever she opens YouTube, she likes to read the comments on her videos. Today was no exception. Although she wasn't a prominent YouTuber, her videos and live streams consistently attracted a decent audience. Her channel primarily revolved around gaming, even though she wasn't particularly skilled in that area. She had a preference for story-driven video games, and her channel predominantly featured such content. Despite her gaming shortcomings, she garnered views and an audience partly due to her appearance and was well aware of this fact.

Although she is not a hardcore gamer, she consistently strives to enhance her gaming skills. Her motivation primarily stems from occasionally feeling that her audience is drawn more to her appearance rather than her storytelling prowess in narrative-focused video games. This realization bothers her, and she dislikes the notion that her looks overshadow her ability to engage viewers with captivating narratives.

At present, she was reviewing the comments on her latest video, which primarily delved into the intricate storyline and captivating elements of a recently released video game. She thoroughly explored the hidden plot within the game in her video.

Although she enjoys reading the comments on her videos, she often finds that most of them are compliments about her appearance, with only a few relating to the actual content of the video. This occasionally disheartens her and makes her question whether she should continue creating content on YouTube. However, she finds solace in the genuine comments made by viewers who appreciate her storytelling and analysis of various video game plots. Currently, she holds onto the hope that this dynamic will change in the future.

As she scrolled through the comments about her video, she unexpectedly came across a comment that piqued her curiosity.

(Hey Siara you should check out the number one trending trailer on the film section when all the episodes are premiered they would be announcing something which you would like very much :) ...)