
The Fate Forgers

"In the depths of his own disinterest, Dylan languishes in his room, lost in a sea of procrastination and endless YouTube scrolling. The world around him has lost its luster, and he drifts without purpose day by day. But one unassuming encounter changes the course of his entire life - an inconspicuous video from a YouTube channel of a small production company which uses it only to release trailers for their upcoming movies and series. The video which was only title 'Trailer,' it becomes the catalyst that sparks a flicker of interest within Dylan, a soul who rarely finds fascination. Join the journey of Dylan, the embodiment of apathy, navigates a life devoid of passion or connection. Yet, against all odds, a gradual transformation begins. Through encounters, experiences, and perhaps by aa special someone, he rediscovers the beauty of the world he had so long dismissed. However, can he maintain a grip on that individual, or will he forfeit the sole person linking him to the world? The steps he takes further will determine his future journey, yet it's as uncomplicated as he perceives the world, or perhaps something is unfolding behind him that he couldn't comprehend."

Chocolatepickle · Ciudad
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24 Chs

Chakra strain (2)

Aska filled with curiousity, inquired, "Father, what is difference between them?"

"Child, first finish your dinner, then I will tell you different between blood vessels and chakra veins," Aska father replied, with a warm smile on his face as he continued eating his dinner.

Aska nodded and resumed eating his food.

After a while, both had completed their meals.

Aska's father picked up his plate and placed it in the sink. Aska followed suit, placing his plate in the sink as well.

Aska father then waved his left hand, causing a blue light to envelop all the plates in the sink. With a motion of his right hand, he turned on the tap, and the plates covered in the blue light automatically began foam up. Afterward, he picked up each plate from the sink, the blue light also faded when he lifted the plate, revealing dried and clean plate, he passed them to Aska.

Aska who was standing behind him, placed all the plates to their designated spots.

While Aska was placing all the plates in their positions, Aska's father moved in the living room and called him.

"Child, come here."

"Comming!" Aska dashed from the kitchen into the living room.

"Child, to understand the differnce between blood vessels and chakra veins, you first need to comprehend how chakra is contained within our bodies."

Aska nodded to show he listening.

Then he waved his hand, conjuring a humanoid figure before him. Upon seeing this figure, Aska slowly approached the figure, he tried to touch the figures, but to his disappointment his hand passed through it, as if the figure was made of smoke.

He looked at his son and continued, "Child, we don't need to use chakra veins when we utilize chakra within our bodies."

"But Father, didn't you say we have to use chakra veins to release chakra?" Aska scratched his head in confusion, as he gazed at his father.

"Child, we only use chakra veins when we utilise our chakra outside our body."

"Ah!" Aska nodded, but he had still lingering questions in his mind.

"Child, come stand by my side and observe this humanoid figure closely."

Aska nodded, he stood beside his father, then he carefully observed the humanoid figure.

"Child, pay attention, now look how the chakra is contained within this humanoid figure."

With a wave of his right hand, the humanoid figure became transparent from outside.

"Child, look closely. Do you see anything inside?"

Aska nodded, saying, "Father, I believe it's filled with something."

"Yes, child, you've guessed correctly, and it's filled with chakra."

"Chakra!" Aska exclaimed in surprise.

"Now child, do you understand how chakra is stored within us?"

"Yes father," Aska nodded in affirmation.

"Now child, observe carefully how we utilize chakra within our bodies." With that, he walked around to the figure's back and placed his hand on his back, in the next second blue light enveloped his hand. He channeled his chakra to flow through his hand to humanoid figure's back, slowly his chakra which was emitting blue light covered the humanoid figure spine.

"Child, do you recognize what I've done now?" He glanced at his son.

Aska nodded and replied, "Father, you strengthened this figure's spine with chakra."

He nodded on his son response, then stepped away from the humanoid figure's back, then with his right hand he waved at humanoid figure, and responded, "Aska, carefully observe how the figure uses its chakra to envelop its spine."

Aska watched the humanoid figure closely from the sidelines.

The chakra inside the the humanoid figure freely began to cover its spine, gradually replacing Aska's father's chakra. After a few minutes, it successfully covered its spine with chakra.

"Child, did you notice something?"

Aska contemplated for a moment, then replied, "No Father."

"Aska look closely. The chakra that this humanoid figure used didn't require any type of channels to cover its spine."

"Ah!" Aska displayed a look of apprehension.

"But Father, than why do we need chakra veins to use our chakra outside our body?"

In response to Aska's question, he smiled brightly and answered, "Child, you know there is an endless amount of chakra covering our planet."

"Yes," Aska nodded in agreement.

"Now child, can you think why even we, release our chakra outside our body through chakra veins. Why we didn't use our surroundings chakra?"

Aska pondered for a moment but couldn't come up with an answer, so he replied, "No."

"Child first understand the use of chakra veins, you already know, our body act as the container of our chakra. Now Aska look carefully."

With that, he waved his right hand again, causing the outer part of the humanoid figure to become transparent. However, this time the chakra present inside the humanoid figure became more visible.

Aska came closer and carefully observed the figure, the chakra inside the humanoid figure was contained and was not leaking out.

"Child, take a closer look. Our entire body act as a barrier to contain the chakra within us."

Aska, who had been closely examining the humanoid figure, nodded.

"Now child, can you contemplate a reason why we use chakra veins?"

Aska pondered for a while, but he couldn't come up with a satisfactory answer, he responded. "No, Father, I still can't tell a reason,"

Seeing that Aska didn't have the answer, he continued, "Child, because our bodies act as the container for chakra, chakra cannot leak out from our bodies without a pathway. Chakra veins serve as the pathways that cover our entire body, allowing us to use chakra outside our body."

"Aska, have you now grasped the concept of chakra veins?"

Aska, who had been listening attentively, understood and nodded in affirmation.

He gazed at his son, asked a question with a smile. "Now, child, that you've grasped the purpose of chakra veins, can you contemplate why we choose to bring our chakra outside our body, instead of utilizing the chakra in our surroundings?"

In response to his father's question, Aska pondered for a while, and he could only come up with one reason, "Father, I believe it's easier to utilize our own chakra outside our body compared to the chakra in our surroundings."