
Chapter 2 Back To Time

"-dy... Lady Evelyn..."

A faint sweet voice called out to her. The smell of daisies and the feeling of the warm breeze tingles her skin. She slowly opened her eyes and saw a silhouette of a lady crouching in front of her. After letting her eyes adjust to the light, she was frozen for a second for the silhouette was her dear maid, Deliah. She has light brown hair that is tied to a bun, a caramel brown pair of eyes, and fair pinkish skin. She looks much younger than the last time she saw her. Then, waves of memories start to strike her.

~ Memory zone~

It was the night of the crown princess's 18th birthday. During that night, everyone was having the best time of their life as they sing, danced, and chatted at the party about how the young princess was saved from the evil queen and her forever slumber curse by the prince. It was a joyous day for them except for one. Evelyn was crying with pain and sadness on her bed as she knew it was also the day of her mother's death. Standing at the end of the bed listening to her lady cries was Deliah, who was looking at the lady she care for with pain and helplessness. All she could do for her lady is pray and hope the pain of her loss be healed.


One day, before the princess's dinner time started, Deliah secretly went to the princess's meal in the kitchen and add a little drop of drug that can make the princess catch a cold so she could not attend the Dutchess Tairania's salon party. The party was to celebrate the crown princess's engagement with the prince and to strengthen their bond as nobles, with drugging the princess can slow the process of kicking princess Evelyn's title as a noble of the kingdom. After the food was sent to the dinner table, the princess ate it and fall sick instantly. The prince searches for the person that tries to harm the princess. Sadly, Deliah was caught and was sent to the gallows. Evelyn who heard of this news was shocked and wanted to save Deliah, but she knows she couldn't do anything for she has no power to do so. Before the day Deliah was hung that night, Evelyn went to visit her to check on her condition. Seeing her maid praying near the moonlight that shines through the dark cold cell. Evelyn almost burst into tears as she sees her maid which is covered with scars and dirt yet still looks lovely and kind even though she went through so much torture.

"This is all my fault", Evelyn said.

"M-My lady! You shouldn't be here. This is not a place for a lady like you come.", Deliah said as she quickly got up from her previous position and slowly walked towards her lady.

" Is it wrong for me to come and see you...?", she asked with a tinge of sadness in her tone.

" N-no...this servant is very much grateful for her lady visit.", Deliah replied with a bit of happiness for she knows tomorrow was the death penalty.

" My lady, please forgive this foolish servant for making her lady upset. I hope my lady will stay strong when this servant is gone.", she said as she cradled Evelyn's face close to her in the cold cell.


Standing with her head held high, Deliah looked calm as the hangman tie the rope around her delicate neck, there was no fear as she had prepared herself for this moment the last thing she saw was her lady standing among the crowd with tears falling from her cheeks. The plank below her feet disappeared and fell. Her body struggles for a while then it stopped moving.

Evelyn was left speechless and watched as her maid's body dangled in front of her unmoving.

~ Memory zone ended~

" My lady, are you alright?", the maid asked as she put her palm on her forehead to check on her body heat.

Evelyn was startled and pulled her maid's hand away gently.

" Oh no, I'm fine Deliah. I'm just a bit tired that's all.", she explained to her.

" Oh dear, i always remind you my lady that you need to take some rest from studying. it's not good for your health.", the maid said.

" Deliah, may i know what date is it today ?", she asked.

"It 17 May 1567, my lady", the maid replied.

After hearing her maid reply, she stood up and run quickly looking for a pond or fountain to see her reflection. After running in the garden maze she found a water fountain and looked at her reflection. She look so young and there were no eye bags under her eyes. I can't believe this... I'm a KId?!!!. she thought.


Everything seems like a dream to her. She was back to when she was 9 years old. If Deliah is still alive, could that mean Zion too? she thought. She starts to run again towards the training ground not far from the garden. On her way there, she saw a group of maids harassing a young maid on the ground. She doesn't have time to care for this lowlife. But something is telling her to confront them. She stopped on her track and made herself look presentable to scare those maids. As she makes her way there, she heard what one of the maids said.

" Look at this runt, how disgusting she is !", the maid said

" You think you would get the chance to meet the princess.", the other maid said.

" Look at yourself! You're just an orphan that is dumped in front of the castle gate."

How disgusting these people are. They should look into the mirror to see themself. Just as one of them starts to hold their hand up high to slap the girl.

" What are you lowlife doing!!!", she quickly interrupts them. The looked of the maids were speechless and paled.

" Your Highness !", They exclaimed.

Deliah who was not far behind her ran towards them.

" Deliah, i want you to report this to the head maid and tell her to fire this lowlife. It disgusts me to see them acting like they have power in this castle.", she commanded.

" Yes, your highness.", Deliah replied and quickly called the guards nearby to hold the maids.

As they disappeared from her sight, she sighed and look at the young maid. " Hey, Can you get up?", she asked a bit harshly. The young maid clumsily gets up from the ground. She was covered with dirt from head to toe. Looking at the young maid she seems so familiar. The braided red hair, two pairs of turquoise eyes, and those soft pink lips. No way, s-she's Rose White !! , Evelyn thought. This small and timid young maid is the crown princess. Rose White Starts to fidget under Evelyn's long stares.

D-Did i made the princess uncomfortable because she has to save a lowly maid? Should i ask her? She's very pretty. Wake yourself up Rose, As much as you admire the princess, you mustn't make the princess uncomfortable. Stupid. Idiot., Rose white thought. While she was in her head spaces. Evelyn had stopped staring at her.

" Hey, are you okay? Hey? Hello?", Evelyn asked.

"Huh? Oh, Please forgive me your highness!! ", Rose White said as she awake from her daydreaming.

"I-Its fine. Just don't let them bully you next time", she said awkwardly.

" Yes, your highness! a-and thank you... For saving me.", Rose replied shyly while blushing.

"Sure, now off you go and get yourself clean.", she told her and turn back to make her way towards the training ground back.

Evelyn didn't know that she has just started to change her fate.