
The endless tower

This is a world we’re every race is transported into a tower the main Character has a system but so does everyone als he only has one difference he won’t die ever time he dies he’s born a new

Skavenger · Fantasía
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3 Chs

The awakening

A burly women is storming up the stars in the house "LUKUSE GET UP "

A tired Lukuse Rolls over and meons"5 more minutes mum I'm tired "

The lady picks the boy up and dumps him on the floor " now means NOW your 15 you need to start climbing the town "

The boy looks surprised and jumps up " you mean today's the day " he hugs his mum titter the an anicondin piton

The mum unlaced his hands and hands him a few items

A leather armour set a sword dagger and bow " your lucky to start with something lots go in nearly naked "

The boy puts on the armour and equiped the weapons. After he stuffed his breakfast in his mouth leaving the house in a hurry" by mum next you hear my name it'll be as the greatest climber ever"

The mum chuckles and waves good bye

Lukuse is now weving and bobbing his way through the market place. Eventually making it to a huge building that says " tower portal building"

He walks up to a lady and says " I'm here to start my journey " after the lady asks a few questions and guides him to the portal.

Lukuse slowly starts to walk throw the portal, suddenly a screen comes in front of him it says // welcome to the endless tower ...

Press confirm to go to floor 1 you are aloud to go back to floor 0 as soon as you go back trough this portal ... talaporting to alliance shelter.//

A flash a blue light surprise him but soon after he sees himself in the shelter

So exited he says system open

System ( legacy )

Name : Lukuse Fenrie

Race : human , demon , beast kin

Gender : male

Strength level : 139 (+322)


Strength : 17 (+30)

Speed : 13 (+103)

Defence : 10 (+98)

Intelligence : 18

Wisdom : 16

Mind : 19 (+15)

Cariama : 6

Senses :14

Stamina : 26 (+76)

Money : $140.50

Skills : general ( 4 )

Beast stone ( 0 )





"Open general skills "

General skills

Hidden claws ( beast kin )

Inhaleced senses ( beast kin )

Wings ( daemon )

Tale ( demon )

" wow I had no idea that I had some of these Skills , open equipment "

He sees a screen open in front of him and see himself with he's gear. He clicked on is equiped armour to see his in information

// weak leather chest plate created by drack fenrie

15 defence

10 speed

10 stamina

Weak leather shoulder guards created by drack fenrie

10 defence

8 speed

8 stamina

Weak leather gauntlets created by drack fenrie

Defence 8

Speed 5

Stamina 5

Weak leather helmet created by drack fenrie

Defence 15

Speed 5

Stamina 5

Mind 5

Weak leather pants created by drack fenrie

Defence 15

Speed 10

Stamina 10

Weak leather boots created by drack fenrie

Defence 5

Speed 10

Stamina 8

Set bonus + 30 defence

+ 30 speed

+ 30 stamina

+ 10 mind

Weak rusty sword found in low level dungeon

Attack 20

Speed 10

Weak rusty dagger off hand found in low level dungeon

Attack 10

Speed 15

Weak bow 30 arrows sold in shop quick equiped

Attack 30

Seed 5

" wow mum was right about having good gear this will make starting so easy but still better to go to the training hall and get some skill"

Lukuse asked around and eventually found the training hall " I would like to pay for 2 hours please "

"That would be $20 for the basic training room would you like a trainer for another 200"

The boy shacks his head saying he can't afford it. Thinking the money went into the armour dad made

The lady escorted the boy to his training room

" a bit small but this is all I could aford "

He take out his sword and swings it 10 times

// system skill made sword master level 0 //

"Yay now all I need to do is practice my proficiency "

He trains his sword for half an hour getting its mastery level to level 1

Panting the boy Puffed and said " now it's onto the bow" he gets out his bow and a target shows up at the end of the room

Again he practiced his mastery with the bow for 40 minutes and unlocked the bow Margery along with getting it to level 1

" now all I have to do is get my bagger mastery up "

The boy struggled more on this one from the strain and used everything but 20. Ursine that 20 minutes he went bake to his sword and did a side ways slash

After 10 minute a screen came up saying

// congratulation you made the skill side slash

Skill side slash level 1

Uses a heavy attack and increases the damage by 75 % //

"Yay I did it , I did it , I thought it would be harder to make it but it did not tack to long. I thing I'll continue with my sword for the last 10 minutes"

So he did just that for the next 10 minutes he trained his sword mastery and got 36 exp out of 150 exp to level up.

After that day of hard work at training he divided to go out of the shelter