
The endless tower

This is a world we’re every race is transported into a tower the main Character has a system but so does everyone als he only has one difference he won’t die ever time he dies he’s born a new

Skavenger · Fantasía
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3 Chs

First blood

Lukuse now has his bow equiped and is 10 miles out Sid the shelter he finds a yellow spotted deer

It's rank 1 with strength 98

It's mane attack is head trust with its massive sharp horns

Lukuse draws his bow back and steadying himself aming he breathed in. After draw it all the way back to his ear and shoot it

The deer sense it coming and tries to doge but still getting hit in its chest

The dear is now charging at him but not as fast as normal because of it wound

Lukuse sees this equiped the sword and doged to the side the. He housed its stubble to slash at it and chop its head off

// you have killed a yellow spotted deer skill exp gains 49 bow mastery exp / 59 sword mastery exp / 68 slash exp

"Wow that was good but with my armour it's a bit easy. No I'll stick to this one and max out in rank one strengthening stone points"

After the boy rises he didint lot the body

He found one rank 1 strengthening stone and no skill stone

He put the stone in his inventory and cut up the meat " this will be my stew for tonight"

Over in the horizon he spots two more Rank one beast two red wolf's

"Let's see how I do "

Lukuse runs up to them with his dagger startling them he's uses this to slash at on of the wolf's Neak but it only little hose in

Shocked he baked of " so you two focuses in defence "

Now with that he gets his bow and shoots it in the wolf's eyes making it scream in agony

But the other wolf disappears and then bit at his leg he gets his sword out and slashes at its head slicing halfway through the wolf

He sees that the other is still wailing on the floor and slashes at it

// congratulation you killed two red wolf's

100 sword mastery exp / 129 bow mastery exp / 110 slash exp

All three skills level up to level two

Lukuse falls to the ground in exactions " I'm so glad I didint try to go against a Rank two. I think that will be me for the day "

He cuts open the wolf's and get there strengthening stones but there was something als in one of them

It was a skill stone " what the I thought they were rear, I must be so lucky I wounded what skill it is "

// skill dash

Can dash instantly 10 meters in front of you

Uses lot of stamina

Requirements needed 100 speed 50 stamina //

"Learn skill "

Suddenly Lukuse feels so light and full of power

// skill learnt dash Level 1 //

"Well I think that's it's first day and I'm all ready injured"

For the next 4 hours Lukuse hobbles back to the shelter on running in two Rank 1 beast a water bunny and a black bird

Getting back he has 5 stones. He rents a room and sells the leather and some meat he hunted

He gets in and puts the stone out in front of him "wow 5 on my first day but I did get injured "

"Obsorb all stones"

System scanning 5 stones

// 2.5 to all stats 1 extra to defence and 1.5 extra to attack

5/100 Rank one stone slots are taken

There are only 95 left //

After he absorbed the stones he cleaned and bandaged his leg up. For dinner he used the kitchen and made deer stew.

//You have made the new skill cooking//

" I wonder if my cooking will get really good over time " for a snack on the road he hug some meat strips to dry and made Another stew for breakfast

Cooking skill 50 exp

Lukuse quickly fell into a deep sleep and wick up the next morning stuffing the stew he made yesterday down his trot he got ready for the new day

Tacking the dryed meat down he put it in his inventory. " I thick I'll use my ranger skills to fight so I can let my leg heal"

So this time he only when one mile out and housed his bow to shoot a few horned rabbits

// you have killed 12 Rank one horned rabbit

Skill bow mastery level up to 4

12 strengthening stones no skill stones //

"That was a good day I think with the stones I have I'll be proficient in speed "

He's now heading back and end up back at the in he doses what he did last night leaving the stones for last

// 12 horned rabbit stones consumes

6 stats to ever stats and 6 more to speed //

"Look at all those points come rolling in, tomorrow I'll train hopefully my wound is healed by then "

Lukuse gets up in the morning dose what he did yesterday but before he left he looked at the market

Because of his hunts the last two days he has $436.46

When looking at what people are selling he sees a skill the interest him a lot

// are you shore you want to bye this item for 419.99//

"Confirm "

// complete skill stone fire arrow

Shoots a arrow of fire

Bow and arrow needed arrow will not be destroyed upon use

Dose 50 % more damage and upon contact will give the creature a burn affect that will deduct 10% of the damage from the arrow every 5 seconds


Mind 30

Intelligence 15 //

"Learn skill "

//complete skill fire arrow learned level one//

After a bit of exited jumps of joy he released he now has no money to go to the training hall

So instead he goes out hunting for frost bears they are weak to fire and there materials go for good prices

After running for 2 hours he arrives at frost cove we're the bears live

He looks over in the distance and sees one charging strat at him "oh no what the how did he see me "