
The endless tower

This is a world we’re every race is transported into a tower the main Character has a system but so does everyone als he only has one difference he won’t die ever time he dies he’s born a new

Skavenger · Fantasía
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3 Chs

Explanation of the word

What exactly happened

Well humans no longer live on earth and they explored the far reaches of the universe. Finding lots of diverse races creating a Peace treaty


Lots of the races looked similar to fantasy on earth some looked like elves so we called the elves. We did this firstly to give them a name and secondly for fimukarity


Demons ( not considered bad )

Angles ( not completely considered good )

Beast kin


Dragon kin


There are lots of them so they all mostly lived in peace apart from a few

Voltaren they are a race the relies on brute force they are pitch black in colour and look like there in latex suits

Zorax : they are a race of smart orangisems That are large in size being 2 times the high of above average human

Tetrapods : insect looking creatures with wings and great eye site average intelligence and strength but come in numbers

Crakters : they are rock like race with average intelligence but massive strength and huge body's

Ents : they are natural body they came from earth. They were normal trees but du to the high radiation the trees gained sentences and are extremely intelligent creature and have long life stands 1000 years

In the year 37865 AE ( after earth)

All these races were transported into a tower this tower would give them strength. The alience mostly stayed together all these other races mostly stayed to themselves but with the ability to get stronger it became the law of the strong

How dose the tower work

When everyone first came there were on floor zero each floor is like an infinite world with no end

The way you go up is only those who are 15 years of age or considered a young adult are aloud to go through the portal

There is no end to the floors

There are beast bosses dungeons and monster hordes so on so forth that are on each floor

These beast go into strength ranks 1 - 10

Rank one is normal power 40-100

Rank two is primitive power 101-500

Rank three is mutation Power 501-1000

Rank four is variant Power 1001-2000

Rank five is super mutant type Power 2001-4000

Rank six is ruler type Power 4001-8000

Rank seven is super variant Power 8001-16000

Rank eight is emperor type power 16001-32000

The others haven't been discovered

When they are dead they can be cut open and what used to be the heart is a strengthening crystal and on rare ovations ability crystals

Strength crystals when obsorbed give the welder part of it's a strength

Rank 1 = .5 points into every stat and 1 into the 2 highest stats of the beast

Rank 2 = 2 stat points

Rank 3 = 4

Rank 4 = 8

Rank 5 = 16

Rank 6 = 32

Rank 7 = 64

Rank 8 = 128

Rank 9 = 256

Rank 10 = 512

You get 2 time the amount given to the stat given

So if it's strength and rank 5 beast then you would get 16 to all stats stats but strength would get an additional 16

So that's how strength gets up

There are dungeons were the more powerful of the rank of beast live but at the end you can get lots more chances to get ability crystals and after the boss you get equipment books all sorts

Lastly every race has a system that looks like




Power level











Mastery skills

Best stone skills

General skills

( marstery is your mastery over something like sword or spare

Beast stone skills are skills you get from beast stones this code be fire manipulation or transformation

General skills would be ones you have made with your mastery depending on the mastery is how strong the skill is

You can also get it from doing simple things like cooking and sowing )


(This holds all your equipment and items the amount it can hold I dependent on your mind power)

Shop / market

( this is a place were you can read with people are sell to people the shop is the system is has general things and beast stones but it's rely expensive depending on what it is

This place can also sell you things you could not get on the market )


( this is a tad that is connected to inventory but only shows equitable iteams

It will show you and you can equip things to it in the real world it will show up on you

There are item with strength requirements)

That's the basics