
The Encounter

This about a girl named Sadie Turner. She is only with her mother as her dad died when she was young. He left them money and information that even the mother doesn't know about. Go with us as Sadie encounters a big boss named Alexander James or AJ and finds out information about her dad.

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10 Chs

The Beginning pt.4

*Last Part*

The dude I ran into twice just stared as I kept running. I didn't even have to look behind me to know, his stare was too intense. No one in the mall even bothered to help they just disregarded everything although a couple did film. I honestly regret even coming to the mall, I should have just stayed home.

*Back to Alexander's POV*

After the last time the girl ran into me I checked her background and while I was about to open the file, she hit me again. That's how I realized it was fate. We were supposed to run into each other. Although, she is definitely paying me back for my spilled coffee.

My assistant was still confused of my actions until I explained it to him. She was my way out of my mother's grasp and worries. She was the one for me so obviously I will get what I want. Of course she doesn't know that, but she will find out sooner or later. I wondered how much stamina she had since I had just seen her sprint by and realized she was running for a while.

Well then, I guess that one thing I have to keep in mind for later, I thought as I smirked.

*Sadie's POV again*

Here I am thinking about the reason I'm here while being chased. 'Wow what a great day,' I thought. I went to the one place I thought could protect me. My car. Why you say, well because I can drive away really fast in it to my BFF's house. The only advantage I have against these people is that I know this mall like the back of my hand. I know I can lose them for at least 2 minutes. So I put my plan into commission. I pray to my ancestors that this works, or else I have no other ideas.