
The Encounter

This about a girl named Sadie Turner. She is only with her mother as her dad died when she was young. He left them money and information that even the mother doesn't know about. Go with us as Sadie encounters a big boss named Alexander James or AJ and finds out information about her dad.

MehBored · Urban
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The Beginning (3)

*Still in Sadies Standpoint*

As I ran to the fitting rooms I closed the door and locked it. I could hear my heartbeat and I tried to silence it, but it wouldn't calm down. I heard some footsteps go by and heard some people talking and laughing. Hoping he was gone I finally sat down and relaxed.

After I got my nerves calmed down I searched all through my bag. I finally found what I was looking for. My Taser😏. Now that I have my defense out and ready I prepared myself to go out. As soon as I was about to open the door I heard some fighting. It seemed like someone got into some trouble. I then slowly turned the doorknob handle and walked out. I looked around and saw the guy getting beat up by some people in black.

Shocked, I looked a little closer and the person was the dude who was following me. How he got caught by these people I have no idea and didn't care. So I carefully and slowly backed out hoping not to be seen.

"There she is . The girl you were looking for right. Now you can let me go."

I turn around in horror as I heard the man say that. I suddenly became a track star. I ran out of the store and to my car. I heard the men in black, their footsteps following me and they were getting closer. As they did I prepared myself to guard myself or at least put up a fight. As soon and I turned the corner I ran into another guy and his coffee spilled all over his shirt.

I looked up and saw it was the same guy from before. The one that I ran into. I was horrified.

"S-Sorry." These were the only words I was able to say before I kept running.

A little bitty cliffhanger sorry. Um I'll try to update as best as I can.

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