
The Empoyee

"How might you please me, Miss Parker?" "How would you want me, Mr. Holden?" I should stop. It was only a tease I had mindlessly put up, hoping to get a longer moment with him, listening to whatever I had to say, but apparently, he was a persistent young man, one who would get to the end of every matter started. "I'm only scared we don't speak of the same thing here" He followed. "Oh, I very much follow, Mr Holden" "Here's the thing Miss Parker" He began, figure tearing off the chair, approaching my form. I fretted at his incoming profile, eyes averted away, not daring to meet that striking gaze of his. Even in the calming space, I could feel the burn that rushed to my chest. He had soon pulled up beside my form, eyes peering on at my warded off profile. "I'd like to see how so well you think can please me" He called. "If you manage to have me forget how troublesome the morning has been, then I assure you, the position is all yours" Eyes had snapped up to him at once, gaze beholding the sincerity in those grey eyes. "Also.....He paused for a long minute, figure inching closer.....If you manage to have me aroused........ He drew even nearer, breath so close, it fanned against my neck. "Then you, Miss Janet Parker, will be the company's new marketer to be employed" *** He is a 24 year old heir to his father's company. She is a 28 year old lady, fired from her last job for burning the CEO with hot tea. A fiery one she is, not until she meets a man, who is just intent on breaking her.

ArazellaSnow · Ciudad
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47 Chs



I jolted at the pop that rang into the air the instant I stepped foot in my sober New-York apartment.

Stood at the center of the room was the figure of a bubbly Tara, hand holding onto a bottle of wine, the other, fetching a glass cup from a desk at the corner.

"Congratulations!" She squealed those words so hard, I feared the neighbors would come banging at our door.

My eyes only remained peering blankly at her, watching the dance she had put up, with her petite form skipping here to there, and soon coming to pull me in her embrace.

"How did you know?"

The words left my lips at once.

"You texted me. Remember?" She followed, pulling up her cell, with a text from me, flashing boldly on the screen.

Of course, I did. After searching for whom to vent to, telling them how I stupidly had gone on with an act, that was out for my sanity.

"You're an employee at Holden Inc." Her voice was filled with much joy, eyes beaming on at my form.

"That's massive, Jane!"

"Is it now?"

"I'm tired Tara" I pushed my feet forward, tearing off the heels that threatened to ruin my stance.

"What!?" I recognized that tone of hers so well. One that said, 'you'd have to see the death of me, if you think you're gonna bail on this'

"This calls for celebration.....This is all we've hoped for since the start of the week, why then do you seem grumpy, Janet Marie Parker!?" Her voice followed after my departing figure, form tagging right behind.

"We probably will, some other time" I let out.

"Right now, all I need is some heart-sought calm"

My words sailed after my figure, just before I went crashing onto my plush bed at a corner of the room, body relaxing in the hold of the sheets.

"Won't you at least have something to eat?"

"I could order soup from the restaurant down the street" The words of my friend had soon drifted afar, falling distant my ears, with the sound of my breaths all I could make out in the room.


That recurring ring that wouldn't let me have a rest, was everything that summed up into anger, frustration—

My eyes at once snapped open, gaze shifting around the room.

What happened? Why was I still dressed in corporate clothes?

For what reason did I decide to retreat for the night with corporate clothes on?

Only then did my gaze behold the time flashing on the table desk by the bedside.

Body froze at the numbers flashing back into my eyes. This had better be a dream I was soon to wake up from.


I was beginning a new job, and I was already bound on turning up late. Good going Janet, it is only a matter of time before they have you thrown out the yard, with nothing, but you left to bask in your thoughts, thinking your life yet again was cursed.

I didn't let that minute advance even further, I had shot off the bed in an instant, figure rushing to the bathroom.

Oh, whatever would they think?


How could I have slept in? What made me get so relaxed. For Christ's sakes, this is a job at Holden Inc.

I mess this up, and I'm done for.

7:43 My eyes registered the time on my phone screen, hands at once, grabbing onto the towel hung on bathroom rack.

I could make it in time. Oh, I prayed to.

I mean who was I kidding? Seven minutes left, and I barely had gotten myself to a proper state.

The silence which hit the house, got me wondering where Tara had gone to.

It was a Wednesday, and she never worked on Wednesdays. That her was day off from the restaurant which managed to tend to her little bills.

Yes, she waited at a restaurant.

With no college degree, or anything that would have her pulled into the corporate world, my friend had chosen something most comfortable doing.

She had always made it known to me since our years of being teenagers, how she never fancied school, and all it brought about.

"I'd rather have my life spent in a comfortable space, Jane, than wallowing in worries every single day" She would say to me every now and then, and she was right.

In as much as I hurried out of bed every single morning, battling to go to work, it could be draining, I tell you. Mentally and physically.

A smart one she was—The girl I had known since my toddling years—Tara Madden

The 8:00 alarm blared, getting me to a start.

Eyes widened at the numbers flashing on the clock, I refused thinking of the possible outcome of me turning to work at this time.

I was done for.


My figure dashed past the connecting street to the busy road ahead, figure hurrying to that large building, which drew nearer at each second that went by.

It was moments like this that had me wishing I owned a car.

Not for the beauty, nor for the glory, but the fact that I could ram into that odd-sized vehicle that was close to brushing past my agitated form.

The driver had zoomed off, not even daring to spare a glance at my startled profile. How distressed the tires appeared, whooshing away, while the car hurried on.

But save the curses for another day, dear people. For I was thirty minutes late. Thirty minutes late to a place I just had been hired at.

Hair flying with the wind, I couldn't help but catch onto the stares the security guards sent my way.

Their eyes followed my figure proceeding into the area.

"Is everything alright, Miss?" One had been so kind to enquire, but there wasn't any time for discussion.

I was forced to give a smile at the all-kind Mister, form soon dashing into the building.

The Elevator.

Run! Take the elevator! A voice in my head bellowed, and at once, I had hurried to the building's elevator, punching at the buttons repeatedly, waiting for it to open up, but fate sure had other plans for me, as that warning, stating it was occupied, came flashing before my eyes.

"It's in use, Dammit!" A man walking past,  called, getting my legs moving and up the stairs I began. 

A huge company as this, and one can't get an elevator? Brilliant!

The sound of my heels clicking, was all that echoed, while my figure went up the spiraling stairs.

My breaths turned heavy, legs becoming weary, while I went past the first floor.

Why couldn't things just be much easier?

I swore to tear off my heels, if the ever-going stairs never got to a stop, and only then did I find the push.

Figure hurrying on, I went, stair after stair. Approaching the floor I belonged to.

I was met with a grumpy-faced Adalynn peering back at my figure.

Eyes staring on, they shifted to the red heels, which my hands held on to.

"Sorry" I mouthed quickly, soon placing the heels back on my feet, and at once straightening my clothes.

"Would you be kind as to informing me why you're late?" She had soon called, getting to her feet, while holding out to me, a paper.

"Traffic usually is terrible in New-York" I was one to say, with my lips forcing a smile, hoping it would do enough appeasing an already angered secretary.

"Working hours began seventy-five minutes ago, Janet. Also.....The traffic isn't that bad" She called at once, moving back to her seat.

"Fill out that form" She spoke, having a sip out of the paper cup on the desk.

"What is it?" I itched to know.

"It's a strike" Her tone was flat, with eyes fixed on the computer screen sat on the polished desk.

"That will be the first" She called. "The next three times you get a strike, that will see to your exit from the company"

And with that, she had returned the smile I was kind to give minutes ago, with no emotion whatsoever held in her eyes, her fingers returned punching at the keys of the white keyboard.

"Get to work, Jane" She followed. "You wouldn't want Mr. Holden coming across you stood there doing nothing"

At the mention of that name, my already numb legs, turned even weary, chest burning.

I could imagine his figure walking into this area, while memories of the previous day, would fill my mind.

Not to forget those grey eyes of his which did so well in leaving one a wreck.