
The Empoyee

"How might you please me, Miss Parker?" "How would you want me, Mr. Holden?" I should stop. It was only a tease I had mindlessly put up, hoping to get a longer moment with him, listening to whatever I had to say, but apparently, he was a persistent young man, one who would get to the end of every matter started. "I'm only scared we don't speak of the same thing here" He followed. "Oh, I very much follow, Mr Holden" "Here's the thing Miss Parker" He began, figure tearing off the chair, approaching my form. I fretted at his incoming profile, eyes averted away, not daring to meet that striking gaze of his. Even in the calming space, I could feel the burn that rushed to my chest. He had soon pulled up beside my form, eyes peering on at my warded off profile. "I'd like to see how so well you think can please me" He called. "If you manage to have me forget how troublesome the morning has been, then I assure you, the position is all yours" Eyes had snapped up to him at once, gaze beholding the sincerity in those grey eyes. "Also.....He paused for a long minute, figure inching closer.....If you manage to have me aroused........ He drew even nearer, breath so close, it fanned against my neck. "Then you, Miss Janet Parker, will be the company's new marketer to be employed" *** He is a 24 year old heir to his father's company. She is a 28 year old lady, fired from her last job for burning the CEO with hot tea. A fiery one she is, not until she meets a man, who is just intent on breaking her.

ArazellaSnow · Ciudad
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47 Chs


I felt the silence that struck my form the minute I stepped into the office premises.

It was one that got a hold of me. So intent it was, I just could tell something was up. Especially because the figure of Adalynn wasn't held behind that desk, ready to toss questions my way for one thing or the other.

The entire area was quiet.

Did something happen? I wasn't given enough time to ponder on that, as the figure of Adalynn came strolling in. A file in hands, she hurried to her desk, rummaging through.

It took a long minute for her to finally take notice of my figure stood here all the while, and when she did, I watched the life rush to her gaze and at once, she spun to me.


"I was just in your office"

"You must hurry along. There's a car outside waiting for you. The driver will take you to the director's house"

She rushed her words, not taking a pause for me to object, nor pitch in my own words.

"He hasn't reported in the office all morning. I fear there's something up"

"You should check on him" She dropped the words.

"And you're assigning me to this. Why?"

"Because I can" She called flatly.

"Also. Mr. Holden requested you see him" Her voice was low.

"Mr Holden?"

"Oh, Janet. You're too smart to go acting dumb all the time" I didn't know if I was to give light to the compliment, or ignore the insults, either way, my focus was left lingering on the lady before me.

"Get going on" She shooed. "And do not return without having him sign these"

She had dumped a stack of documents right into my hands, figure spun around, with silky red hair bouncing here to there while her form proceeded away.

Why would Mr Holden request to see me? Also why hadn't he shown up all morning? Could he have fallen sick? Did something happen to him?

All those thoughts jumbled into my head all at once, with feet pushing forward slowly, while the voice of Adalynn called out from the connecting room, yelling for me not to keep the driver waiting.

Left with nothing but to heed the orders of Adalynn, I hurried away, going to begin a trip to Kristoffer's home.