
The Empire of The Multiverse

This is a Hobby of Mine, My Version of 40k independent Universe And All.

Shiro_Kusanagi_69 · Cómic
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80 Chs

The Empire of The Multiverse

Chapter 74 - The Lord of Death

Mordecai POV

I am Mordecai Ashbringer, the Primarch of the Death Guard, known among my people as The Lord of Death. As I gaze upon the holographic representation of the cosmic battlefield, it reveals a staggering scene across the Quasar Enclave, housing 700,000 planets inhabited by the Eldranthii. The symbols of my forces consistently blink in shades of green, contrasting with the red icons representing the Eldranthii. In every passing minute, changes unfold, yet a certain trend emerges — the proliferation of the green icons.

In this moment, I reflect on the nature of war. Trillions of souls, both Eldranthii and Imperial, perish with each passing second. Such is the brutal reality of conflict. However, my people, the Dominians, understand death differently. They fear it the least, for they know that upon death, their souls will be reincarnated in different corners of the Imperium. It is a unique gift, one that sets us apart. The Eldranthii, in contrast, struggle to comprehend the intricacies of their creators' sorcery. We, the very beings that brought their masters to oblivion, wield powers beyond their understanding.

As the War in Heaven rages on, I confess that it is part of a grand plan devised by my father, the God Emperor, and the Grand Strategist. It is a plan to unify the universe, a cleansing of sorts. While the Imperium holds dominion over the universe and its inhabitants, the Imaginary Space also grants the ability to reset it. However, Father envisions more than a simple reset — he envisions the invasion of stronger universes. Thus, instead of a mere push of the reset button, we engage in war to become stronger. Each death in battle empowers me, a vital step in the progression of our grand design.

The Korrks, on the other hand, are wild beasts adorned with advanced technology. In the absence of the Imperium, they might have been the ultimate victors in this War in Heaven. A race perfected for war, their existence revolves around the singular purpose of conflict. If they find no external enemies to "krump," they turn their aggression inward, a peculiar and comical aspect of their nature.

As the supreme civilization that we are, one might wonder why we don't simply warp reality, obliterate galaxies, or fling planets at each other with a mere thought. The truth is, we possess the capability to do so. With a tap on the screens of the Mothership, courtesy of the Necron's Celestial Orrery, we can easily relocate black holes and reshape the cosmos. However, we exercise restraint in wielding such immense power. The Imperium, the chosen civilization of the Supreme Will of the Honkai, stands as a testament to this approach.

Mordecai contemplates this truth as he witnesses a deity from the Eldranthii descend and engage in battle with the Astartes of the Death Guard. Despite their formidable strength, Astartes can only do so much against divine beings. This is where the Primarchs come into play, entities that are both Demi-gods and Gods. The Herrscher's Ascension is the only missing piece for Mordecai and his remaining brothers and sisters. Yet, ascension will only occur when the universe is fully united. The instances where his siblings ascended might be a last-ditch struggle against the powerful Star Gods, beings essential to the fabric of the physical universe. Mordecai acknowledges the tricky nature of Star Gods, whose reality-warping abilities can only be partially hindered by the Pylons.

As Mordecai teleports in front of the Eldranthii deity, a sense of annoyance overcomes him. The deity bears a smile reminiscent of the God of Clowns from the Old Ones, a one-armed entity that foolishly attempted to assassinate Mordecai's father. However, this Eldranthii deity's grin seems to provoke irritation in the Primarch.

"I must say, you remind me of the God of Clowns from the Old Ones—the one-armed fool who tried to assassinate my father. But you, you're just annoying," Mordecai mutters, ready to confront the smiling deity.

The Clown God, Cegorach, giggled in a manner that seemed to echo through the cosmic void. "Hello, Primarch. I am Cegorach, the representative among the Eldranthii Pantheon and the new God of Clowns," he announced. I couldn't help but wonder about the surreal nature of this encounter. "And? Are you here to surrender?" I inquired, my patience wearing thin.

Cegorach's laughter filled the space around us, giving me a moment to contemplate whether an attack was in order. The laughter abruptly ceased, replaced by a wide, eerie smile. "No... in fact, I am here to issue the declaration of war from my divine brethren. Our message to your father is the corpse of his beloved son!" Cegorach declared before disappearing. The Honkai energy weakened, and the connection to the Imaginary Space was severed. It didn't concern me; the Old Ones had attempted such tricks before.

Suddenly, a humanoid insect attacked, and I swiftly defended with my scythe. Examining the creature closely, I discerned a steel body glowing with cosmic energy. Despite its weakened state, it attacked relentlessly. "Primarch, I am Quara'lokai, and I shall devour you!" it screeched annoyingly. I smirked, recalling my victories against the avatars of Outer Gods. This, too, would be overcome.

Amidst the battle, a communication from The Endurance reached me. "Milord, there is an uncountable swarm of insects that appeared behind us," it reported. Engaged in combat, I calmly directed my response. "Have the Men of Iron intercept them. They are built to fight these kinds of battles," I instructed, receiving an assurance from my personal Man of Silver, Silver 08, that they were already on the task.

Quara'lokai, driven by instinct rather than strategy, continued to attack physically. A fatal error. As the battle unfolded, the steel body of the Star God began to decay under the influence of my powers—death and decay. Star Gods' technology it's body, formidable as it was, couldn't resist the relentless drain.

Slicing through Quara'lokai, I witnessed the arrival of my Death Guard sons. Engaged in a bizarre conflict against the Eldranthii jesters, or Harlequins, I issued a command that resonated across the galaxy, "I am the Lord of Death, arise and attack my enemies!" The undead rose, equalizing the numerical odds. The drain on my energy was palpable, but the impact was immediate.

Quara'lokai reappeared, this time in triplicate. His ability seemed tied to insects, a relentless and endless force. It mattered little; the inexorable march of death would prevail.

The struggle continued, my Primarch Guards the Grave Walkers Clad in Terminator Combat Skin attempting to join the fray against the Harlequins. A Guard's attempt to dispatch one was met with swift reprisal—each fallen Harlequin replaced by two more. The Eldranthii and Star Gods were indeed coordinating their efforts. Amidst the chaotic battle, my duel with Quara'lokai reshaped the landscape, leveling mountains and carving deep ravines—a testament to the clash between gods.

The ongoing battle revealed massive constructs reminiscent of the Honkai Pylons. Although their design differed significantly, these structures emitted energy that repelled and attacked Honkai energy—a clear imitation of Imperial tech. I couldn't help but find it ironic; the Eldranthii and Star Gods, despite their vast cosmic knowledge, resorted to copying the innovations of the Imperium. It was a testament to the supremacy of Imperial technology, a force that surpassed even the cosmic imitations thrown against it.

The planet trembled beneath the celestial clash as Mordecai Ashbringer, the Lord of Death, confronted Quara'lokai, the Endless Swarm. The battlefield, once serene, transformed into a chaotic canvas of destruction, with mountains crumbling and deep ravines etching the landscape.

Quara'lokai, a humanoid insect with a steel body pulsating with cosmic energy, screeched its challenge. The skies echoed with the sound as Mordecai, scythe in hand, stood ready for the cosmic duel. The Lord of Death's presence alone began to decay the very essence of the planet, turning vibrant life into a lifeless, gray ash.

As Quara'lokai lunged forward, Mordecai deftly evaded the attack. The Lord of Death moved with an otherworldly grace, his every step a dance with the cosmic forces. His scythe, an extension of his will, gleamed with the power to decay and ultimately oblivion.

Quara'lokai's attacks, fueled by insect-like tenacity, met Mordecai's scythe. Each clash resonated with a cosmic echo, shaking the battlefield and altering the terrain. The planet itself seemed to groan under the immense power being unleashed.

Mordecai, despite the suppression of his powers by the Aether Pylons, emanated a presence that dwarfed the celestial conflict. His essence seeped into the surroundings, accelerating the decay of life. The once vibrant flora withered, and the planet's surface turned into an ashen wasteland.

The fight intensified, with Quara'lokai summoning swarms of cosmic insects. Mordecai, undeterred, wove through the swarm, his scythe creating arcs of decay that left trails of annihilation in their wake. The cosmic insects, upon contact with the Lord of Death, succumbed to the paradoxical forces—decay and regeneration in an endless loop.

The sky itself seemed to darken as the battle reached its climax. Mordecai, with a powerful sweep of his scythe, cleaved through Quara'lokai. The Star God, now in threefold, persisted in its relentless assault, yet the Lord of Death's determination remained unshaken.

Captain Calas Typhon swiftly commanded the evacuation efforts as the cosmic clash between Star God and Primarch wreaked havoc on the once-thriving planet. The urgency in his voice echoed through the comm channels as he directed his battle brothers and the Cosmic Militarum to abandon the beleaguered world.

"All Forces, evacuate immediately! Father's battle is consuming the very essence of this planet. At this rate, it won't withstand the hour. Someone, destroy those Aether Pylons—Father's powers are suppressed because of them!" Typhon's authoritative voice cut through the chaos of war.

However, a revelation from one of his Astarte officers brought a momentary pause. "Brother, the Aether Pylons are decaying. It seems that even though the Eldranthii managed to imitate the Honkai Pylons, they didn't replicate the nano machines that should be protecting them."

Typhon, absorbing this critical information, nodded with determination. "New Orders: full evacuation. The Aether Pylons will fall on their own." With resolute resolve, Typhon led his squad back to the teleportation rods, aiming to retreat to the safety of the Mother Ship.

Glancing back at the dying planet, Typhon witnessed the visible changes wrought by the celestial struggle. The ground whitened, trees withered, the ocean turned an ominous black, and the once-majestic mountains, if not directly hit by the shockwaves of the Primarch's battle, slowly but perceptibly crumbled into dust. The evacuation continued as the planet succumbed to the relentless forces at play, a testament to the cataclysmic clash between god-like beings.

As the battle between Mordecai Ashbringer and Quara'lokai intensified on one of the worlds within the Quasar Enclave, a sinister development unfolded across the remaining 699,999 worlds. Countless Craftworlds, the formidable vessels of the Eldranthii, descended upon the cosmic battleground. Their arrival marked a significant reinforcement for the Eldranthii forces, threatening to tip the scales in their favor.

With the Men of Iron engaged in a relentless struggle against the swarm of space insects summoned by the Star God, the reinforcements posed a daunting challenge for the already strained Cosmic Militarum and the Death Guard. The intricate dance of war now saw the addition of Craftworlds, bringing advanced technology, potent psychic abilities, and formidable Eldranthii warriors to the forefront.

The losses on both sides seemed inevitable, as the clash between god-like entities and cosmic forces continued to unfold across the vast expanse of the Quasar Enclave. The outcome of this immense conflict remained shrouded in uncertainty, with each passing moment bringing forth new challenges and complexities.

74.2 Beckoning

In the hushed serenity of the Capital Galaxy, Fafnir stirred from his slumber, a mysterious calling tugging at the edges of his consciousness. The night enveloped the room, and Esdeath, the God-Empress, lay beside him in peaceful repose, clad in her nightgown. With a gentle kiss on her forehead, Fafnir assured her, "Something beckons me. It's not perilous. Go back to sleep."

Rising from the colossal bed that bespoke the grandeur befitting the God-Emperor, Fafnir, with his towering stature of 12 feet, moved with purpose. The room transformed as he entered the Imaginary Space, his flowing robes transmuting into a resplendent Golden Blue Combat Skin. With a graceful gesture, his halberd soared into his grasp. The Imaginary Space unfolded before him—angels soared, celestial hymns resonated, and cherubs sang, welcoming their creator.

Beyond the ethereal expanse of heavenly realms, Fafnir traversed a portal into a tunnel that stretched for hours. Emerging on the other side, he beheld an awe-inspiring sight—an immense, otherworldly tree defying the limitations of space and time. Its ethereal trunk extended infinitely, while branches reached out like cosmic tendrils, each representing a distinct timeline or parallel universe. Glowing symbols adorned the bark, weaving an intricate tapestry of interconnected realities.

As Fafnir walked upon the void, he peered downward to witness a boundless cosmic sea, an expanse not of water but of shimmering energy. This sea, known as the Sea of Quanta, undulated with the ripples of countless possibilities, where diverse timelines coexisted, overlapped, and diverged in a mesmerizing dance. The Imaginary Tree and the Sea of Quanta unveiled the intricate architecture of the multiverse, a realm where the threads of existence wove an intricate and boundless tapestry. Fafnir pondered the significance of this cosmic vista, recognizing it as the seed for a burgeoning multiverse on the brink of integration.

In this ethereal realm, the God-Emperor stood at the nexus of creation, contemplating the mysteries that unfolded before his immortal gaze.

Hey! Happy Holidays

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