
The Dungeon Necromancer

An adventure following Erebus a dude who has no idea what it takes to be a hunter who purges dungeons, but with his willpower to live a good life he pushes through all doubt and rises to the top.

EJ_DOUBLE_C · Acción
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7 Chs

The thing in the INN

"Its whatever and seeing as you can't see through the water I know you didn't see anything indecent" said Erebus. The girl still apologizing says "My name is Theia and Im very sorry for what I have done." "If its alright with you can I treat you to a meal as an apology?" asked Theia. Erebus shocked by the question responds with "Not today for I am really tired from all the dungeon hunting I did."

Theia looked kinda sad when she heard Erebus say that, but respected his decision and they departed ways.

Erebus makes his way to the inn to get himself a place to rest and to eat. As he walks into the inn he smells the sweet smell of the food that was being made in the back. He got to the registration desk and booked a room for a day and ordered whatever they were making in the back. He payed and ordered it to be brought to his room.

In the room Erebus started to count his money, to see how much he had left. He had 29 silver and 74 copper pieces left of his 43 silver and 64 copper he had gotten early in the day. This made Erebus realized how expensive it was to live like this and how much harder he would need to work to live the life he had always dreamed of.

Erebus got his food and slowly started to eat it, taking bites of the corn, bread, and whatever meat that was on his plate. erebus was absolutely astound with how good the food was. So much so he asked the cleaner " can you summon me the chef? I have something I want to say to them about the food." The cleaner then went to do as they were asked.

Erebus then shut the door and went to go lay down, but then he saw it. It was just standing there, not moving an inch, not making a sound. Erebus frightened about how there was a Hob-goblin in his room went to grab his sword. While saying "back off", as soon as Erebus said that the thing backed up to the corner of the room. Erebus confused on why the thing listened to him. He decides to see what else it will do when Erebus says to do something. Erebus told it to lay down and it did, he said to do 25 pushups and it did.

With this information Erebus went on to testing what he could make this guy do.