
The Dungeon Necromancer

An adventure following Erebus a dude who has no idea what it takes to be a hunter who purges dungeons, but with his willpower to live a good life he pushes through all doubt and rises to the top.

EJ_DOUBLE_C · Action
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7 Chs

Testing day

Surprised and scared Erebus heard "Knock, knock" at the door. Remembering that he asked for the chef to be summoned so he could tell them how well the food was and to give them a tip. He said the the Hob-goblin "Hide or go away!".

Erebus went to the door and opened it to talk to the chef. The chef then said "I heard you wanted to talk to me, what is it? Was the food not good?". Erebus says "no, no, no. The food was amazing! So amazing in fact I wanted to give you a tip" so that's what erebus did. Giving the chef 10 copper coins and even more compliments about the food.The chef delighted about the compliments and money then left wishing Erebus a good nights sleep.

Erebus then goes back to the problem at hand... the Hob-goblin and how to get rid of it, but also how it even came to be in his room, and why it listens to his commands. Trying to remember all he said before the Hob-goblin suddenly appeared Erebus remember the last thing his said was "Can you summon me the chef?".

Trying to see if he could make the Hob-goblin disappear Erebus says all different kinds of words like "cancel, reverse, un-summon, dissolve, and remove" , but the only word that worked was disengage.

Seeing as the Hob-goblin finally disappeared Erebus decided to finally get his long awaited sleep.

When Erebus woke up he went straight to the woods to test what the Hob-goblin could do. "Summon" Erebus shouted, and boom there it was the Hob-goblin standing there like a lifeless doll the size of a child.

"grrrrggrgr" is all Erebus heard in the woods cause he forgot to eat before he left. Seeing how hungry he was he went by the river to see if he could catch a fish, but try after try to no surprise he couldn't get a single fish. As his stomach growls even louder now since he has become more hungry and he has exerted most of his energy to get a fish, he stops and thinks.

That when he thought " If this Hob-goblin listens to everything I day for it to do, will it be able to catch a fish if I told it to?" and that's what he did. Erebus told the Hob-goblin to try to catch a fish as he would prepare a fire to cook it on. Erebus was also thinking that even if the Hob-goblin didn't catch a fish it would be ok because it was a little cold that morning so a fire would feel nice.