
The Dungeon Boss

Lee Ji-Won, a student who 2 hours ago was just attending school is now tasked with being a dungeon boss and either help destroy earth or prepare the people for something even worse. Wich one will it be?

Fifa_TV_FTV · Fantasía
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3 Chs

Chapter 3: The retaliation

Right as I was about to use my skill a beautiful lady came in with a sword and sliced up all those monsters attacking the people.

"Beautifull." I said with my mouth wide open.

She turned around and looked at me with a disgusted face. Did she hear me?

"Ah don't misunderstand I meant your swordplay was beautiful."

"Hmph." She scoffed at me. She turned around and walked off.

Wow rude I tought to myself but I guess from her point of view I'm just a disgusting pervert so I don't blame her.

Will I ever see her again? I hope.


Where was I? Oh right I was about to help the people evacuate.

As I walked down the streets of Busan I try to scare of all the monsters I encounter with my skill and it seems to be working, I mean who doesn't get scared when a man covered in blood walks towards you all while the ground schakes with every step he takes.

What is the military doing? Are they just hiding themselves and leaving the cititcens to protect for themselves?

While walking I hear a loud explosion in the distance, I proceed to make my way over to the sound and encounter a mouse like monster with fire covering it's skin. I guess the gas station exploded due to the mice.

Just how many fire mice are there they keep popping out from the smoke. There must be around a few dozen mice. As the smoke dissipates I see the portal where the fire mice are coming out of.

I decided to approach the portal whilst scaring the mice away with my skill. But some mice don't fall for it and do attack me but my stats are higher than those mice so it isn't that big of a problem fighting those monsters.

"Ding." "You have ranked up, u are now E-rank."

E-rank? is there some kind of ranking system instead of the level system? Well I don't realy care I'm already infront of the portal.

"Ding." "Would you like to enter the D-rank dungeon [Stinky Sewers]"

D-rank dungeon you say? I'm only E-rank so I'll most likely die in there.

"Hey these monsters aren't all that hahaha!"

Huh I hear a group of people. As I peeked around the corner of the building I see a group of 7 thugs with bats and other weapons. I should probably hide right?

As they approach the corner I'm already hiding.

"These disgusting rats uuh, can't you do anything with that skill of yours?" a pretty thug lady said to what looks like the leader of the group.

"Huh you think I'm some kind of tool!?" he said with a scary tone.

The lady looked proper scared and didn't say anything after that. They were walking towards the portal and entered it. I decided to follow suite and I also entered the dungeon.

"Blargh" The moment I entered I started vomiting from the smell alone. As I look around I can clearly see the vomit of the thugs as well. After a while i reach the thugs and see them killing all the mice.

After 20 minutes of following and killing the leftover mice I reached the bossroom at the same time as the thugs. They decided to rest up infront of the bossroom, so I rested as well.

[3 hours later]

"Let's go inside guys we've rested plenty."

They are entering the bossroom so after a while I also entered the room and what I saw was surprising. The boss monster was actually a human. The thugs were working very well together as a group as some were cleaning up the small mice and the 3 strongest people were fighting the boss who was covered in flames wich was probably one of his skills.

"Hey Jun-U watch out." the thug leader screamed to one of his companians.

"Hahaha what watch out these are small fr---"

"AAAAAAAAAH!!" The thug lady screamed "He's dead!".

There was one more monster they didn't account for it was a big porcupine like monster made up of a bunch of spikes that are all on fire. The monster shot these spikes from it's back towards the thugs making it look like there were fire missiles being shot.

As this all happened the boss shouted "HAHA I just got the points needed for that monster, the rodent species really are the best."


Points what does he mean by that?

The thugs looked like they were going to lose after they lost 1 of their companions. Should I just help them, but I can't just show myself since those thugs still look dangerous as well as the boss of the dungeon.

"Sh!t." the leader shouted "how can I lose to a loser like you?!" as the leader said that his bat shone bright and as he was swinging his bat ...