
The Dumonts: A Birth of History

What if I told you that everything, and I mean absolutely everything, you've ever dared to imagine – from the tiniest microbe to the most formidable deity – exists in this vast, intricate cosmos? Would you tremble with unbridled terror? Would you revel in the sheer grandeur of it all? Would you embark on a relentless quest to uncover the truth, knowing that the very fabric of reality had irrevocably shifted? These are the profound questions that shall accompany you on this extraordinary journey. So, sit down, my friend, and lend me your undivided attention.

Dumont_foundation · Fantasía
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43 Chs


The air hung heavy with silence as the astonishing spectacle unfolded before them. The Zura girl not only survived the onslaught from the SkelDhar goddess but reciprocated with a devastating counterattack, leaving the goddess vulnerable and exposed.

Mirta and Otu, their expressions mirroring a shared understanding, wore smiles that creased across their faces. Otu couldn't help but reflect on her father's words, realizing the profound truth within them. "Father always said she would hold the power to crush all before her. I never knew exactly what he meant until now," she thought, a sense of inevitability intertwining with her every breath. Yet, despite the anticipated outcome, an ominous feeling still lingered in Otu's stomach.

Hen're'it lay there, her very essence shaken to the core by the girl's relentless blows. This transcended a mere physical strike; it delved deep into the essence of her being. Slowly, her eyes opened, meeting the gaze of the Zura tribal leader.

A thin veil of purple energy enveloped Hen're'it, an unseen force that captivated her attention. She smiled softly, a silent acknowledgment to the Zura girl. "Thank you, girl. You have opened something new for me to focus on. But now, let's see how strong you really are," she mused, her eyes shifting with an unspoken determination.

However, amid the charged atmosphere, only Mirta sensed the impending danger. "-CILE, MOVE!-" she shouted instinctively.

Cile, trusting her sister's intuition, leaped backward just in time. A bolt of lightning struck the exact spot where she stood and where Hen're'it lay moments ago. The sudden surge of energy sent shockwaves through the onlookers, but one person remained unfazed—Geo'rgge, who suspected the latent power within his life mate.

The energy coursed through Hen're'it, yet she displayed no signs of pain. It bounced off her skin, weaving around her like a serpent, and abruptly ceased. Slowly rising, she examined her altered form—flesh almost translucent, crackling with residual energy.

Geo'rgge's gaze remained fixed on his life mate, realizing she had consumed the lightning and harnessed its energy to transform her codex once again. With an air of unyielding confidence, Hen're'it addressed the Zura girl, "-Now, Zura girl, let's test the boundaries of your strength-." The arena buzzed with anticipation as the clash of titans entered a new phase, each participant poised to push the limits of their abilities.