
The Dragon of the Eternal Empire

Asgard, Kree, Nova Empire, these worlds are known to either be a backwater world, advanced, feared, etc and heard often by members of the Avengers and SHIELD. But there is one that is never spoken, the reason? Fear. Fear of the most powerful government in the Universe. Feared to the point that even the Mad Titan, Thanos, is wary of it. Enter the Eternal Empire led by the Dragon of Zakuul, Thexan A Star Wars / Marvel crossover with several characters from other Franchise (Ben 10, DC, Star Trek, etc)

Arnauth_Khan · Película
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12 Chs

The Age of Conquest

Zakuul, capital of the Eternal Empire

Zakuul is a world of oceans and vast swamps, located beyond the realms of Asgard, Kree Empire, or the Nova Empire

The great swaths of swamp and ocean are not the only thing on the planet, it is also home to the most advanced civilization in the universe, among them is the capital city of the Empire, a megacity known as The Spire.

The Spire is a bright, shining metropolis of gold and metal, its great skyscrapers reached high into the sky, many of them peircing the very peak of the atmosphere itself. The city is enormous and built around a truly great supertower, A massive building called "The Spire", a building that bears the same name as the city itself, and in it hosts a room in which the legendary Eternal Throne sat atop its peak almost breaking through the atmosphere of the planet.

The capital city, also known as The Realm of Dreams is the home of the Royal Family. Founded by the First Emperor Valkorion who ruled the Empire for over 5000 Years, before his fall after a failed coup instigated by his first son, Arcann, and his daughter Vaylin. A coup that ended with the death of all three claimants to the throne after Thexan, the second son, decided enough is enough for both his father and his siblings. A coup that caused a massive civil war across the Empire, only after Thexan himself ended the coup and the misrule of his father that the Empire know peace and posperity.

Upon the defeat of his Father and wayward siblings, Thexan united the entire Army and Navy, all under one command, making them loyal only to the Eternal Throne, meaning in the future, the Military of the Empire will not be split in half, avoiding another Civil War in the Empire.

Rebuilding the Empire, Thexan becomes known as the Dragon of Zakuul, gaining fearsome raputation from the enemies of the Empire. The once crumbling Empire rose from its ashes to be the most feared government in the Universe, as there is a saying "Kneel before the Dragon of Zakuul". A saying that serves as a reminder to anyone who dared to challenge his authority, and by extension, the authority of the Eternal Empire.

Although he became feared, loved, and respected by everyone, Thexan has a difficult childhood, and these difficulties extended even after his ascension as the second Emperor.

Treated with derision, disrespect, and even some laughter upon ascension by the Council of Zakuul, partly due to being in the shadow of his siblings, and the fact that his more passive personality gaining the opinion that he is weaker and a coward, a Usurper, this opinion quicly changed after he defeated his father and siblings in the so called "Battle for the Throne" or "the Clash of Dragons", showing his power eclipsing the combined might of his family, and due to the fact that in just several years he quickly established himself to be far advanced beyond his age; intelligent, ruthless and charismatic, he successfully rallied the people to his banner, storming the bastion of the corrupt Council of Zakuul that oversaw the governing of the planet revealing their corruption to the entire world.

Upon the destruction of the Council, he took control of Zakuul and began a series of reforms across the planet that stabilised the world and brought prosperity back to the people, ending the corruption within most of the government, cementing his place as the leader of Zakuul and earning their eternal loyalty.

A period of rapid change began after that as the people under his command prepared for battle as there are still dissidents in the Empire, and due to the Civil War, many planets and outposts are either abandoned, destroyed, or fall into anarchy. A period of Conquest, in which the now Emperor Thexan and the newly rechristened Eternal Army and Navy defeated all that stands in its path. Besides that, many projects are started to expand and consolidate the power of the Empire across the Universe.

His first project is to improve Zakuul from a collapsing capital of a dying Empire to a new capital worthy of a Superpower such as the Eternal Empire. Combining both technology and tradition, Zakuul's original swampy planet is recreated, while in swaths of lands available on the planet, he initiated the construction of a new capital city, The Spire. A structure which was the dream of his father, and the brainchild of his brother Arcann, with the design of the massive tower as a symbol of power, an opinion of his sister since they were a child "A building worthy of dragons", and it also symbolises the dreams of his mother, Senya Tirall, a legendary warrior and the first Knight of Zakuul, in which she dreamed of a structure "a place where we can meet the stars".

Then he created a new orbital defence around Zakuul, as he felt that the old security systems are outdated, therefore the moons of the planet were permanently colonized and orbital spacestations are improved and multiplied and the creation of multiple battlestations, each having the capability to destroy a moon. This marks the begining a period of rapid expansion and stability that would spread across the entire Empire.

Signifying the birth of a new Empire of Zakuul.