
The donor of dream

Believing in miracles, does it comical? stubborn woman Resi, believes in miracles. She has get into her mid 20s without happening miracles in her life. Trouble doesn't stop stalking her. Renting her womb get her into another trouble. Her doctor cheats on her! The time she stopped believing miracles, finally it happened to her! An amazing donor appears in her life............

S_Zuairia · Ciudad
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13 Chs


Doctor Grace walking fast from here to there. She is busy to arrange the fetus transferation. Client mommy and Resi already appears in the operation theater. "Come change your dress into johnny gown," doctor Grace asks them. A nurse takes them into the dressing room.

Miss Barbara and Resi already changed their dress. Now they are lying on the OT bed. They both lying beside each other. Gestation doctors are getting ready for the operation. Resi was looking on the celling. Miss Barbara brokes the silence," Resi are you afraid,"

"Not at all, btw isn't it terrifying, I mean this OT?" Resi feels horrible by seeing OT. Actually even she has worked in hospital before, she doesn't know what it be like; lying on the OT bed. Lying on OT bed reminds her about dying. Also doctor's in surgical gown seems little scary today to her.

"You know what, I wanna be a doctor when I was a child, but I can't be, because of money," Resi says soberly. "Oh dear, sorry to hear, do you know I've never want to be a army officer. But my mommy do, so I try my best to fulfill her wishes," miss Barbara takes a deep breath. "I want to be a astronaut," she starts talking again,"but I'm afraid of my mommy's anger, so I have to give up my dreams" She sounds so sad...

"Resi", it's Denia. she looks so pale. Seems like she was rushing for her. isn't it her work time?, "Oh! bro aren't it's your working time?", "Well, I've called you earlier, but you didn't pick. I'm forgot about, that, today you are gonna get pregnant by surrogacy. Suddenly I'm remembered that, and I took an emergency early leave from my work", Denia truly rushes fast, she was sweating. "Oh! you shouldn't absent work for me", Resi says her. Hey! aren't I'm your soul sibling," Denia seems so emotional. "Thanks you bro, for worrying about me," a drop of tear fell down from her eyes.


Three doctors and some nurse enter in the OT. Denia have to leave the room, why she feels pain in her heart. Bad luck never stops stalking her friend, even renting womb seems expensive job, but what if there's another trouble hid into it....

Denia leaves the OT with teary eyes. She prayed a lot for Resi, she wish her best friend all the best.


the doctors closed the door of operation theater. The OT gotten a little dark, than a lot of little light started focus from different angles. Doctors takes weird instruments for start the operation. Resi feels like she's gonna feel asleep, she really do...


what time is it?, Resi opens her eyes. It's a hospital cabin. "Oh! does the fetus transferation done. Am I pregnant now?" she thinks. "Are you woke up?", a nurse asks her. "you have been sleep for fourteen hours", she says.

"OMG!" Resi tries to get up. "No you can't, doctor Grace told me to look after you, you have to take bed rest for three days", the nurse says her.

"Hallo Miss Resi, are you awake!," Doctor Grace enters in the cabin. "Oh! doctor am I pregnant now?" Resi asks her. "Yeah, you are" doctor seems so happy!

"Is miss Barbara alright?", Resi feels worried for the client mommy. "Yes, she is, she is a strong woman though," doctor says.

"Alright miss Resi, you have to sleep again, don't worry. I'm gonna check you after every three hours. Have faith, you are gonna be all okay after three days."

"Alright," Resi shakes her head slightly. She feels so weak, she'll gonna treat as a pregnant woman from now on. She have to change her habbits for the sake of the surrogate child. It's her job, but grewing the baby healthy is her work.

She was so hungry, the nurse brings some soup for her. Resi hates soups, but she have to eat it now.

Every thing has multiple taste, but Resi thinks soup is one of the most taste less food ever. Surrogate mother is as normal as a normal mother. But because of the high money she gets paid for carrying the baby, it's her responsibility to keep great care of the grewing baby in her womb. She have to take nutritious foods as doctor says her.

So seems like it was a whole new experience for Resi...