
The donor of dream

Believing in miracles, does it comical? stubborn woman Resi, believes in miracles. She has get into her mid 20s without happening miracles in her life. Trouble doesn't stop stalking her. Renting her womb get her into another trouble. Her doctor cheats on her! The time she stopped believing miracles, finally it happened to her! An amazing donor appears in her life............

S_Zuairia · Urban
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13 Chs

reality you hard........!!!

It has been already two months. Resi has returned home from hospital. Her period was late last month, all pregnancy syndromes are started showing nowadays. Resi feels morning sickness, also quite bored. She feels like her head has ton of burden on it. Her first payment for surrogacy already transferred into her bank account. But she didn't feel joyful with this much money. Now she can understand, why people says that, pregnancy was so hard.

"I can't hate my mom for left me alone in orphanage, she might loves me, otherwise why did she suffered this much pain while give birth of me?", Resi thinks about her mother. Even though she got pregnant because of her job. But it's truly changed her mind, she can understand everybody has their own reason. She finally can stopped blaming her mom for left her alone.

She is sitting beside the window, the world seems so busy. Kids are walking on street with their parents. Old ladies walking alone, couples are walking by holding hands. Every body has their own moment, their time.....

Doctor Grace said her to visit hospital every month. Resi listen her doctor so well though. She doesn't have any other way because grewing healthy the baby in her womb was her job.....


Resi have to go outside, her fridge seems empty. She need to buy healthy foods, such as, apples, broccoli, beans, mushroom, organic chicken, etc.

It's already afternoon, Resi wanna go out right now. It was mid autumn, so the weather seems so cozy. For first time, Resi feels autumn is so beautiful. Actually before this year she never have time to think about seasons or which season it was. She always have been depressed. A lot of things happened this year. Resi feels like she aren't alone out here on this planet who was suffering always, thousand of people has been living more anixious life than her. She realized it's worth, living here on earth, because a brunch of sadness and happiness called life....

But it's true, reality is so hard by itself. Some time it's against us, that's hurtful!

Resi getting dressed for going out, she locks the door. It's truly beautiful outside. The sky seems like a wide minded mommy who let her cloud babies play everywhere. White clouds seems like cotton balls. If spring defined as the young age of season, than autumn is the teenage. Resi feels better while walking on dry street. It's truly enjoyable weather today!

Resi already reached beside The main highway. Willow super shop is located the opsite side of this road. She was waiting for red light, she have to cross the road by Zebra crossing. Suddenly she starts feeling dizzy. It's an often thing during pregnancy. But it's uncomfortable while outside. She wants to go home!, "it's so disgusting!" she feels horrible.

"Why it's so uncomfortable getting pregnant, if I know it before, than I won't rent my womb," Resi thinks.

Suddenly she feels her whole body become so light, her head feels like it's gonna blast. "Oh! no why everything seems dark!" Resi realize that, she is lossing her sense...


Kristofer Wilson just finished his class. Kris is a student at medical college. He is studying on Cardiology. He is on his last semester of MBBS. He is a good student, also a decent human. He is originally from Africa, so he is a black guy....

Kris was in his way to home, he have to cross the zebra crossing to get home. When he arrives there he found a woman fainting and going to fall on the street. "What should I do, she even can't see me, should I hold her?" Kris thinks. But he is a decent man, he can't see anybody having this kind of trouble. He quickly came near to her and saves her from falling down. "What should I do for her", doctor Kris feels this woman is seriously ill. "Should I get her into my medical?" he thinks again. "No, there's no time for thinking too much, I should send her hospital as soon as I can," doctor Kris calls a taxi, and get that woman into it. The taxi started, Kristofer ties that woman's seat belt. She seems suffering hyper health issues. Who knows what happens to her?.....

The taxi is stops infront of the medical college. Dr. Kris send that woman to the emergency outdoor. "Oh no! she is pregnant, Dr. Kris, please wait until she get back her sense. Otherwise we gonna got into trouble as she is a pregnant woman," the duty doctor asks him.

Kristofer was a decent man, he can't left this helpless mama alone. "Okay, please look after her, I'm gonna wait,"....