
The Dofus Seekers

It had been eight years since the Eliatrope traiter, Qilby was sent back to the White Dimention by a young Yugo. Now Yugo is leading the Eliatropes as King along with his Dragon brother Atamai. But not only do they lead the Eliatropes but Yugo and Adamai are now Fathers. Two Dofus had hatched revealing for Yugo an Eliatrope girl and her brother dragon. For Adamai it's the oposite. An Eliatrope boy and his sister dragon. Yugo had named his daughter Sarime and his son Soromalaiki.

AngelxYasutora · Cómic
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9 Chs

The Adventures Begin

"Tracking the Eliacube" She said without opening her eyes. "Daddy said that Uncle Chibi and Uncle Grougal made it in their past lives which means they must've used their own wakfu to create it right so if I can remember what their Wakfu felt like I can track the Eliacube"

"Incredible I never woulda thought that Way to go Sari" Amalia said.

She gave Amalia her all too familier goofy smile without opening her eyes. "I think I found it.......it's....in the bacement of the inn...But something else is down there.....it's another Dofus" She explained.

"What" Yugo said before he looked at Chibi who was holding Shinonome's Dofus. 'Shinonome's still inside her Dofus Phaerys, Grougal, Adamai.....it can't be either of them but Who's Dofus is it' He thought to himself.

"It seems like this Dofus has been there for a long long time daddy probibly since the beginning of time" She said.

"Impossible the beginning of time" Yugo said. 'Could there be a Seventh of us.....a fourteenth Eliatope with a dragon brother or sister' he thought to himself.

"How do we get to it Yugo" Amalia asked.

"I know what about Uncle Ruel's old digger" Sarime asked.

"Do you know where it's at" Yugo asked.

"Yeah it's just over there" She said as she pointed at an old house.

"Sari you're a Genious" He said as he hugged her then kissed the top of her head.

"I know" She said.

"wait a minute Yugo....if it's just in the bacement then shoudn't we just be going into the bacement from inside the inn and not even use the digger" Amalia said.

Yugo and Sari looked at each other. "Oh" They both said at the same time. "That could work too"

"Idiots" Amalia said as she smiled

"So Mr. Yugo How can you be twenty years older than Sarime" Kita asked who was being held by Imari.

"Well Kita a month after I turned twenty Sarime's and Soromalaiki's Dofus hatched" He said.

"Daddy come on we have to find the Eliacube we're on a mission here" Sari said.

"Alright I'm coming" Yugo said as he walked into the inn fallowing Sarime and Amalia. He looked at Amalia's head for the longest time remembering how much she had worried for him the last time he went to fight Qilby alone. He looked down as he held a ring made of his own Wakfu and a Sadida flower Sarime had made for him. In the center of the flower was an Emerald. He closed his eyes and the hand that held the ring as his hand started to glow. When he opened his eyes and hand again the Emerald was now shaped like heart. He smiled. 'I hope you like it Mali' he thought to himself.

"Is that a perposal ring Mr. Yugo" Memaoru asked which made him jumped as he blushed.

"W-Well yes....it is" He said as he looked down at it then put it back wherever he had it.

"Are you gonna ask Amalia to marry you" Memaoru asked.

"You Iop Brain of corse he's gonna ask her to marry him they had two kids together after all" Hikaoru said.

"Why couldnt've he'd just done it a long time ago" memaoru asked.

"Believe me I've wanted to for so long but.....I'm afraid she'll say no" He said as he looked at the two boys becide him.

Hikaoru looked at him then looked at Amalia who was talking to Sarime as they searched for the Mystery Dofus then looked back at Yugo and smiled. "Don't worry I'm sure she'll say yes.....Do you know why Sarime always asks for you to tell the story of the time she got poisoned by the evil red rose...She told me that back then you were showing your true feelings for the Sadida Princess without even knowing it.....And I agree with her" He said.

He looked at him then looked at Sarime as she looked at every egg and smiled. "She always did have a way with recignizing things like that" He said. he looked back down at him noticing that he was looking at Sarime the same way he was looking at Amalia erlier. his smile grew. 'Looks like someone has a seemingly unnoticable crush on her' He thought to himself. He looked over at Memaoru as he was searching in the storage. 'Looks like I have my work cut out for me not only does Hikaoru like Sarime but Memaoru does too' He sighed.

"Is something wrong Yugo" Amalia asked.

"I'll explain later" He said.

"Is it about Sarime" She asked.

"Sort of....well....more of the boys then her" He said.

".....both boys have a crush on your little girl huh" She asked.

"Exactly what am I gonna do" He said.

"nothing.....Let Sarime decide" She said as she looked at Sarime who was laughing at the boys fighting over something. Her eyes widned as she saw what the two boys were fighting over. A Dofus. "Yugo...Is that.....What I think it is"

He looked at her then at the Dofus and his eyes widened too. "I think it is.....But how did it get here" He said. He walked over to the boys. "let me take a look at that boys" He asked.

Memaoru snatched the Dofus from Hikaoru's hands and handed it to Yugo. "What is it Mr. Yugo" Memaoru asked.

"Iop Brain it's a Dofus apparently" Hikaoru said.

"It is a Dofus you're right about that.....but a different kind of Dofus.....There are five others like this one each one of them were given to us brotherhood members to protect.....But something happened.....Sixteen years ago.....Your father wanted to fight Ogrest alone...Your older sister used her Iop or God like magic to track the battle between him and Ogrest....and he was loosing pretty badly so I had to gather all six of these Dofus and use their Wakfu to increase my own to teleport myself to where your father was and help him fight Ogrest....We won but....That's how he lost his right arm......by fighting Ogrest" He explained.

"So there are five more of these out there somewhere" Sarime asked.

He noded his head yes. "This is just one of them" He said. "The one I was chosen to protect" He said.

"So if we can find all six of these Dofus then we'll be able to beat Uncle Qilby" She asked.

"Yes but I never needed them to beat him....in fact I never even knew about them until four years after I faught Qilby" He said.

"Momma did you have one to protect as well" Sarime asked.

"Yeah mine is back in the Sadida kingdom well guarded by a couple of my best worriors" Amalia said.

"As I said before Sari each member of the Brotherhood had to take care of and protect one of these Dofus" Yugo said.

"Okay Now that we've found this Dofus now it's time to track down the Eliacube" Sarime said as Yugo gently put the Dofus down.

"The Princess is right We're on a mission to find the Eliacube" Hikaoru said as he continued to look.

"Sarime think you can do that Tracking thing again" Memaoru asked.

"Sorry I can only do that once a day it's really weird" Sarime said.

"Well where did you sense it when you were tracking it" Yugo asked.

"Umm...Somewhere over here" She said as she walked towards the wall with all the Extra ingrediants and spices for the inn's recepies.

"Over here but it's just a wall" Memaoru said.

Hikaoru looked at the wall in wonder. "Hmmm" He hummed.

"What are you thinking about Kaoru" Sarime asked.

"I sense a powerful energy coming from behind the wall.....or maybe....from within" He said.

"From within how can it be within the wall" Memaoru Asked.

"Iop brain" Hikaoru said.

Amalia giggled. "He's just like his father alright don't you think so too Yugo" She said.

"Yeah the exact same" He said.

"I sense it too It's definately Eliatrope magic" Sarime said.

"Do you think it's the Eliacube" Yugo asked.

"Only one way to find out daddy" She said as she started chizzling the cement where she felt the Eiatrope magic from. When she took out a brick a blue glow resinated from the hole it came from. "That's definately the Eliacube" She smiled as she chizzled one more brick out then reached in and grabbed the Eliacube from the hole. "Got it.....but something doesn't feel right about it"

"Yeah You're right it feels really weak for some reason" Yugo said.

"Something must've happened in your world and the Eliatrope and dragon that was ruling in your place was forced to use a lot of it's energy probibly to bring it here" Hikaoru said.

"How would you know" Yugo and Sairme asked at the same time.

"Hey I'm just guessing" He said.

"Well now that we've found it and daddy's Dofus we should get the heck outta here and take them somewhere safe Before Uncle Qilby finds us" Sarime said.

"Judging by how weak the Eliacube looks I don't think Qilby can find us so I think we're safe for the night but we'll have to leave first thing in the morning" Hikaoru said.

"What makes you so sure Kaoru" Sarime asked.

He looks at her then looks down in sadness. "I'm sorry Princess.....that is something I'll have to tell you about when the time comes" He said.

That night Hikaoru was laying on his bed reading an old book. "Is that mother's notes" Lyome asked.

"Yeah" He said. He looked over at his Haven bag as he saw a baby white dreller's head pop out with a pink bow tied around it's neck. "Yukita stay in there I'll get you some food in a little bit" He said as he smiled.

"Isn't that mom's Enutrof friend's Dreller" Lyome asked.

"His dreller's daughter actually I found her sitting in a basket at the doorstep a couple months ago with a note from him telling me to take care of her....he said that she was special but I haven't figured out how she's special yet...I gave her the name Yukita because her fur is as white as snow" He said.

"Maybe she's special when it comes to the Eliatropes" Lyome said.

"Hmmmm.....Maybe I'll have to test her" He said.

"You know we'll have to tell Yugo sometime about mother's notes" He said.

"I know I know We should probibly tell him now before we have to split up tomarrow" He said.

"And what about Sarime" He asked.

"Let her sleep for now I'll tell her and Kojumo when the time comes" He said.

Later that night Yugo walks into the diner where the three Cras were sitting at a table. "What is it that you wanted to talk to me about" He asked as he sat down.

Hikaoru looked down in sadness then looked up at him handing the book to him. "Long ago when my mother was my age the Goddess Cra came to her and told her that the third and last child she bears will have a destiny like none other a Destiny which involves two Eliatrope children and one adult Eliatrope so she had to seek out the Dragons Grougaloragran and Phaerys and learn all she could about the Eliatropes, the Eliacube, and everything else about about the Eliatropes and the Dragons Everything she learned from them she wrote in this book in which she told Lyome, her first born, to teach Me, Her third born, all she had learned Everything she has learned from the dragons is in that book" He explained.

"Incredible such detail She even drew what the Dofus and the Eliacube looked like" Yugo said as he looked through the pages of the book carfully.

"Cra told her that when Hikaoru is born he will posess enormous god like powers in which That explains his wakfu outbursts when he is really ticked or the wakfu that surounds him when he's protecting someone or something....This is what I teach him on the days you teach Kojumo and Sarime their Eliatrope magic" Lyome explained.

"I had a hunch when I first met him as a baby that he was special but I never expected him to be this unique" Yugo said.

"I'm sorry we didn't tell you all this erlier Yugo" He said.

"Do Sarime and Kojumo know about all this" He asked.

"No.....You're the only one that knows it" He said.

"You know you'll have to tell them sooner or later there are things in this book that even Adamai and I didn't know about and I think it would be fun for them if they learned about these new things from someone other than me" He said.

"I will it's just...Now's not the right time" Hikaoru said as he looked down and saw the baby white dreller between his feet sleeping soundlessly. He smiled then reached down to pick up the baby dreller holding her in his arms as she slept.

"The three of you should get some sleep we have to travel in the morning and Lyome and Imari have an inn to take care of" He said as he stood up. "And Hikaoru"

"Yes sir" Hikaoru asked.

"Where did that baby Dreller come from" He asked.

Hikaoru looked down at her and smiled. "My mother's Enutrof friend left her on the doorstep in a basket a couple months ago with a note from him telling me to take care of her....he said that she was special but I haven't figured out how she's special yet" He said.

Yugo looked at the Dreller and smiled. "She's really pretty her fur is as white as snow" He said.

"And her eyes are a beautiful blue like a sea of wakfu I'm starting to wonder if she can naturally see wakfu or if she sees normally like we do" He said.

"Only one way to find out and that's to test her" He said.

"I was thinking on testing her tomarrow during our travels" Hikaoru said.

"How are you gonna do that" Imari asked.

"I'm not sure exactly" He said.

"I'm sure you'll figure out something tomarrow little brother you're a smart kid" Lyome said.

"Lyome's right Hikaoru you are a smart kid" Yugo said.

The next morning Lyome and Imari were getting ready to open the inn, Yugo and Amalia were figuring out who was going where, The boys were packing Ruel's and Hikaoru's Haven bags, and Sarime was talking to Scribble about how to get to the Sadida Kingdom and Pandaluciel.

"I am not going to Pandaluciel again Yugo do you remember what happened the last time and I'm sure that the Pandawas there have not changed a bit especually with their heigene" Amalia said.

"Alright I'll go to Pandaliciel and you can go to the Sadida Kingdom but Sarime is gonna have to go with you cause she still has a lot to learn about her Sadida magic" Yugo said.

"She also has a lot to learn about her Eliatrope magic as well Yugo" She said.

"I know but I think this would be a good opritunity for her to spend some quality time with her mother" He said.

"But how is she going to continue learning her Eliatrope magic" She asked.

"That Hikaoru's gonna have to tell you cause I'm sending him with the two of you" He said.

"WHAT you can't possibly send Hikaoru with us can you" Amalia said.

"You will be a lot safer with him than by yourselves trust me You'll find out why I chose him to go with you instead of Memaoru" He said before he kissed her forehead.

"Just be careful alright watch each other's backs" Amalia said worriedly.

"We will don't worry and the same goes for you three as well" He said as he smiled.

"We will" She said.

"Daddy....How come you're not going with us to the Sadida Kingdom" They heard Sarime's voice from behind them.

He turns around and binds down to where he was eye level to hers. "Well Sari It's because Memaoru and I have to go to Pandaluciel and you still have a lot of training you need to do with your Sadida magic and what better place and person to teach you than at mommy's homeland" He explained.

"But how come you can't go too" She asked as she started to cry.

"Because the Brotherhood members that went there need my help but don't worry Hikaoru will be with you and mommy to protect you Understand....I want you to be a big girl for me alright.....No more crying We'll see each other again I promise" He said. She ran to him and hugged him tightly.

"Be safe daddy" She said.

"I will...I have taught you and Koji everything I could about your portals but there is still so much to learn and I believe Hikaoru can help you with the more Advanced lessons so from now on let him be your teacher alright" He said.

"How can he be a teacher for eliatrope magic he's a Cra" She asked.

"Maybe so but he holds the knowledge about our people that I do not and could not even begin to understand yet but he will have to explain everything to you but let him choose when to tell you alright" He said.

"Alright daddy" She said.

"Mr. Yugo We're all packed up" Memaoru said.

"So are we Queen Amalia" Hikaoru said as he looked up from a checklist.

"Aright then Let's head out" Yugo said.

"Pandaluciel is that way but the Sadida kingdom is this way so I guess....This is where we say...goodbye" Sarime said as she pointed to one way then pointed to the other as she tried to hold back her tears.

"It's not goodbye Sari only See you later" He said as He smiled She ran to him and hugged him tightly once more. He picked her up and hugged her back then kissed the top of her head. "Don't worry my little Princess We'll see each other again soon make sure to listen to whatever Hikaoru and your mother tells you alright" He said.

"I will" She said burring her face in his chest as she cried.

"Don't worry Yugo I'll protect the princess and the Queen with my life" Hikaoru said.

"That's good to hear Hikaoru" He said.

"We should get going Yugo Mom and dad are waiting for us at Pandaluciel" Memaoru said.

"You're right Memaoru" He said as he set Sarime down and fallowed Memaoru. "Hey Scribble if I hear one word about you misleading my girls and Hikaoru I'll burn you the next time I make Gobble Stew understand" He said.

"I get it I get it I won't lead them anywhere else but to the Sadida Kingdom" He said.

"See you soon Daddy" Sarime said as she fallowed Amalia and Hikaoru.

A few hours later Sarime's stumach started growling. Hikaoru looks at her and smiles. "Sounds like someone's hungry" He said. He looked around. "This is a good spot to take a break for lunch" He said as he sat down then reached into his haven bag and brought out some of the provisions he had packed then he brings out a small bowl of Dreller food.

"Dreller food that must mean that Junior came with us" Sarime said.

"Well actually..." Hikaoru said as Yukita came out of the bag.

"Awwwww She's so cute" Sarime said.

"Thanks.....her name is Yukita I found her in a basket on the doorstep to the inn a month ago with a letter adressed to me telling me to take care of her.......my mother had an Enutrof friend who had a dreller.....Yukita is his Dreller's daughter.....it said that she is special....but I need your help to see if she really is special...See her eyes" He said as he watched yukita eat. "Her eyes are as blue as Wakfu which got me thinking that maybe she can see wakfu just like the Eliatropes and dragons can"

"She's so adorable...I'll do whatever I can" She said.

"I agree she's not nearly as dirty as Junior is" Amalia said.

"Thanks Princess.....I wanna see if she can see wakfu the way they do and maybe even sence and Eliatrope's wakfu" He said.

"Sooo What do you want me to do" She asked.

"I want to see if she can see wakfu so in order to see if she can or not we can play hide n seek with her where you can hide and she can try to find you" He said.

"That's a great idea" Amalia said.

"Yeay who knew this adventure could be so fun...Can I pet her" Sarime said as she cheered.

"Sure but not while she's eating she doesn't like people touching her when she eats" He said.

"Alright" She said.

An hour later they headed to the Sadida kingdom once more. As they walked Sarime would use her portals to increase her speed to get further up ahead of them then she would hide somewhere like in a tree or something. Hikaoru knew what she was doing. He brought out Yukita. "Alright Yukita Find the princess" He said as he gave her something of Sarime's to sniff. She sniffed around her eyes glowing with wakfu and lead them towards the tree Sarime was hiding in. When she sniffed around the tree She jumped once then turned in a circle. Hikaoru looked at the tree in wonder. "Are you sure that's where she's hiding Yuki" he said. He looked at her as she started scratching at the ground. he looked back up at the tree then saw an ear from Sarime's hat from within the leaves. He smiled. "Good girl" He said as he looked up the tree to see Sarime Sitting on a branch.

"Aw man you found me" She said just before she fell into a portal then came out of a portal behind him. "BOO"

"Can't scare me that easily princess" He said as he smiled.

"Darn" She said as she snapped her fingers. "So I guess that prooves that she can see wakfu right"

"Yeah her eyes were glowing the same way yours does when you see wakfu so that tells me that she can see wakfu but only when her eyes are glowing When they aren't then she can see normally" He said.

"Anything else you want to see from her" She asked.

"No That's it for now" He said.

"A job well done like that deserves a reward don't you think" Amalia said.

"Oh yes of corse" He said as he reached into his bag and brought out a small brown ball and gave it to Yukita. She ate it right up. "you've earned it" He said.

Days later they were half way to the Sadida Kingdom. Sarime Groaned in boredom. "I'm soooooo boooooored and my feet hurt When's the next town I'd like to eat something other than provisions Mommy does it really take you this long to get from the Sadida Kingdom to Emalka just to see daddy" She groaned.

"Sometimes longer" Amalia said. She groaned again.

"Don't worry princess I can see the next town just over this hill" HIkaoru said as he pointed to the town ahead.

"Finally" She said.

"More Like a City it's Bhanta" Amalia said.

"But why are we going to Bhanta" Sarime said before she got out Scribble. "Hey Are you taking us the wrong way Scribbie" She asked,

"Of corse not There should ne a Zap portal that leads to the Sadid a kingdom Somewhere in Bhanta" Scribble said.

"He's right there should be a zap portal there somewhere but I'm not sure if it can take us to the Sadida kingdom But we can try" Hikaoru said.

"I wish someone would create a Zap Portal in Emalka that leads to the Sadida Kingdom then we would be able to find Uncle Adamai a lot faster that way" Sarime said.

"Yugo and I tried to see if that would be possible but the council of twelve declined our request to tell the truth it was his Idea to ask them to put a Zap portal in Emalka in the First place" Amalia said.

"Really mommy Daddy didn't tell me that" Sarime said.

She noded her head yes. She looked at Hikaoru as he staired off into space eyes widened. "Is everything alright Hikaoru" She asked.

"Uh yeah My appologies Queen Amalia.......But we should be very careful I sense a powerful presence here" He said.

"And just how powerful are you talking Kaoru" Sarime said as she looked at him crossing her arms while raising an eyebrow.

"As powerful as I am princess" He said as he looked at her worriedly. He Smiled. "But don't worry I'll protect you and the queen even if it costs me my life"

"Where is this powerful presence coming from Kaoru" She said as she looks at him.

"Y-You mean you believe me" He asked.

She giggles then whispers in his ear. "I'll Always Believe you Hikaoru"

He smiles then points into the direction where the Gobbowl Stadium was. "It's coming from over there somewhere" He said.

"But that's the Stadium" Amalia said.

"I think they're having a Gobbowl match there today" Sarime said.

"How can you tell" Amalia asked.

"Cause it says so on this poster" Sarime said as she held out a poster with a gobbowl match on the front. "Lamechester united Versus some other team" She said.

"Lamechester.....I wonder how they're doing without Kriss leading them" She said.

"Did you and daddy really go aguinced Mr. Kriss long ago" She asked.

"You bet we did and you shoulda seen the fans Yugo had when we won He became popular almost over night" She said.

"I hope I'll be an awesome Gobbowl Player like daddy and Mr. Kriss were" She said.

"Someday you will princess" Hikaoru said.

As they passed the Bhanta sadium Sarime looked up at the statue of Yugo. She tried to hold back a laugh. "is that really daddy mommy" She asked.

"Sure is Sari" Amalia said.

"It sure doesn't look like him"Sarime and Hikaoru said at the same time.

"True it doesn't but I guess that's how they pictured him to be" Amalia said.

"And yet didn't they see him play" Sarime asked.

"I don't know" Amalia said.

Hikaoru looks towards the entrance of the Bhanta stadium. 'I definately sense someone like me in there' He thought to himself. He looks over at Sarime. 'And I'm getting close to the same vibe from the Princess.....but what does it mean'

"You okay Kaoru you look pale" Sarime asked.

"Yeah I'm fine princess" He said.

"What's going on with you Hikaoru You've been acting strange since we came into Bhanta" Amalia said.

"I've been getting this strong vibe that someone in that stadium is so strong but maybe he or she doesn't know just how strong they really are or maybe it's just my imagination I don't know for sure" He said

"Do you think they're good or bad" She asked.

"I'm not sure yet But I assure you Queen Amalia I will protect you and the princess from him or her should they be bad That I promise you" He said.

"My Hero" Sarime said as she giggled cutely.

He looked over at her and smiled. "Anyway We should find a place to rest for the night I can tell that the princess is getting tired" He said.

"You're right so let's find an inn" Amalia said.

After they found an inn they are dinner and rested in their rooms. Amalia and Sarime slept in one room while Hikaoru slept in the room right next to them.

The next morning they ate some breakfast then went into town to buy some supplies and provisions. When they walked by the Gobbowl Stadium Sarime saw the Statue of Yugo. "Mommy is that Daddy" She asked as she pointed at the statue.

"Yeah that's your father" Amalia said.

"That Statue doesn't look anything like daddy" She said.

"The Artist made the statue the way he pictured Yugo to be I guess" She said.

Sarime laughed. "It looks funny and he even made Az too" She said as she calmed down to a giggle.

"I guess your right" Amalia said as she started to giggle as well.

"I can feel that strong energy again" Hikaoru said.

"Where's it coming from" Sarime said.

"Over there" He said as he pointed to a home close by as he saw a boy walk out of the house.

Sarime looks at the boy as he walked towards the store close by. 'I can feel this strong energy coming from that boy.......could this be the energy Kaoru's talking about' She thought to herself.