
The Dofus Seekers

It had been eight years since the Eliatrope traiter, Qilby was sent back to the White Dimention by a young Yugo. Now Yugo is leading the Eliatropes as King along with his Dragon brother Atamai. But not only do they lead the Eliatropes but Yugo and Adamai are now Fathers. Two Dofus had hatched revealing for Yugo an Eliatrope girl and her brother dragon. For Adamai it's the oposite. An Eliatrope boy and his sister dragon. Yugo had named his daughter Sarime and his son Soromalaiki.

AngelxYasutora · Anime & Comics
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Kriss Krass and the Message

It was close but Sarime barely got the ball. She landed on the ground and started running towards the goal with her teammates fallowing close behind. Within minutes She made the first goal. As the Eliatropes and the Iop/Cra children were having their match an old man walked into the village and saw the match. He smiled. He looked closely at Sarime as she kicked the ball towards the goal like a soccar ball and his eyes widened. "That technique I haven't seen it in years but......that's Yugo's technique....But How" The old man said.

"And the first point goes to Sarime and the Eliatrope Worriors" Amalia said.

'Amalia....if Amalia's here then that would mean' He thought to himself as he looked and saw Evangelyne. 'So Evangelyne is here too so the Iop in the game must be Percedal' He looked closely at Yugo and his eyes widened. 'That's Yugo Boy he sure has grown'

Yugo Scored a point but then Percedal scored two points for his team. the Teams huddled up. "Alright guys the scores tied up right now We need to break that tie somehow" Sarime said.

"How do we do that sis" Soro asked.

"I'm not sure the Shushu Fighters are tough opponents We may have to resort to our offencive strategy if we must but don't hurt them" She said.

"Understood" Her teammates said.

"This game is getting fun I've never faced an opponant like Yugo before who knew he was so good at Gobbowl" Percedal said.

"Calm down dad right now the scores tied Ten to ten we need to break the tie somehow" Said the second youngest Iop/Cra child.

"And how do you suppose we do that brother" the girl asked.

"I don't know" He said.

"Alright guys Time out the game will resume again in 30 minutes I'd say the kids need a water break" Amalia said.

"You're doing well Sarime I think you're a better Gobbowler than I was" Yugo said.

"Thanks" She said. She looked over and sees the old man walking towards them. She looks up at Yugo who was talking to Amalia. She tugs on his cloak. "Daddy" She asked Quietly.

He looks down at her. "What is it" He asked. She points at the old man. Soro growled and turned into his dragon form standing in front of Sarime.

"Who are you" He asked as he looked at the old man in anger.

"Yugo...is that really you" The old man said.

"K-Kriss....Kriss Krass it's been a long time my friend what brings you to my home town" Yugo said as he smiled.

"I heard there was a Gobbowl game playing so I thought I'd see what was going on I saw the little girl in red using your Technique and thought it was you at first" Kriss said.

"You must be talking about Sarime my daughter....Soro stand down This is Kriss Krass and old friend of mine from when I was young" He said.

"Yes dad" He said.

"Dad What did he mean by that and You have a Daughter too" Kriss asked.

"Hiya I'm Sarime Daughter of Queen Amalia Sharam sharm and Yugo and this is my Twin brother Soromalaiki" Sarime said.

"But how is it possible that you have a daughter and a dragon for a son" He asked.

"That's easy We're Eliatropes.....Well my brother and I are Eliadidas actually" She said.

"It's a long story" He said.

"I've got time I retired as a Gobbowl player and now I'm a traveler so you can tell me all about it" He said.

"I have some time to tell you a little but then we have to get back to our game we're tied ten to ten once when the match is over I'll tell you the rest" He said.

"Fair enough" He said.

"Daddy has told me and my Cousin a lot about you Mr. Kriss about the Gobbowl match aguinced Uncle Ruel and his team and then the Gobbowl match with Daddy and the others he says you were a Legend" She said.

"I may have retired but I'm still a Legend but speaking of Where is Ruel" He asked. The Brotherhood looked off tothe side in sadness.

"He died.....nine years ago today" Yugo said sadly.

"Such a shame he was a great Gobbowler" He said.

"Once a Gobbowler Always a Gobbowler" Yugo said as he smiled. "That's what he taught us"

"So now you're teaching your kids that as well right" He asked.

"That's right" He said. Yugo explained a little bit about the Eliatropes and their dragon bretherin to Kirss then continued their game. About an hour later Sarime won the winning goal for her team. When the Gobbowl match was over Yugo explained the rest about the Eliatropes and their dragon bretherin.

"So basically you're immortal" Kriss said.

"Sorta when me and my brother Adamai both die our Wakfu will go back to our first dofus to regenerate and then someday we will be reborn but as babies Same goes to all the other Eliatropes and their dragon brothers and sisters but when we are reborn we cannot remember anything of our past lives.....there is only one Eliatrope that has that ability and that's my brother Qilby.....Qilby the Traiter" He explained.

"Does that include your daughter and Son" Kriss asked.

"And my Neice and Nefew" Yugo Said.

"I understand but why did you call this Qilby man a traiter" He asked.

"He was the one that Sent the maycasms to destory us" He Said.

"So Daddy put Uncle Qilby in a demention that's completely white and Cut off from other dimentions not once but twice" Sarime said.

"I locked him away in the white dimention the first time over two thousand years ago or so he told me...He was the only one that was able to tell us what had happened so long ago And then the second time I was twelve" Yugo said.

"You were so young for such a big responcability" Kriss said.

"You try fighting an Adult Eliatrope when your just a child that barely knew anything about your own powers He was a lot more powerful than I was and I'm still not as powerful as him he's able to create almost 100 portals at once" Yugo said.

"Amazing How did you survive" He asked.

"With the Childrens' and Qilby's dragon sister Shinonome's help at the time we were able to defeate him....I finally found our people and years later they were able to come into the world of twelve and live peacefully within the world of twelve Everyone is scattered right now but someday we might have a home of our own" He explained.

"And someday maybe the World of Twelve might become the World of Thirteen now that we Eliatropes are here If that happens then daddy and Uncle Adamai will be the Eliatrope represenatives in the new Council of Thirteen" Sarime said.

"And what makes you say that little one" Kriss asked as he looked at Sarime.

"Daddy you tell him" She said as she looked up at Yugo. "it's your story after all"

He chuckled. "In my past life I was the King of the Eliatropes but when I was reborned I had lost all memory of being their king My sister Mina's Dragon brother Phaerys had said that he wished he had met his king in different circumstances while we were tring to get away from Qilby so that I could learn how to use the temporary powers that he had unlocked that would've taken me years to master I was surprised at first but I realized that Qilby was never fit to be king.....long ago the Eliatropes needed a king that could give them the love they most desprately needed" He began to say.

"YOUR A KING" Kriss said in surprisement.

Yugo just noded his head yes before continuing. "Before I faught him in the timeless Dimention where the children were I asked them if they were Eliatropes and this little girl came up to me and held my hand in hers and said 'We are all Eliatropes but we are not like you...you are the King' I was so happy that I have finally found my people....my family" He explained.

"Wait so your telling me that you are the King of all the Eliatropes and you never knew about that" Kriss said.

"Not until I was thirteen but Yeah so to speak" He said.

"So what does that make your kids Prince and Princess or something" He asked.

"Exactly" Sarime said.

"Do all Eliatropes wear hats like yours" He asked.

"Yes Beneath our hats lies the only thing that sets us appart from other humans" he said.

"Like what horns" Percedal asked.

"Not exactly" Amalia said.

"Why can't you show us what's under your hat then Yugo" Evangelyne asked.

"As I said to you guys before I'll only show them when it's absolutely nessisary" He said.

"Are you bald" Percedal asked.

"No" Yugo said as he, Sarime, Kojumo, and the three Dragons chuckled.

"The Ears on our hats move depenting on our emotions" Sarime said.

"Yeah I have been noticing that since I've known you and I've seen other Eliatropes around whos ears on their hats move also depending on their emotions it's really strange but really cute" Evangelyne said.

Sarime giggled. "All Eliatrope hats have ears that move not just ours silly" She said.

"Question is What makes them move" Percedal said.

"Sorry that is something you'll have to find out for yourselves" Yugo said as Sarime stuck her toung out at Percedal again.

That night Kojumo and Sarime each recieved a cloak that were way too big on them that Alibert had made specially for them.

"Grandpa these are Daddy's size of cloaks" She said.

"I know but you'll need something to keep you warm when you're in the snowy areas of the world during your travels and I'm getting too old to make things like this my hands aren't as still as they used to be So I went ahead and made them for the two of you to grow into" He said.

"Thanks Grandpa" They said at the same time.

A month later everyone was up but Alibert. Sarime ran into his room and tried to wake him up but he didn't wake up. "Grandpa time to wake up...Grandpa.....Grandpa" She said. She put her head on his chest but didn't hear a heartbeat. "Grandpa you gotta get up" She said as she shook him beginning to cry. "DADDYYYYYY" She screamed.

Yugo came into the room through a portal. "What's wrong" He asked worriedly.

"It's grandpa he isn't waking up" She cried.

He walked over to Alibert and checked his pulse then tears begin to form in his eyes. "Sarime.....Go downstairs and play" He said as he tried not to show his tears.

"Daddy is grandpa gonna be okay" She asked.

"I'll tell you later but right now go downstairs and play" He said.

Sarime did what she was told and went down stairs. There she saw Amalia looking at her. "Is Yugo alright" She asked.

"I'm not sure he told me to come down here and play" She said.

An hour later he came down. "Alibert...has passed away" He said trying to hold back his tears.

"Oh no" Amalia said before tears formed in her eyes.

"But daddy He's gonna come back to life like us right.....isn't he" Sarime asked as tears formed in her eyes.

"I'm afraid not sweetie....Grandpa wasn't an Eliatrope like us he was an Enutrof the same thing as Ruel was" he said as he picked her up and hugged her tightly as they both cried.

The three Cra children walked into the room.

"We're home Yugo" Lyome said. he looked over. "What's wrong Where's Mr. Alibert"

"He passed away this morning" Yugo said. he reached into his poket where Az was sleeping and handed him a letter. "He wrote this for the three of you I'm not sure when though"

Lyome opened the letter and began to read it. When he was finished reading it he gave it to Imari to read. She read it quietly so that only Hikaoru could hear. "He says that when he passes I am to be the new mayor and Inn owner of the village....I didn't understand why he was giving me all those tests over the years but he said that those tests were for him to decide if I would be a good mayor for the town" He said.

"I'm sure you will" Yugo said.

"He also said that he had recieved a message from a Dragon called Baltizar in a form of a blue fether on Az's tail saying that when Sarime and Kojumo go on their Journey Hikaoru must go with them but he never understood why" Lyome said.

"Really from Baltizar" Yugo said questionably.

"I think that's what his name was He also told him that you and Adamai will be recieving a message from another Dragon named Phaerys but he didn't say when" He said.

"I understand" Yugo said.

Four years have past and Sarime and Kojumo are now twelve years old. Kriss Krass came back into town that day to teach the kids how to use the Gobbowl Equipment properly. Sarime's skin was now completely dark with the Sadida skin. She wore a red top that looked just like Amalia's wearing blue pants made of cloth matching the color of Yugo's hat beneath a long red skirt made of leaves. She had Strips of Green hair mixed with her light brown braided into a long ponytail that went down to her stumach. Kojumo's outfit was the exact same style as Yugo's but different colors and where Yugo had teal he had royal blue to match his hat and cloak which was still too big on him. His shirt was red matching the color of Sarime's outfit.

"He looks just like you when you were young" Amalia said as they looked at Kojumo and Sarime learning how to use the Gobbowl boots.

"I know it's almost as if he's me" He said.

"So what are you gonna do when they have to go on their journey" She asked.

"I'm going to let Sarime use Scribble I've been teaching her how to read maps with him and I've told him that he will be going with them and that he'd better behave and listen to whoever is using him" He said.

"Are you gonna teach them how to interrigate him if he doesn't talk" Amalia said.

"I saw Sarime do it the other day apparently she was looking for something in town and took him to find it...Like father like daughter" He said as he smiled.

"Are you going to go with them on their journey" She asked.

"I'm not sure I haven't heard anything from Baltizar or Phaerys yet about their journey or even what or where they're gonna be going on the journey for....But I'll have to go back soon to check on how Madoka and Shishinoah's doing leading the Other Eliatropes and their dragon bretherin in my absance" He said.

"So....While the kids are out on their journey you have to sit on your throne and do NOTHING" She said.

"No Mali I'm not that kind of a King I'm more of a hands on King meaning I am with my people helping them Solve their problems just like my sister Mina did" Yugo said.

"it's surprising that you know who your eother Eliatrope brotehers and sisters are without even meeting them" Amalia said.

"We were all born from dofus laid by our mother the Goddess Eliatrope" He said.

"So your race is named after your mother" Amalia asked.

He noded his head yes. "The first born Eliatope and dragon was Qilby and Shinonome I'm not sure who was born after them I think it was Baltizar and Glip but als I know is that Adamai and I were the last ones born" He said.

"But don't you have sisters too" She asked.

"Nora and her sister Efrim and Mina and her brother Phaerys but you've already met Phaerys at the Crimson Claw Archepeligo" He said.

She looked at him and smiled. "Do you think you'll meet your other brothers and sisters someday" She asked.

"I hope so" He said.

"WHOW Momma Daddy Did you see that" Sarime said as she looked up seeing the Gobbol ball in the sky not even visable anymore. "I kicked the ball using the power of the Speed boot and that happened I didn't mean to I'll go get it right now"

"No you stay there and keep practicing I'll see if I can get the ball back" He said before he used his teleportation powers to zoom up in the sky. When he found the ball he grabbed it.

"Yugo" he heard Adamai's Voice in his head.

"What's wrong" he asked within his mind.

"Phaerys will be entering the village any minute he has something Urgent to tell us" He said.

"Alright I see him now" He said as he looked at Phaerys flying towards the village. He landed on the ground. "Make way everyone Phaerys is coming" He said.

"Who's Phaerys" Kriss Asked.

"YEAY Uncle Phaerys is coming" Sarime said.

"Not just Uncle Phaerys look up there" Kojumo said as he saw Chibi riding on Groualoragran's back then sees Adamai flying towards the village with Soro and Yogi fallowing close behind. Yogi was carrying Shinonome's Dofus in her claws.

"Uncle Chibi Uncle Grougal and Uncle Adamai too" Sarime said.

"Whatever Phaerys has to say must be very urgant of all of them are coming here" Amalia said.

"Yeah I hope everything is alright" Yugo said as he hand the Gobbowl ball back to Kriss.

"Where's Uncle Baltizar I don't see him" Sarime asked.

"I'm not sure that is strange that he isn't with them" He said as he held Sarime's and Kojumo's hands.

When the Dragon's landed they turned into their Human forms. "Yugo something's terribly wrong" Adamai said.

"Qilby escaped the white dimention Madoka and Shishinoah have done everything they could to save the other Eliatropes but they did not prevail so with every last ammount of wakfu they had left they were foreced to send the Eliacube somewhere on this Earth protected by a magic barrier Shishinoah casted apon it All of the Eliatropes young and old are now protected in the Timeless dimention so that no further harm could be done to our people but Baltizar sacrificed himself to make sure they got into the timeless world safe" Chibi said as he looked at his older brother.

His eyes widend. "Impossible" He said.

"Grougaloragran assume his wakfu is going back to his first Dofus as we speak" Grougal said.

"But Qilby is aiming to find and obtain the Eliacube once again but not to find his Dofus but to find Baltizar's and Efrim's" Chibi said.

"Efrim's you mean They are on this Earth" yugo said.

They noded their heads yes. "And when Phaerys dies he and Mina's Dofus will be here too" Adamai said.

"So we must find their Dofus before Uncle Qilby does right" Sarime said.

"We must also Find the Eliacube before he gets it" Kojumo said.

"And I can't go to the Timeless Diemention without the Eliacube so I can't check on the others" Yugo said.

"Okay Kojumo, Hikarou, Yogi, and Soro let's go find those two Dofus and the Eliacube" Sarime said.

"you aren't thinking on going without us are you" Said a young male voice. They turned around and saw Evangelyne, Percedal, and their four children.

"Memarou Kita How long have you guys been there" Sarime said as she looked at the two youngest Iop/Cra children.

"Not long" Memarou said.

"Looks like the brotherhood is off on another adventure but this time with kids in toe" Percedal said.

"Unfortunately Imari and I have to stay in the village so we won't be able to go" Lyome said.

"Don't worry brother I'll go in your palce you just stay here and Keep an eye on things here" Hikaoru said.

"Yugo can I borrow Az" Chibi asked.

"umm Sure but what would you need him for" He said as he handed a Sleeping as to him.

He used a little of his wakfu to make red fethers appear on Az's tail Just as Adamai did when they formed the Brotherhood. "These fethers will let the kids know when Qilby is nearing a dofus or the Eliacube" Chibi said.

"OOH We should make a packt just like Daddy and the Brotherhood of the Tofu We can call it The Brotherhood of the baby Tofu or something like that" Sarime said.

"That's the Idea" Soro said.

"But Chibi We made the brotherhood when we had to split up Adamai and I had to find yours and Grougaloragran's Dofus and Amalia and the others had to go to the Sadida Kingdom to warn the king of Nox's plan" Yugo said.

"That's what I mean You will split up to find the Eliacube and the two Dofus eggs You will split up into three groups One group will find the Eliacube one will find Nora's and Efrim's Dofus while the third group will find Glip's and Baltizar's Dofus" Chibi said.

"That's a smart Idea Chibi" Amalia said.

"Thank you Queen Amalia" He said.

"I coulda thought of that" Sarime said as she crossed her arms. Each child plus the oldest Iop/Cra Children took a red fether each. The youngest Iop/Cra Child Called Kita had to stay behind with Lyome and Imari.

"Since there are Eight Fethers there are Eight children going on this Journey now we just have to see which group will be going after which Item" Chibi said.

"Amalia and I will go after the Eliacube" Yugo said.

"Percedal and I will go after Nora's and Efrim's Dofus" Eva said.

"That leaves me to find Glip and Baltizar's Dofus" Adamai said.

"Now als that's left is which child will go with which Brotherhood members" Chibi said.

"I'll go with Percedal and Eva to get Nora and Efrim's Dofus Only dragons are allowed in the Dofus rooms right" Yogi said.

"Only Dragons and Eliatropes" Chibi said.

"I'll go with momma and daddy to find the Eliacube Becides I still have a lot to learn with both my Eliatrope powers and my Sadida powers" Sarime said.

"I'll go with Uncle Adamai" Soro said.

"I'll go with Dad too It'll give me some time to spend with him" Kojumo said.

"I'll go with Yugo, Sari, and Amalia" Hikaoru said. "If that's alright with the two of you"

"that's fine" Yugo said.

"I'll go with them as well" Memarou said. "Is that alright"

"Fine with us but behave" Eva said.

"Yes mom" He said.

"It's fine with us as well" Yugo said.

"That leaves us with mom and dad" The oldest Iop/Cra son said.

"I guess so brother" said the second oldest.

"Alright so Percedal, Evangelyne, Yogi, and their oldest two children will look for Nora and Efrim's Dofus, Yugo, Amalia, Memaoru, Hikaoru, and Sarime will look for the Eliacube, and Adamai, Kojumo, and Soro will look for Glip and Baltizar's Dofus" Chibi said. He looked over at Grougal as he brought out two Tofus from his robe and handed one to Kojumo and the other to Yogi.

"These Tofus will guide you on your journey they have a magical bond that connects them to Az you could say that they are Az's brother and sister When Az Recieves a message from either of us Dragons then these Tofus will recieve them as well Kojumo you have Az's brother Ku and Yogi you have Az's Sister Ni" Grougal said.

"Az, Ku, and Ni such cute names" Sarime said as she giggled.

"Now als we gotta do is Grab Scribble Ask him where the two Dofus and the Eliacube are then we should be on our way before Qilby finds them" Yugo said.

"I'll go get him daddy" Sarime said as she ran inside the house then came out minutes later holding Scribble in his carrier. "Found him"

Yugo took Scribble out of his carrier and held him up. "Scribble we need your help Can you tell us where the Eliacube is" Yugo asked.

"Hmm" he grunted.

"If you won't tell us I'll put you in the oven and you can burn" Sarime said.

"Okay okay....The Eliacube is hidden Somewhere unerground right here in Emalka" He said.

"What about any Dofus we need to find two of them" Yugo said.

"One Dofus is in Pandaluciel and the other is......In the Sadida Kingdom" He said.

"Do you know which Dofus is where" Yugo asked.

"Nope sorry" He said.

"Scribble you'd better be telling the truth or else I'll feed you to the Aracnees" Sarime said.

"I'm telling the truth Honest" He said.

"Alright We'd better get going if we find a Dofus that isn't the one we said we would find at elast we can make an effert to retreive it then protect it with our lives" Percedal said.

"Right Alright then Amalia and I will find the Eliacube then split up to come find you guys" Yugo said. 'Madoka Shishinoah why did you bring the Eliacube back into the World of Twelve' He thought to himself.

"We will Go to the Sadida Kingdom and look for that Dofus" Adamai said.

"Alright that sounds good best of luck to you Ad" Yugo said.

"Same to you little bro" Adamai said.

When the two Dofus groups left the village of Emalka Sarime and Yugo started their search. "Alright Scribble do you know the exact location of the Eliacube" He asked.

"It's somewhere deep underground that's for sure but I'm not sure where exactly" He said.

Sarime looked at Yugo as he was talking to Scribble then sat down, closed her eyes, and placed her hands on the ground as it started to glow the Sadida green color. Yugo and Amalia looked at her in wonder. "What are you doing Sarime" Amalia asked.