
Chapter 2

"Be careful of what you wish for Peter "

"Really? that's the first thing you say to me, after all this, and what do you mean 'be careful of what you wish this isn't even what I wished for." I clearly say angry at the fact that he's talking as if all this is my fault. " All that is happening now is your fault, it's because of your incompetence as a sorcerer that you failed the spell. I am pretty sure the Ancient one could have done this with ease"

"Don't speak of what you don't know, 'Ancient one would've done this easily' as if, I am 100% sure she would've also had troubles with this spell" well I guess he's angry too. But I am not the one to back up.

"Yea right O mighty sorcerer supreme, oops is it Ex supreme now"

"Peter you've changed," says the sorcerer with a look of slight disbelief.

"Tell me something I don't know. As for what happened to me I'll explain when the rest are here" I said

"The rest who?"

"Obviously it's MJ, Ned, May, and Happy" better explain to all of them at once rather than individually explaining it to them.

"So where are the 'others'" I said while emphasizing the word others.

"He is in the basement" he started walking towards where they were held after saying that and I decided to follow him.

In the basement I see Doc Ock trying desperately to get out of his confinement while cursing me.

I started waving at him "Yo Doc, having a fine day are we"

"Peter what have you done to me, let me out" shouted Octavius.

"No can do Doc" I said while deactivating the suit.

"Y-you are not Peter, at least not the one I know of" well I haven't shown him my face have I.

"No shit sherlock" I say as I walk away from him "Have fun alone here for a while, byee~"

Wait alone? that's when realization dawned upon me and I started looking around only to find empty cells other than the one Doc has occupied.

"Strange, where's the lizard"

"What lizard, also don't call me strange.Its Doctor Strange" he said with a grumble.

Ok first it was the TVA and now it's this and that goblin too. I really want to go after the lizard but, meh I'll do after a while.

Now for the most important part, I take out my phone, dialed MJ looked at it for a few seconds before ultimately deciding to call Ned first.


"Peter are you okay, I saw the news and it showed you fighting that tentacle guy, do think I'll be able to make someth-"

"Yo chill I'll explain what happened there later, for now, come to this address"

"Peter you've changed" if I am not wrong this is the second time I have heard this.

"I'll explain about all of it when you come here" Now for the next one.

"Hello Harold here what can I do for you "

"Hey happy it's me, can you come to this address real quick"

"Why what happened"

"Nothing serious just come to this place " Next one



Well that's weird, wonder why May's not picking up the phone, I'll just call her later.

Now for the last call, huu~.

"Yo MJ"


" Yeah, it's me, how you doing?" don't sound like a creep, don't sound like a creep.

"Who are you, you're not Peter are you" yep I totally sounded like a creep. Fuck you my virgin self.

"It's me Peter, as for why I sound different is the reason why I decided to call you, So can you come to this address"


"Okay so I'll be waiti-, wait what, why won't you come"

"What did u expect, that I'll just come to wherever this place is without knowing who you are?"

"Wait, what do you mean you don't know me, I am Peter your boyfriend and I am calling you from my phone, don't tell me you haven't saved my number" I just realised that she might have misunderstood this whole situation.

"You may have stolen Peters phone, and maybe you are imitating his voice" how did she even come to that.

"Why would I even do something like that"

"Well there are many reasons that come to mind, the one that sticks out the most is that you are a reporter and wants to leech information about Peter from me". She's too smart for her own good.

" Okay fine, will everything be solved if I face time you?"

"No, I don't want you to use my face for indecent acts"

"Arghh fine, I'll just tell Happy to pick you. Or do you have problems with that too" I say while trying to control my frustration.

"Well that will work I guess" Thank God finally.

"So I'll meet you later I guess. Also, you know you could've just turned your camera off during a video call right". There was a few seconds of silence.

" I-I knew that stupid" Chuckling to myself I started to think of the reasons why May is not picking the phone. She's just busy I guess.


In dark place one could see a barely conscious lady with blood all over her tied to a chair. Standing in front of her was the green monstrosity, The crazed scientist, the deceased maniac it was none other than the Green Goblin.


He slapped the lady with force which was nothing to scoff at." Tell me May, you still wanna do this. Join me I can offer you wealth beyond you can imagine. Just give me Peter "


"Well a feisty one aren't we" he paused to wipe his face face before continuing." Let me ask you a question out of genuine curiosity, will Peter sacrifice his life to save you or will Spiderman ignore you to save the people there" He pointed his right hand towards a monitor which showed a lot of people walking.

May just opened her eyes wide in realisation trying to move frantically.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, that's it, that's it struggle more" said the goblin before trusting one of his arms in Mays stomach.








«To be continued ~»


please point out mistakes if you find any.

have some idea for my story feel free to comment.

also can some one give me reference as to how strong saiki will be in marvel.

Thanks for reading~