
Chapter 3

"So you are saying that you are Peter but at the same time you are not?" Ned tilts his head in confusion.

"I am still Peter just that I have memories of a different Peter" please buy my bullshit.

"So like tell us about the other Peter " now it was MJ's turn to ask questions.

"Umm.... he's Japanese and umm he like turned evil after May died" I use my secret move talk no bulshit justsu.

"So he was a villain?"

"Evil in a sense not like a villain, but more like he started killing villains which goes totally against my morals, also he wouldn't hesitate to torture innocents." I pause for a second feeling the intense gaze coming from MJ. "O-okay he can be considered as a borderline criminal" I shouldn't have said he was evil back there.

"After that he battled with cosmic entities, and a whole lot of crazy people. He was also able to meet the One Above All" I continue, "He gave him powers and a chance to reincarnate and that's when his soul got sucked into our universe when Stranges spell here failed. Since his body was undergoing changes to adapt to his new powers only his soul came along, also while travelling in his soul form, his soul scratched the fabrics of reality essentially making him a brain dead soul. Also the reason why I have full control of my body"

"Hey! my spell wouldn't have failed if not for you, and you serious that he met one above all" said Strange.

"Who is this OAA guy" this time it was Ned who asked the question.

"He is what us humans consider as a god, I am not talking about those alien wannabe gods but the real God who created the multiverse and it's aspects" answered Strange.

Strangely enough Happy was silent during this entire conversation. I look towards him only to find that he is sleeping. He serious?.

I ask Strange to dump some cold water on him and he did." I-I plead not guilty your owner" says the now awake Happy. I should explain everything to him once again huh.


"Do you understand my situation now" I asked Happy.

"I won't say I fully understand the situattion, but as long as you are all right everything is fine" said Happy with a reassuring smile.

I turned towards the others "Hey do you guys know where May is. She is not picking up her phone" weird, wonder why she isn't answering .


MJ's phone started ringing "What?" she shouted "Hmm okay"

"Who was on the phone MJ" I ask her. She didn't answer me and walked towards Strange.

"Take us to a place with a TV" her tone was really serious.

Strange teleports us to his living room.

"Whats happening MJ answer me" she still wouldn't answer me and I am not liking this silence at all.

She then changes the channel to show Green Goblin flying above the statue of liberty with a bloodied woman in his hands. What the I felt tense for no reaso-

Wait is that May!! this motherfucker I knew it I should've went after him. Also what kind of forced plot bullshit is this, I mean seriously the first thing after coming to a new universe you do is to find the aunt of your arch nemesis, and don't tell me he coincidentally chose the statue of liberty as the destination for our fight.

"Peter it's okay we are with you" I feel two people hugging me.

Huh? oh they misunderstood my silence with anger. Don't get me wrong I am angry but not at the level you think the original Peter would've felt. It's that I am kinda numb to death, I am not saying that I was an assain in my previous life, I killed thousands with my bare hands blah blah blah.

What I am saying is that I came from a time period where the World War 3 was happening. The government gave us rifles to protect ourselves and we had to kill others just live an other day. My father, and my brother died in the war, it was only me and my mum. I killed two soldiers too but eventually succumbed to my death in a bombing incident.

Enough of my past life, what matters now is to save May.

"I'll teleport you there" says Strange.

"Well no thanks, just stay here and protect them" before he could say anything I teleported away from them.

I teleport to the bottom of the statue where to my surprise I found Toby and Andrew pointing at each other, oh boy this gonna be fun. I teleport in front of them and point at both of them and folks I have finally recreated the legendary spiderman meme.

Well jokes aside I should probably save May. I don't think she has much time left, especially with that big hole in her stomach.

As if reading my intentions they both nod at me.

"Ah Spiderman(s)? you are here. Want your aunt back, sorry to inform you that she's on her way to meet Lady death" He finally noticed us.

"Lady death is my bitch motherfucker. Also May's not the one that's gonna die here not at least as long as I am here."

"Oh then lets see how you are going to save your aunt's life" he then yeeted her to a nearby building.

I can see Toby and Andrew trying their best to catch her before she hits the building.

Suddenly as if defying all laws of physics her body stops moving. I slowly levitate her towards me. The other two and the Goblin has their eyes wide open.

I lay her down, she starts opening her eyes. I remove my mask and look at her. She gently places her hand on my face.

"D-dont blame yours-self Pe-ter, it was not your fault" she tried to continue albeit with a little difficulty.

"Peter always remember, With great power comes..." her voice slowly started to fade. I feel to hands squeezing each of my shoulder. I look back to see Toby and Andrew looking at me with teary eyes.

"Well this is going to be awkward but-"


If they open their eyes any further they gonna fall off their sockets. I can see May checking her abdomen to find her injuries only to fail.

I smirk at May " Sooo with great power comes what exactly againn".

"Comes a whole lot of crazy shit" we both started laughing ignoring the expression of the other spiders as if asking 'really? we have supervillain to fight to you know'

She is really a strong woman I mean I don't think others in her position would be able to laugh like this, atleast not after going through what she has been through.

"Sate, Sate, Sate what to do with you now" I turn to the Goblin who is currently unable to move due to my telekinesis.







«To be continued ~»


please point out any mistakes if you find any.

Thank you for reading~