
Diary entry #3

January 22-23 5:09


For the past three days I have been trying to get information on the plague, and on the settlement I am currently residing in as of this moment.

The plague started roughly a month ago, how I woke up without being hungry is up for debate.

All I know is that I woke up without feeling hungry, tired, or even thirsty. I'm wondering if the people running the "test" are the reason for that.

Anyway about the settlement. The person who runs it his name is Robert Long, he runs everything in the settlement. He was supposedly a rich business man before the plague.

This would explain him running the place smoothly.

This pace is called "The Bright Star."

At this point in my investigation I've been all

over the place, there is a shopping district, government district, residential, and a job center, for people to do odd jobs, and government jobs too.

I've taken a few they were small like escorting someone, or finding something specific outside the wooden walls.

The walls look like crap, but they give the people in the settlement saftey so that's good.

Going back to the leader Robert, he apparently has five people under him I was only able to find two of their names though, the other three don't go out much.

Amelia Bright- She is in charde of the food that goes around the settlement and is Roberts wife which the word "bright" comes from in "The Bright Star."

Amilio Cortez- He is the defense administer, he makes sure that there are guards at every turn.

The rest I could not find much if any information at all, I only know there is 3 more and at least one is a girl.

I'm going to go pick another job from the job center. Hopefully i'll get more food for my stash.

I still have my gun and ammo, food, and my medicine. One thing I forgot to mention was when you walk in the wall from the outside they take half of your earnings.

Luckly I found a way around this, they only check your bag and not your person. Personally I think this is stupid, but I can see how it would help with serculation of certain goods.

Well I need to go start a new job this is it for now. Hope to continue this Diary/Journal.


I think i'm being followed.

Yesterday during my job I felt a presence follow me from the wall to my rendezvous point to meet the person i'm escorting.

About 30 minutes and I still felt the person following me. I can only think of a few reasons for this.

1. The person I met when I first left the warehouse is coming for my stuff.

2. The people up top thought I was asking to many questions, and sent someone to monitor me.

3. Someone probably saw I had a decent amount of food and ammo (though this is low it is possible)

I'm going to take another job and if I feel the presence again, i'll confront them this time and ask some questions.