
The Devil's Accessory

A fast-paced Short novel Natasha has been Erik's assistant for as long as anyone can remember, faithfully carrying out his every whim and command. From being his live model to running Carnal, scheduling his routine and even getting his coffee, she has been his right hand. However, as the night settles, she takes on a more sinister role. She becomes his scouter, his hunter, and his protector as they search for a pure soul to reclaim his throne. While it is understandable that Erik is in search of a pure soul, one has to question the morality of such an endeavor. He is willing to do whatever it takes to reclaim the throne, even if it means putting Natasha in a dangerous position. Furthermore, this endeavor will likely open up old wounds, secrets, and the mystery of what Natasha is. Disclaimer This is a rewrite of an old novel I wrote two years ago.

Novel_Dumre · Fantasía
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20 Chs

Lucifer is back

Nanatasis walked up to the scepter and laid their hand over it. It flew up into their grasp and a murmur sounded through the throne room. Nanatasis stared up at Lucifer, who rose above all spreading his wings, while his dark umber skin erupted with lines of lava, a brimstone crown appeared over his head, his ringlets of black have moved like snakes into a halo and his eyes glowed in red. His clothes fell from his body ribbon crested his hips and around his neck, his fixed on Azrael's eyes which were ivory and glowed with lust; which only made him smirk.

"No," Lilith gasped, just as he raised his scepter.

Lucifer hovered above all the beings, fallen angels, and deemed. He raised his arms as the Lilith creation of tormented beings disappeared into dust, freed from the pain. Then Lucifer pulled the demons from the cells and bowed at his feet, along with every fallen angel, Lucifer turned to Nanala with a grateful smile and to Azrael with guilt and sorrow but she turned her face down just as Lilith kicked Azrael in the face and made a run for it.

She came to the figure chained behind the throne and started breaking its chain, rambling frantically. "I will release you, like we planned."

"Mother, stop!" he shouted, causing tremors of thunder to bounce against the cells. "don't listen to it's tempting" he calmly moved towards his mother, but it was too late.

Lilith broke each cage, releasing the figure "I did it, now get me my vengeances" she yelled like a woman who lost her mind but it was short-lived because a sharp piece of the figures flesh pierced her gut "you promised" a sickening gasp fell from her lips.

"I lied." the figure's voice twisted and grappled at its throat. 

Lilith's body was thrown into the bottomless pit. The figure's body began to deform from its human-like state into a being with many arms and legs. Horns shot through its skin of black inky flesh, its face multiple eyes that saw everything and a smile that twist up, open sinisterly; and on its back, they branded it with triple six. With its nose up in the air, it sniffed for that beautiful scent, the tempting scent of a pure soul; Lucifer watched his creation in horror until he realized its first goal.

"Azrael… Nanal…" but the words were out of his mouth. The beast ran towards Nanala with such swiftness, such ease that in a blink it had her pinned to the ground.

Azrael moved without knowing, throwing her scythe like a boomerang which cut the beast leg off. Causing black blood laced with glitter vital to spill on the pure soul and sickening squeal to sound through the place but its legs reformed. Azrael took the opportunity to push the beast off Nanala, but all it did was stab Azrael in the chest and swiftly pinned her to the further wall; Azrael gasped as three long sharp inky flesh trapped her against the wall. 

"Azrael" the beast send chills up her spine "how I longed to see your vital drain from your body" she tried to push his off but it felt like it was draining the power from her body "I longed for your flesh to melt" she looked to Lucifer who stood petrified "your eyes to hollow and your truest form to take it rightful place" she looked to Lucifer again with pleading eyes "How…" Azrael tried to reach out her hand "I… long… to" Scythe came flying back, slicing the beast in half and causing it another sickening squeal to erupt but it began to form once more.

 Lucifer shook awake and flew towards the beast, pulling its claw from Azrael causing the beast to burn its flesh, then let out a roar as it rushed from the exit, passing shell-shocked fallen angels who were frozen in fear. Poppy, Jasper and Hela who couldn't comprehend what just happened. 

Azrael fell into Lucifer's arm hissing at the three open wounds in her gut and realizing they weren't healing as fast. "What have you done?" she whimpered as Lucifer just stared down at her, helpless.

She pushed him off and stumbled towards the pure soul who laid flat on her back, staring up above. Azrael pulled her up onto her lap. "are you ok?" she breathes out, fighting the pain that flows with her vital.

The ginger stared up at her, caked in black blood and glittering vital "your vital, you are hurt" Nanala gasped, but Azrael smiled relieved.

"I am fine" she whizzed "but are you ok?" the ginger nodded.

"yea, yea, I am fine" she exhaled. "I wanna go home now" she nodded at Azrael.

"ok, ok, I can get you home" Azrael stood and pulled Nanala up.

"get me the fuck out of here" Nanala whispered again as Lucifer approached the two.

"Azrael," his whisper caressed her ear. "Stay," he whimpered, pleading with his voice.

But Azrael ignored him and picked up Nanala. "Get me out of here, I don't want to be here, I don't wanna do this anymore." the ginger said again looking into Azrael, knowing the angel was close to breaking.

"Stay" this time it came out as a warning, but Azrael took a step forward.

Azrael placed her hand on Nanala's chest and she collapsed in her arms. Azrael spread her wings and looked up above.

"Azrael, don't you dare take another step" Azrael began to fly out of hell "AZRAEL!!!!" his desperate voice echoed throughout hell, but she was already done…