
The Demon King is... A COMMON WORKER?!

The demon king. When someone says "demon king" the first thing you feel is fear and reverence for him and his job but what if, what if the demon king wasn't the demon king anymore and he came to another planet to goof around and to have fun? This is the story of one such demon king, He came to another world just to have fun but gets into many misunderstandings. A LOT of them. In act 1, He wanted to be a teacher and tried to be one. Luck played games with him and now [The demon king is... A CIVIL SERVANT!?] ...... Coming soon! This is my first novel. I'm pretty in experienced so i suggest you go read some brain rot half translated novel and come back to this so this novel feels like gold. I created this novel not for some contests but because webnovel charts were mostly filled with either smut or old action novels, Nothing new would ever enter. As such I made this novel.

TheDaoOfWriting · Fantasía
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3 Chs

A Powerless Demon King that can get deported?

At the edge of the 100-man trees' forest. Space seemed to blur out to form two figures. A man and a weird tiger came out of the blurred space. A tiger with four tails and a man holding onto them emerged.

The man touched the tails and then rubbed the tiger's fur before saying "I must say this fur sure is comfortable"

The tiger suddenly yelped as it was shocked that it was suddenly somewhere else and it jumped up in fright.

It was about to ask the man how he did it but before it could ask the man tried to probe more and shot another volly of his questions

"After going here where do they go? Wait no you wouldn't know, you thought they died. Okay, now it's time to ask you a few more questions. What is this continent called? What's the human Kingdom or government called? Who is the leader of it? And expect beasts and humans are you sure you have never seen any other species? Do they have potato farms in the kingdom? Do-" The man opened his eyes to look at the speeches and shocked tiger and he stopped asking it.

He revealed a look of understanding and said "Cat, You don't know, Do you?"

The tiger shook its head and said "I don't know what this continent thing is, I don't know if it can be eaten. What is government or kingdom? Do you mean like my tiger kingdom where I am its ruler? And I don't know any other of your funny words. I have heard from the fox that there are other things that enter the forest. They look like hairle- humans but they are all very different in size and shape and fur!"

"Cat! What do you even know?" Asked the man looking indigent

"That fox surely knows more than me! How about we go to his den, beat him up a little, and ask him the questions?" Said the tiger with an awkward tone

The man looked even more impatient while saying "I don't have time for this. Let's just go in the direction of the human Kingdom"

The tiger wanted to go back home now that its job as a "guide" had ended. It was about to go back but the man stopped it again.

In the man's mind, the system had booted up a screen.

[Detected Human village within 3km/1.8 miles]

[Starting ruleset initialization]

[Otherworldly Visa system initialized]

[Good afternoon sir, The visa system has been initialized]

[Ruleset intialized.]

[1. Visa - INTIALIZED.

2. Power reset - INTIALIZED.

3. Temporary Power - INTIALIZED.


5. Emotional regulation - INTIALIZED.

New events and rules may be added by the system at any time depending on the circumstances.]

'Yes yes, you told me already' The man thought to himself.

[Your powers are now restricted!] The system stated.

The man felt his body weaken and his mana seemed to have become nonexistent. He could not feel any mana in his body and even his mana heart and ring seemed to have vanished.

[The system has given the master his first mission.]

[Mission name - Travel partner!

Content - Find a travel buddy to help you out on your lonely journey! The system would be enough but talking to a genderless machine that coincidently had a feminine voice was suspicious and very odd.

Reward - 15 Visa points/VP

Failure punishment - none]

'Wow, system you seem kind for the first time! No failure punishment!' the man told the system and thanked it for its benevolence.

[Initialized Visa points program]

[Current Balance -

Days left - 1

Visa points - 0

???...- 0]

'Huh, what does that mean system?'

[Sir it means you have 1 day left before you will be kicked from this planet back to the empire. You must exchange visa points for days on this planet but you have no points.]

'Wait… doesn't that mean if I don't accept the quest-'

[Yes. If you fail it, you will be kicked from this place.]

'f*ck!' the man cursed before coming back to reality and looking at the tiger with an evil look.

The tiger suddenly felt chills run through its spine. it turned and stared at the man looking at it and asked why him why he was looking at it

"Little cute beautiful smart and amazing cat. Wouldn't you like to travel with me and become my travel buddy for longer?" He asked the tiger, it was about to refuse when it remembered the strength of this man and it quickly nodded

"Sure sure of course I will be your travel-buddy" it said with fake joy but inside it felt dead and angry at its powerlessness

"Stinky human" it mumbled

"What was that?" the man asked.

The tiger quickly said

"it was nothing."

The system's voice sounded in the man's head

[Mission passed -

Respect +]

'Huh?! What?' the man thought in his head

[Oh sorry, wrong one.]

[Mission passed, Reward earned - 15 VP]

[Would you like to exchange for the special one-time offer of 10 days exchange?]

'What is that?' the man asked the system.

[Normally you have to exchange 30 visa points for 30 days and 30 days is the minimum but only for this time I can make an exception for you and make an exchange of 10 visa points for 10 days.]

'Uh sure, Yes, without it I wouldn't be able to stay here anyway.' the man said before looking at his current balance proudly.

[Current balance =

Days left - 10

VP - 5]

The man came back to reality,

"I can't keep calling you a cat, What's your name?" the man asked the tiger.

"My name is Xiao Hu" the tiger replied. The man gave the cat a judging look as Xiao hu meant "little tiger"

"What's your name?" Xiao Hu replied with scorn looking at the man

"My name is Long Wei! Isn't it a name fit for a king?!" The man stated with a proud grin.

It was Xiao Hu's time to be judgy now as Long Wei meant "Dragon's Authority" or "Dragon's Power." at times. Xiao hu gave Long Wei a questioning look.

Long Wei instructed Xiao Hu to turn into a cat before the duo walked on a dirt path that led somewhere.


if you liked the story so far and have any suggestions then please comment on this chapter. I read all comments!

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