
The Demon King is... A COMMON WORKER?!

The demon king. When someone says "demon king" the first thing you feel is fear and reverence for him and his job but what if, what if the demon king wasn't the demon king anymore and he came to another planet to goof around and to have fun? This is the story of one such demon king, He came to another world just to have fun but gets into many misunderstandings. A LOT of them. In act 1, He wanted to be a teacher and tried to be one. Luck played games with him and now [The demon king is... A CIVIL SERVANT!?] ...... Coming soon! This is my first novel. I'm pretty in experienced so i suggest you go read some brain rot half translated novel and come back to this so this novel feels like gold. I created this novel not for some contests but because webnovel charts were mostly filled with either smut or old action novels, Nothing new would ever enter. As such I made this novel.

TheDaoOfWriting · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Dull "cat" acquired!


On top of a hill far away from and above the crash. A huge, 4 tailed white tiger was looking in the direction of the crashed ship while moonlight was on its white fur. Its eyes widened as it realized its prey had become blurry and disappeared. It raised its head and "ROARRR" roared loudly.

Its eyes looked around towards the crashed ship and a childish voice came out from the white tiger as it said

"Where did that hairless monkey go? Did it trick me like that fox?"

While the tiger was looking towards the crash site a gust of wind blew near it. Behind the white tiger, the man from the crashed ship looked at it with curiosity.

The raised its head upwards towards the crashed ship and roared again.

"Where is that hairless monkey? How could it disappear? It's not possible for it to just disappear! I couldn't even find it with my Spirital eye!" it cautiously looked at the crash site with a keen eye.

Behind the tiger, the man suddenly said "What? Kid, who the hell are you calling a hairless monkey?? How dare you call me a hairless monkey!! From what angle do I look like a human? Do not insult me!"

When the tiger heard a voice behind it, it jumped up in fright before cautiously looking at this intruder who had crashed into its territory. The tiger was terrified as this intruder disappeared in front of her and reappeared behind her.

'How did the monkey do this?' it thought while it looked at the man in front of it.

"Do not try to act mute, cat! I clearly heard you speak just now." said the man while eyeing the divine-looking beast in front of him.

*ROARRRRRRR* The tiger roared looking at the little hairless monkey in front of it with fury. This monkey had the audacity to enter its territory first, destroyed the pond that it had marked as its territory, and disappeared and reappeared behind it. This calm and cool tiger can take a lot of things but this is the end of it.

This hairless monkey dared to call it a cat? No one in this whole forest dared to call this divine tiger a cat but this hairless monkey had called it a measly cat? How dare it? Where did it get the courage from?

The tiger raised its head and infused spiritual energy into its mouth before roaring at the man in front of it. "ROARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR*" Anything behind the man was completely destroyed. Any trees, rocks, and boulders in the way of the roar that had energy were completely destroyed but the man in question didn't even budge. Hell, he looked like he enjoyed a light breeze as his loose hair swayed in the wind the roar created.

Its pupils diluted and its mouth twitched as it looked at the hairless monkey in front of it with shock while thinking

'How did he survive this? Nothing in this forest dared to face this attack head-on. Let alone treat it like a breeze!'

The man in front of it fixed his wavy hair and said "Are you done meowing cat? I don't have infinite time. The clocks ticking."

The tiger replied "Infinite? Clock? Ticking? What is that? Is that martial technique you used?"

The mouth of the man twitched as he looked at the tiger. Indeed how would it know any of this? The man shook his head before saying "Cat I don't have a lot of time. From your bone age, you seem like you're only 16 years old. As such I know you are a child as such I will spare you for attacking this king. I am new to this place, can you be my guide?"

The tiger looked at the man before nodding in response. Indeed his reply made sense. He seemed to come from that crack and wasn't from here or else how would it be possible for this tiger to lose in the forest? It was surely the strongest here. It also knew every strong being here!

The tiger thought to itself 'Even tho I am young I am the strongest here, This monkey took my strongest attack head-on without even having a reaction. He is definitely strong. If I fight him for some stupid pride and died then how would it take its r-'

Before the tiger could finish thinking the man said "This is taking too much time. As I thought violence is the solution here."

He suddenly disappeared and grabbed all 4 tales of the tiger before grouping them in one hand he picked up the tiger and slammed it into hillside

In the tiger's eyes the monkey blurred away again and before the afterimage of the monkey could even disappear it suddenly felt like it was flying and something was grabbing its tail before-

*BOOM* The tiger hit the floor of the hilltop

"Now are you ready to help me or not" asked the man

The tiger was about to roar at him and attack him again, just then he said

"Looks like violence isn't the solution here, If violence isn't the solution then I just am not using enough of it! Ah ha! if I do this 50/60 times then perhaps you might listen to me!"

The tiger got up extremely fast bowed its head, and nodded at the man and it thought

'This ruthless man! He didn't even give me time to think! I thought we could sit down and have a few licks of spiritual spring water. Eat a few of those tasty cows before coming to a decision.'

The man also nodded at it before saying "Okay great, now that we are buddies. I have to tell you I am not a hairless monkey. I am just a simple handsome and dashing king who wants to have some fun. Do not call me a monkey or a human or else.."

The tiger said "I won't call you a human. I promise, I promise! You are a man I got it!"

The man looked satisfied. He looked around and he said "Have you seen other people like me before? Other "humans" I mean?"

The tiger replied in its childish voice "Yes, I have seen many hairle- I mean humans that look like you. For a spiritual beast such as you being called a human must be a disgrace I am very sorry. I remember I think it was exactly 24 moons ago tha-"

The man impatiently waved his hand at her and said "stop, stop do you think I have that much time? Just tell me when, where, and give me some general information"

The tiger's mouth twitched. It felt wronged it was just about to tell. It to this smelly man but he stopped it! What was it supposed to do? But it nevertheless continued "I smelt a group of humans in the outer region just half a day ago! And I saw a group of humans with ok strength 24 moons ago."

The man looked at it and said "Okay good, what is this outer region? Is it the outer region of the forest? And if you smelled them in the outer region, where are we right now then? Have you seen where those humans go? What is this forest called? Have you seen only humans and beasts?"

The tiger gave a look to the man that seemed to say 'ignorant fool' and said "Don't you know the forest is split into 4 parts; outer, inner, center, and one more? And yes I have seen where they go. They go to the edge of the forest where they die! And there are countless other creatures in this world. I've only seen a few!"

The man now looked at this tiger as if he were looking at a stupid person while thinking

'This dumbass tiger didn't give me any new information. I literally already guessed all this! What's the point of this king making you his guide??'

He groaned a little and said "Ugh stupid cat, fine. Tell me now, You said those humans die when they go to the edge of the forest right, why do they die?"

The tiger looked around with a look of embarrassment and said "I've just seen go to the edge but my parents have told me that if I go to the edge then I will bring a huge calamity to the world and even maybe die! If I, a great, favored tiger of the heavens bring a calamity then why won't hairle- humans bring calamities and die too?"

'I knew this cat was a little slow or else why would it accept to be my guide so easily?' Thought the man

While grumbling and saying

"Can you at least take me to where the edge is?"

The tiger finally looked like it had gained some of its nonexistent pride and said "haha you have come to the right person! I am the strongest in this forest even tho the edge areas belong to that stupid fox I can still enter it as the fox can't do anything to me! Alright come with me even with my speed it'll take around 5 thousand steps to reach there this forest is huge."

The man was a little curious as he wanted to know who this fox was, so much so that even this slow and dull cat called the fox stupid. He seemed to remember that in the old world the foxes were always cunning. Was this fox really that stupid? As he did not have time he did not care.

Finding a human settlement was better for him but this tiger, It took so long to go to the edge?

The man looked at the tiger and said tiger "I don't have that much time to waste in this boring forest. Just point at the direction and walk 5 steps towards it"

The tiger thought after those initial five steps they would continue moving so it moved towards the but before it could move more than 5 steps it suddenly felt it was floating and it felt something tugging at its 4 tails.

The man holding the tiger's four tails said "Okay I know the speed of one of your steps now, I'll just make it 1000 times faster and take us there"

Then he and the tiger suddenly blurred and even their afterimage managed to disappear.


Deep in the forest, two pairs of eyes opened, both the pairs had a glint in their eyes.

These few chapters might be a little slow so we can build the world and show the characters but trust me guys! I'm trying my best to "Show" and not "Tell". Tell me what you think of the chapter in the comments!

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