
Chapter Forty-Two: Soon To Be

In the midst of a forest, with heavy foliage, the crack of dawn just arrived and with it the aurora of the sun blessed the lands. The trees were tall and slim, with thousands of branches extending onto one another. Their green leaves rustling against each other, allowing strims of morning light to shine on the grass filled, moss ground, with several flowers left from spring and the summer flowers sprouting, claiming their rightful place in the season.

In this heaven on earth, there was a commotion. Hundreds of heavy footsteps, following with the sound breaking, echoed through the forest. Hundreds of disgruntled voices, it sounded like oinks with meaning, as if they were speaking the language of pigs.

The old trees, who've lived in the forest for hundreds of years, were rudely awoken by the devastation left in their path. Those in the way of the horde of hundreds fell without knowing what happened; leaning on their fellow trees.

The beasts, or should I say monsters in question, were large, too large. They varied in size, from five meters to eight meters. They had a muscular, buffed body, some were green, others brown. Their heads were a more buffed version of a pig, more like a boar and just like boars, some had horn-like teeth. They carried a variety of weapons, some had axes, others had swords, clubs and even spears. All crudely made from smelted metal, from their victims. The weapons were crafted to fit their size and were therefore handmade, which could be easily seen. As the weapons seemed to be falling apart by the second.

'This will be troublesome', I thought while watching the monsters. The village just finished their farming spree and retreated inside the walls, upon command. Now all that was left was a bloody battle with oversized, humanoid pigs.

Jasmine was cultivating, hoping to have a breakthrough before the battle. Harold and Lenart were fighting, trying to stay as sharp as possible. As for Rolf, he was in a coma, not showing any signs of waking up. His wife and kid have been feeding him and forcing him to drink water, while he's unconscious. A tedious task, which leaves no room for failure.

The wooden wall was filled to the brim with guardsmen, trained in archery, while those with spears took turns to patrol the ground. In the event of the attack, they would be at the wall too, while defending the entrance.

Harold and Lenart stopped training, ate some food, drank water and then joined up with the guardsmen, Harold taking the lead of the wall and Lenart leading the ground troops.

They marched back and forth, aware of the army closing in on their walls. Their weapons were sharpened and ready, armor renewed. They wore metal armor, while some adventurers who decided to help had a variety of gear, just like the orc army.

I was using Jasmine as a lightning rod. I can't control the world on bigger scales, without a medium and she earned herself that role today. Using her I conjured a storm that would obstruct and attack the orc, as they marched towards us, and hopefully it would kill some of them. Later on, when the battle starts it will also be used as a means to attack and tire them out.

The rumbling of distant thunderclouds reached the small clearing, known as Orkrasist. The powerful roars of lightning clapped and snapped, creating a powerful gust of wind, reaching all the way to the village, soon to be town.

In the forest the orcs proceed without care, the powerful rain and occasional lightning strikes didn't bother them in the slightest. Their powerful skin, strong as iron, similar to hide, took the barrage like it was nothing. Well excepted from the youngest, they fell one after another, leaving behind the more powerful orcs to continue their siege.

After Jasmine finished her cultivation and medium work she stood up and walked into the living room. Her family were gathered there, waiting for her. Each one carried a slight hint of hesitation. Her father was to join the battle. He was one of the original twenty, but wasn't as strong as his daughter, the girl who made his family nobility.

"You ready, father?" Jasmine asked, her staff tightly clenched in her palm, her brown hair flowing free, cowering her darkish blue robe in hair. Her blue eyes carried a hint of worry, a certain stiffness, scared about what's to come.

"Of course I am, your dad might be many things, but being a coward isn't one of them!" he said, showing her a boisterous smile. Making Jasmine's mom laugh.

"Let's go then. they'll be out of the forest before the sun goes down, we don't have much time." Jasmine told her dad and stormed to the exit, walking along a line of trees till she reached the main district, right outside her mansion.

Watching their interaction I couldn't stop my mind from smiling. They're such a happy family, let's just hope nothing bad happens to them!

The trees got thicker the further away from the middle they went and soon they started thinning again, they had reached the edge of safety, where no adventurer went beyond. The orc finally had leg room and less trees suffered their fury.

The young had been left behind and soon retreated home, while the older and more powerful continued their march. At this point only those with decent strength remained. The storm clouds followed them, showering them in powerful winds and sharp rain. The lightning hadn't stopped yet, as for other effects I haven't mastered them yet. One day I hope to use acid rain, lava burst, things like that. Because in the continent of fire, it actually rains magma and fire. But I've yet to learn those things, they're not within my grasp. But I know I will be able to use them, since Lenart and Harold showed signs of these things when they broke through to tier one.

Soon I will know more about myself and my powers, but first, let's take one trial at a time.

(AN:I apologize for the late chapter! The National test took a toll on me and I wrote whenever I had time, but this week has been hectic. But at last, here's a chapter, hope you liked it :) )

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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The_FBI_godcreators' thoughts