
The Deal by wings

Mac never wanted this, it was meant to be a one night stand, and yet he was trapped working for him

_Wings_ · Real
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6 Chs

Chapter 5

<p>Dagon was seated in front of his mother, <br/>Her elegant figure and her bold aura catching attention of people at the Cafe.<br/><br/>There were two cups of coffee on the circular table, Dagon had no interest in drinking it after all he told her not to order for him.<br/><br/>"Aaron got an invite to the Event again" she brought the cup to her lips taking a sip<br/><br/>"I know, I don't care" he murmured <br/><br/>"when I talk to you, you speak as loud as I spoke, do you understand"<br/><br/>He didn't reply and she glanced at him her gaze piercing through him, "yes mother" <br/><br/>"Niko got in trouble, have you fixed that", Dagon nodded "I handled it a week ago" <br/>"good" she pause for a while. <br/><br/>"I heard you asked for a man to be investigated"<br/>"yes I asked for Mr Vince, he's been found of t-" <br/>"end that investigation" <br/>"What!", Dagon was furious although tried to compose himself. <br/>she took another sip then placed the cup down, <br/>"Mr Vince is a fraud and an embezzler, he will lie to you then break the business, if your father were still here he wouldn't want his company to break due to your ignorance" <br/><br/>Dagon stayed quiet she was right he couldn't afford to make a mistake "you advised brother to work with Mr Gaing's son" <br/><br/>"yes, and  I don't see a problem with that" <br/>"you asked me to do that why the sudden change, you told me as soon as I retur-" <br/><br/>"Aaron is more fit" she interrupts, "he will get the job done, easily and smoothly"<br/><br/>"that's not the reason don't lie to me" <br/><br/>"I don't lie, besides if I were to give you such project I'm sure you'll be focused on how to make him end on your bed" <br/><br/>"I wouldn't" he argued <br/>she replied, " I want the two businesses to be joined by contact not sex, and I know that's not you main priority, I know that the moment I turn my back you will begin to investigate their background and bring downfall to everything, or perhaps you are jealous of your brother"<br/><br/>"i-", Dagon was short on words and she smiled "don't try to argue it's not a big deal, handle Mr Carlos, I want him tamed, he's a threat to us, take care of the casino, for the mean time Niko will not be able to help" <br/><br/>"yes mother" <br/><br/>"and that boy you requested to be brought, I want him to bring no trouble to your work" <br/><br/>"he is just for pleasure" Dagon replied and she nods,<br/><br/>"when Aaron attends the Event, you will take over for the year, however you will not work with Mr Gaing's son he will be accompanying Aaron, just telling you so you won't be displeased when it happens" <br/><br/>Dagon scoffed "why would I be displeased" <br/><br/>"you seemed to have interest in him" <br/><br/>"well I don't, and even if I did I doubt that you will let me have him"<br/><br/>His mother chuckles <br/><br/>"Dagon, I will not interfere in your love life as long as the business is not involved towards downfall , I have never Interfered in anything you wanted to do"<br/><br/>"Mr Chang told me you were traveling to Russia" he took a quick glance at his mother's personal assistant who stood still beside a silver mercedes benz. <br/><br/>"yes" she replied "I am, but it doesn't mean I won't watch you, get the job I've assigned to you done with no mistake, I'll send you the files in a week" <br/><br/>"now, how's the workers been" she asks immediately transforming from someone who tried to prove he was useless to a caring boss<br/><br/>"they've been alright, Collin shot a guy in the casino, it but it was pretty funny-" <br/><br/>"Dagon" she warned" you shouldn't be quite about something like that,  was he hurt? " <br/><br/>"I don't know, I didn't check on him, they just.... " Dagon kept silent but his frown still visible <br/>She became stern "what did you do"<br/><br/>"nothing, really." he didn't want to tell her he threw the injured down a cliff <br/><br/>"I can't trust your words" she said eyeing him suspiciously "if he was shot find a replacement and get rid of the body, I'll hold a meeting to warn the rest no one should do something immature like that, Dagon I thought you had -" <br/><br/>"I'm serious" he lies "noone was shot I just want to give you a scare, you know you're a boring mother" <br/><br/>"I don't care of I'm boring it's unacceptable for you to kill one of my workers for fun, that mistake could crumble the plan"<br/><br/>"yes mother" <br/><br/>"I have an appointment soon, I'll leave now"  she grabbed her bag and stood, her black sequel dinner gown showed her perfect curves and blended with her personality, "and that boy you have I'm running a background check on him" she shook his hand before leaving the Cafe. <br/><br/>Dagon watched from the large glass window as she entered her car with her assistant, and drove off. <br/>He sat still for a while, he had always had a love-hate relationship with his mother especially ever since his father died. He blamed her, it was her fault but yet he couldn't fully blame her cause it was just him being childish. <br/><br/>His phone rang and without checking who called he picked up, a panting voice spoke "brother, I'm in trouble again". <br/>"Nico, what did you do"</p>