
The Deal by wings

Mac never wanted this, it was meant to be a one night stand, and yet he was trapped working for him

_Wings_ · Realistic
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6 Chs

Chapter 4

The first thing Mac did was to visit his grandmother at the hospital.

Once he entered the ward his grandma - who was on a wheelchair- smiled at him, one thing he loved about her is how she was always happy in most situation;

       And, although the operation for her brain tumor was on hold until payment, she still acted as if everything was fine she would sing songs to Mac everytime he visits, telling him stories her father once told her and if she was in a good mood they would stroll around the hospital garden.

Mac stood still, paying rapid attention as she began to tell a story while knitting,

"The young girl ran away" she said with a smile "and soon was announced dead, but she was happy to escape from such tragedy and lived happily ever after"

Once she ended she signalled for Mac to come closer,

"Mac" she sighed "I know I may not be able to get the surgery but at least I'll be free like the little girl in the story"

Mac was on the verge of tears, he has always known that sooner or later she would die but he didn't want to give up.

He knelt in front of her and held her hand bringing it to his chest

"Ma, I'll get the money I'll find a job okay?" 

She smiled at his words bringing her boney shaky fingers to caress his cheeks and wipe away his falling tears,

"please don't stress yourself too much" she said, "I'm sorry I had to leave you with all the worries of your father's debts and mine"  tears began to fall as they hugged each other.

One letting out their regrets and the other bidding farewell.

"I love you, Ma"

"I love you so much Mac"

Mac ended up leaving the hospital by midnight, and somehow he ended up in the nightclub drinking his sorrows away.

"chill with the drink" Niel, a friend of his dragged the glass from him

"I....w-water. ",  Niel laughed as Mac struggled to speak.

"don't l-laugh" Mac said as he adjusted his sitting position

"why are you  here today you never drink twice in a row" Niel handed him a glass of water.

Niel was right Mac never drank much, if he drank the following days he wouldn't, but he needed it he was stressed.

Niel and Mac had been friends  since high-school, they always stuck together they both believed they shared the same problems, Niel knew about Mac's grandma but Mac never told him about the debt.

Having gathered his thoughts together Mac spoke again;

"I'm looking for that tall man that was here yesterday", Niel looked confused "who exactly are you talking about"

Mac sighs "the tall guy that was dressed in a suit.." he paused when he realized-

"he didn't look like most people at the" bar" 

Niel served another guest before facing Mac "I wasn't on shift yesterday" he grabs an empty glass and begins mixing drinks, "maybe it was my boss I heard he comes here to have fun once in a while"

Hearing those words Mac had hope,

"do you know when he might visit again?"

"no I've never seen him though just heard about him"

And just like that every bit of hope Mac had, crumbled down. "fuck" he mumbled before focusing on Niel

"is there a room in this club?" Niel nodded "yeah only for VIPs"

Niel eyed him suspiciously but Mac just smiled innocently at him.

Niel drops the glass on the shelfs and leans closer to Mac over the counter "why are you asking weird question.. Are you drunk"  he proceeded to try and check his temperature with his palm but Mac lightly slapped his hands away

"I'm just curious" Mac replied and Niel rolls his eyes, "why so curious, are you a dog"

"I heard that" Mac glared at him, "you were meant to" he hands Mac another glass of water "now drink up and leave, it's 2am and you might get sick if you keep drinking"

"is that really why you are chasing me away"

"no" Niel smiled "you're annoying, I want to work"

Mac raises his hand signing a fuck you before he leaves.

Mac went home although he had money issues he was happy to still have an average home, he fiddle with the keys before he finally got the right one and opened the door, pulling his shoes he walked in, to lazy to get to his room he slumped on the couch, his drunk ass falling asleep