
-The rebirth of lilly-

I can't see anything pitch black all I could hear was voices and I wanted to speak but I couldn't I kept trying to say where am I I realized it was my niece I was the baby of my niece now I never be able to get to see a Lilith again I have to send started to cry in what my niece of sudden started hung humming a lullaby I hug hummed to her when she was a baby I was only as only 12 when my niece was born and that's also the same year I die so the fact that she remembered that or my mama told her it kind of heartwarming I was really really sad but the same time I was filled with such Delight of a sudden I heard my niece say I'm going to name her Lily after my aunt Alison gold she smiled her beautiful smile I never got to see your grow up but if I did it lillith and I realized something awesome I started speaking where's lillith where's the Lillith it was so high pitched don't understand but my miss could she was so shocked she said how is this happen I said I'm really how is your Lily but how do you know about her I've never said anything about her you're just born all the sudden started explaining and then I started wrapping my head around that rope fire salts and stopped me and said Aunt Louis who killed you I had already in the deepest depths of hell chellysun got really mad and dropped me Elvis and start crying and I started running away surprised how fast I could run for a baby she's calling out stop that baby is running faster and faster I forgot I didn't have on any clothes but I didn't care I just got through running and running it's like I was never out of breath Elsa I Collapse and as soon as I open my eyes I was in the nursery room that I painted in my old house and I love you so much my parents in I noticed I was handcuffed to the crib I was really mad so all this and I started screaming I remembered that if you scream the long enough and loud enough your vocal chords guitar and kill you so I screamed and cried for three days straight until my vocal cords finally ripped I was all the sudden sent to Hell once again as my regular form that's crying I was so happy but the devil was even happier I don't know why but search explaining what it was like I said she totally changed I need my sister wanted to say a joke but she knew this was a serious time what's always like to lighten the mood whenever things were serious sometimes whenever we when we were in directions when we were little she would always make me crack a smile but when we were in that school are being stabbed nothing would help us not even are dying moments for happy we suddenly realized something kids thought we were props office and look them up in the death dictionary they hadn't died yet so I went up onto the surface and went into my old went into my twelve-year-old form and I looked for them they realized it was me and they were like hey are you the niece of Lily and Lola that's talking to their grandkids I don't know why it didn't show up in the records that they were dead maybe they were just missing I don't really care I said do you know where blank and blank is they said we haven't seen them ever since the dead twins passed away because of them they should there probably in prison rotting probably in Azkaban I said the inescapable prison he looked at me shocked and they said how do you know about that I said oh oh in my class you're talking about Yoshi I should have Tori and how he escaped from there they were so shocked they said what school do you go to I said sorry that's classified smiled and walked away they were not happy I realize that one of them had a younger kid 12 years old tell us and came up to me smiled and said hey do you want to be friends I said sorry I'm on a mission and I don't live here he's really sad but you grabbed my hand and still decided to take me for a walk then come on I'll show you all the cool places in town reluctantly I went with him now all of a sudden I notice the school he said that's cool that's cool that's where the dead twins died you look like one of them I said oh yeah how bizarre smiled and said well you know it is very blushing ever since I laid eyes on you I had a big crush on you I said oh that's sweet but I'm older than you he said by how much I said what month were you born in he said I was born in December I said I was born in January I mean he said that after you finished his date he said dang it I want to listen to notice he was so skinny and Milner I said he follow me somewhere there's this really cool Park I want to show you his face lit up with excitement employees follow me spray something into his mouth I rolled my eyes and smiled and then that's when it hit me everything Stood Still I was mortified I realize that was my exes kid ox and stepped back and said wait a minute do you know who Lily Lily was your dad's ex from middle school he said yeah she was the nicest person he ever knew except she was always a jerk to him all the sudden snap and said I was not a jerk stretch back inside you you aren't her or not he screamed I said I'm sorry I didn't want to reveal myself like this and I start to cry but I'm mainly ran off put before I started to he got to be by the Army kiss me I thought in my head why does everyone keep catching me today aside I want to scream but my body told me to stay I all the sudden vanished as if he was kissing nothing I told my sister fast as soon as I got to the underworld she said him she exclaimed it really mad but also like it was kind of funny to her I kind of did a little smirk and she all the sudden said I feel bad for you almost I was Angry Birds the death stare and that's when whenever I give her the death stare that means you should stop talk she said she said well the devil's a catering us lunch today I said okay what time are we eating she said in two minutes we weren't able to place your order so I just wrote what I knew what you like I said thanks sis and started to walk to my room to get freshened up and all the sudden he was standing at my door waiting for me I wanted to my invisible mode in went in but then I decided I forgot I couldn't go through walls so I went into my ghost form in went in and locked the door again office and you turn around and say hey hey what are you doing you're making a mistake I lied and said I will let me open the door you're so fat I can't even get out he said sorry I ate too much so I just ignored him and freshened up not before key lock picked the lock as soon as I was about to get changed I started to take off my shirt when she also ran in the room he scream I love you I've always loved you space with red hair that's why I said what is your name my blood ran cold it tears welled up in my eyes I almost asked there for that I can't believe it was him I didn't want to believe it was him but there he was standing in front of me Allison Rand Hagen is my middle school sweetheart first he was more then happy to see me or more or less to "do away with me" those are the last words he said i would regret befor he vanished off the face of the earth ; but i always feel like i'm being watched and so i was mortified when i saw him under my bed a screamed as loud as i could and ran this happened more then once i was sick of it so i changed all the locks and it stopped and i hid the key in i diffrant spot then befor.once i was going to the stor to get groceries and saw him trying to pick the lock so i left the groceries in the car and calmly tapped him on his shoulder he jumped and ran but not befor i got him by the coller and questioned he broke free from my grasp and fled to his house slammed and locked the door i had him on security fotige i called the cops i wanted in tarot as he tried to get in a second time but i had the chain on so if he did have success in un locking both the handle and the deadbolt he for shoure coulding get in but that was unless he broke down the door i was mortified and started crying and hyperventilating faster and fastre i heard him thrue the door 975-867-530-957-457. That was the decoder pin i use to have the cereal number of it was 975-867-530-957-457! So the fact that he knew that i suspected that he took it but i just relised it had my address on it and i instantly regretted ithat it read "if found please return to lilly or drop it off in my mail box my address is 524 43st thanks :-)" i wanted to scream but i just ran to the panic room and shut the door and locked it i started to hyperventalate and wanted to cry but i stood strong and i was in shock i relised that there was a peep whole so i gathered up all of my courage and looked thru and to my surprise it was nothing i was so scarry but i relised that one lead to the front door so i looked out that one and my blood ran cold hewas standing there i almost screemed but i stoped my self before i did. Hot teers streamed down my face i relised i had roomates so i made them answer the door and they where always late on rent and where just absolute b-words

And ilwase wanted to throat punch them so i just wrote it down in a note book and they stole it and so i ripped up there prom dresses that where $400 each i just told them it was catrinas cat and they had them made aigen and this time left them in the plastic so they wouldnt get ripped up so just a small pay back story:-) but back to now. he had a knife and stabed them both to death and I was happy to here their screams it pought a smile in my face and one on his blood-stained face and the grin was so wide it was like a joker smile. But i stood my ground and called the cops they arrived within 2-3 min he was armed with a chain saw i was hysterical. But back to now, I was pouring a drink for a guy that wouldnt stop talking and trying to impress me. I just honored him and started typing a story. " It was a dark and stormy night and to girls, the best of friends had just got out of school." i was thinking and honoring him looking up every so often to think instead of listening and he asked, "what are you doing?"

"writing a story," I replied. he smiled and said "I wright a bit. Maybe I could give you some pointers? If you want." I smiled and politely declined the offer. He got mad and demanded that I let him but I just told the bouncers to do away with him struggled them and I tranquilized the guy.