
The Day the Truth was Told

Becca-Rose had her life turned upside down on her 16th birthday when she learns the truth

Pan_Strawberry · Película
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8 Chs

Life Stories

I grab Hermione's hand and we walk back to my house. Dora is the only single one so I hold her hand too. When I walk in the door, Andy hugs me. Her face goes blank when she sees Hermione and Percabeth.

"Mom, this is my girlfriend Hermione Granger, my halfbrother Percy Jackson, and his girlfriend Annabeth Chase. Guys this is my mom Andromeda and my dad Tod" I say.

"You owe me 10 galleons." Dad says laughing.

"Hi. I'm Annabeth, I was wondering where the bathroom is." Annabeth says.

"I'll show you." Dora says.

The two girls leave. I hold Hermione's hand.

"Ma'am, I'm Percy Jackson. I'm from Long Island New York America. I'm 16 and my mom will want to meet you at some point. I am a demigod, just like Becca, and we share a dad. I am not a wizard though but I am going to Hogwarts with Becca this year because I have been tasked to help her control her power." Percy says, shaking mom's hand.

"I like this boy." Mom mouths and I giggle.

"I'm Hermione Granger. I'm a muggleborn, in Becca's year but a Gryffindor. I am bestfriends with Harry Potter and Ron Weasley. My parents are dentists. I promise to treat your daughter right. I am very smart, and got O on all of my OWLS except the E in Transfiguration." Mione says.

"She's really smart mom, she was almost put in Ravenclaw, but that punch to Draco's face in third year proved she was Gryffindor." I say laughing at the memory.

"Draco Malfoy, Draco?" Dad asks.

"Yes, our dear cousin Draco Malfoy." Dora says coming back with Annabeth.

"You knew Dora?" Dad asks.

Dora and I share a smile. I laugh and roll my eyes.

"Who is your godly parent Annabeth?" Mom asks.

"What makes you think I have one?" Annabeth counters.

"Annie, play nice." Percy says.

"Annabeth Chase. Daughter of Athena and architect of the new Olympus. I've been at Camp Half-Blood for 11 years, been on 5 quests, and saved the world from Gea and her children. And made peace with the Romans. " Annabeth says.

"Camp Half-Blood? Romans?" I ask.

"It's a camp for demigods." Percy explains. "We are greek demigods, but there are also Roman demigods."

"The greek and romans always hated each other. They were always at war, That would be why the demigods had to make peace, instead of destroying each other." Hermione says.

"Who is our father?" I ask out of curiosity.

"Poseidon, God of the Sea." Percy says.

"That's why I can control water." I say.

"Dinner." Mom says.

"Smells good Andromeda." Annabeth says.

"Call me Andy." Mom says.

"You must be Ted." Hermione says when Dad walks in.

"Please, not so formal, call me dad." he jokes.

My face turns bright red and I turn away.

"Ted." Mom scolds smacking him.

I sit next to Hermione and Annabeth. Hermione places her hand on my knee to comfort me. I turn to Annabeth.

"Where are you from?" I ask her.

She tenses up. Percy rubs her back and whispers something in her ear. I look down. I guess I hit a nerve. Hermione rubs my leg.

"It's okay. I'm sorry Becca. I was 6 when I ran away from home. My dad had remarried and his wife hated me. I was already seeing things, and was claimed by Athena already. Thalia, Grover and Luke found me and took me to Camp Half-Blood. All I did was train, until Percy came along. We snuck out on quests. Seaweed brain beat me the first time we played Capture the Flag Camp Half-Blood style."

"What's your story?" Percy asks me.

"Mom and Dad took me in when I was young. I never knew I was adopted until today. They treated me like their own. When I was 11 I was accepted into Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. I was placed in Hufflepuff, like Dora. I didn't have many friends the first year, but then I met Hermione. She was everything a girl could ask for. She introduced me to Harry and Ron, and that's when everything changed. We were not the most well behaved children, still aren't but we have saved each other, freed my uncle who was innocent, and saved Ron's sister. I'm not sure what this year will bring us." I say. "Oh and when I was in the wand shop, I received a special gift that I need to open."