
The Day I Saw A God

This story is about a girl. Her name is Natsumi Furakawa. She is in a High School Girl. She lived in Tokyo Japan. She had A Normal Life. Though she was the Japan's most Richest Architecture's daughter. One Day She Meet With Someone Who Told Her That She Is Going Die Today. What Will Happen To The Girl? What Will she do? Read the story to know about what happened to her and all the other people that she will meet and she had meet will have there promised day. The day they die.

Fahim_ahmed · Adolescente
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78 Chs

Light :Helpppp Meeee!!!!

Chapter 38

Ban thought to himself [You messed up this time. Not even I can help you if that happens]

Light replies to her like this :"If you didn't do it on purpose I will forgive you." He then uses his godly power to make himself dry, neat and clean again.

Natsumi remembers something she forgot and she replies to him (Light) like this :"You told me that every people who died in the living world either go to heaven or get a chance to reborn. And if they choose to go to heaven they will enter there own heaven. Which they will create or do anything in there.

Light replies to her like this :"Yes, I said that."

Natsumi asks him (Light) like this :"Then why I am in Ban's heaven?"

Light wasn't interested in answering her question. So he replies to her like this :"Ask that to Ban."

Natsumi looks at him (Ban). She looks at him weirdly with curious eyes. Ban felt a bit awkward by her looking at him like that. Though he replies to her question like this :"I am telling you. You don't have to look at me like that. I want to give this palace and this entire city to you."

Natsumi was surprised and shock. She yells at him (Ban) like this :"WHAT!?!?!!" She was also happy and gets excited after hearing that.

Ban puts both of his hands on both of his ears and close his ears cause it was really loud. He replies to her like this :"You didn't have to yell like that."

Natsumi was still surprised. She was really so much happy that she couldn't believe what she was hearing. She asks him like this :"Are you serious?"

Ban replies to her like this :"Yes." She gets more happier than ever. She smiles a brilliant and beautiful smile. Eh continues his reply to her like this:"At first I thought that I should give you the wasteland that you saw when you arrived in heaven through the gate. But later on I thought that since I am the substitute God and have godly power that you don't have I might as well give this entire palace and the city to you. There is even a museum consist of all the great people who died and a zoo of all the animals and birds of all the different worlds."

Natsumi hugs him. She was so happy that she hugged him in impulse. The heaven that he just he gift her was more beautiful than any scenery or palace she ever thought of. It was more beautiful than the heaven she thought she would go if she died. The excitement of seeing, hearing and learning all of the things in this heavens of her made her even more happier.

Ban didn't mind her hugging him. She wasn't hugging him to tightly or roughly. He asks her like this ;"What you guys were talking about when I left?"

She heard his question and was about to reply to his question. But instead of her Light replies to him like this :"I was telling her how I am the greatest being and the supreme being. And also how to praise my glorious name in the best and most blessing way." He continues to his (Light) reply to him by asking him like this :"Do you want to hear it?"

Ban replies to him like this :"No, I am fine cause I already know that." After he said that to him (Light) he thought to himself [I don't wanna hear that thing ever again. It took more than three days just to tell me how to praise you properly and in the best way. It was a good thing interrupting them talking or who knows how long she would have listened to him and goes mad. I only listen for ten minutes though then I fall into sleep.]

Light laughs and replies to him like this :"Haha! That's a shame then. I thought I could say it again to you." He was sweating as he was telling him (Ban) that. Natsumi knew that he was lying since she was with him all this time. She also didn't have a clue of how to praise him in the most blessing way. Though she didn't care about that.

She tries to reply to him (Ban) and said him the truth. She stops hugging him and she looks at him. When she looks at him she realizes that there face is very close to each other and that she was hugging him all this time. She blushes and gets embarrassed. She gets of him right away. He understands that she didn't do it knowingly but rather on impulse. He laughs a awkward laugh like this :"Hahah..."

She puts both of her hands on her face and hide her embarrassed face. She thought to herself [What did I do?]

Light gets close to her. He whispers this into her ears like this :"Don't tell him. He doesn't want anyone to know his past neither does he want anybody to know how long he was a substitute God or the saviour of your world. If you tell him that I told you about all of this he will beat the shit out of me. He might also take that part of your memory." He trembles and shivers in scare of him (Ban).

Natsumi replies to him (Light) quietly like this :"Ok. I won't tell him about that." After she said that to him (Light) she thought to herself [Why are trembling and shivering? Aren't you the supreme God? He must be really stupid to shiver like this even though he is supposed to be way stronger than him.]

Ban saw them talking quietly and Light whispering into her ears. He gets curious over what they are whispering about. He asks her like this :"What are you guys whispering about?"

They heard that. Light startles as soon as he heard that. Natsumi uses her right hand's index finger and point her index finger towards herself. She then asks him (Ban) like this :"Are you asking me?"

Ban replies to her like this :"Yes, I was asking you."

She starts panicking as soon as she heard that from him. She didn't know what to say. She can't say the truth cause I'd she say the truth Ban might steal that part of her memory or Light might throw her into the hell. She couldn't come up with a great excuse or thing that might convince him.

She told him what just came to her mind. She replies to him (Ban) like this :"He just whispers me that you are a playboy that play with girls feelings and dump them in the most horrible way. And I was just disagreeing with him." She was sweating while saying this to him.

Ban wasn't amused by her reply. He looked like as if he is surprised and not amused at the same time. Light face turns pale and blue. He shivers one more time. Natsumi wasn't sure if that convinced him. She thought to herself [Did that convince him? Or will he figured out that it is a lie? If it doesn't convince him or believe it then I might as well entered the hell.]

Light thought to himself after hearing that from her [Is that a best idea you come up with? Also when did I said that he is a playboy.] He starts sweating so fast and continues his thought to himself [Do want me to die?]

Ban replies to him with a sadistic smile on his face like this :"I see. Don't worry I am not that kind of person. I only love one person. Though she might be not in here now. So I won't play with your feeling." He grabs Light's shoulder and walk forward him. He then said this to him like this :"Come with me."

Light shivers one more time. He thought to himself [I am doomed.]

He (Ban) then walks to the room's door while grabbing his shoulder. He (Light) tries to resist him Light was trying get him of from his (Ban) hand. But ban looks at him with scary eyes. Light gets scared. He felt feared. Fear of losing of his limbs and legs. He stops resisting against him (Ban). He thought to himself [This is my end but] He looks at Natsumi with scary eyes and continues his thought to himself [I will see you later!] She saw that looks in his eyes and understand what he tried to tell him.

Ban opens the door and leaves the room. All the time while grabbing his shoulder hardly. Right after he leaves the room he (Ban) turns back and looks at her. He replies to her with a smile on his face like this :"This is your palace now. You can do whatever you want to do now. Also you don't need to worry about what will happen to him. He won't try to do anything funny or stupid towards you. So you may do whatever you want to do. I shall take my leave. Goodbye."

While leaving he was dragging Light with him. While being dragged Light said this to her like this :"Help me! I promise I won't do anything to you! I will make a pyramid just for you! No wait! I will make a greater Palace than this for you!!! Just help me! Helpppppppp meeee!" He closes the door.

She thought to herself [I am sorry. But I had no there choice since you yourself told me. Like people say you reap what you sow.] She starts walking while thinking to herself [What I shall do then? So many things happened. I can't think properly. All of this is amazing, surprising, unbelievable and all of it at once happened. I can't think anymore it makes my head painful. I am tired after all. I should just sleep] She falls into the bed